eric buxton

A dream come true: FZ fan Eric Buxton followed the '88 band around the East Coast, got to know most of the personnel, and was finally invited on stage with the band to perform the "Twilight Zone" soliloquy in Jesus Thinks You're A Jerk. The result of that moment: Eric provided vocal for Broadway The Hard Way.

He also took part in the Zappa's Universe project.



frank zappa: broadway the hard way
   (1988, 2lp, usa, barking pumpkin)


random notes

     From: David Vincent Halpern (
Who is Eric Buxton, from "Jesus Thinks You're a Jerk", off of Broadway The Hard Way?

     From: Andre' (
     Date: 21 Mar 1998  
Eric Buxton is a died in the wool freak from Long Island... i met him on line at 6am in late 87, outside the beacon theatre in NYC, to buy zappa tickets. It was freezing, he had a simple windbreaker on, and had arrived on a motorcycle, with a bag of fritos and a huge pepperoni stick. we dubbed him insane immediately, and for the duration of the tour, we called him 'the pepperoni dude' ("we" is Andre and Dave, if you check out the Wash DC Feb '88 bootlegs, we're the guys who bring the sign about the PMRC up to frank, and crack his ass up!!)
Eric was at like, a million shows that tour, he followed the band around, basically. he would be there early enuf to weasel his way in to soundchex, etc. at a few shows (on boots) you can hear FZ intro him from the stage...
finally they dragged him up there to do the soliloquy in "Jesus thinks....."
He also reprised the spoken part in the video of "Zappa's Universe".
He shows up at most of the NYC/Long Island gigs i do with my FZ Celebratory Band/Thing (Project/Object)- just saw him last night and he brought us some lovely FZ face stickers (he's a printer by trade). He thrives on Zappa music, on Long Island (must be the water there - Vai and Keneally are both LI'ers....)
we played the whole joe's garage last was sick...a sold out crowd at the lions den in NYC....insane. Ike Willis was BURNING on guitar, just shredding!!!! if you're in the Jersey area, we have one more date of our 11-show run, tonite at the brighton bar in longbranch. info, pix, dates, etc at

     From: Patrick Neve
I've never seen them, but apparantly Eric took part in a series of Zappa interviews.  In Society Pages issues 1-3, entitled "They're Doing The Interview Of The Century", parts 1-3, conducted by Den Simms, Rob Samler, and Eric Buxton.

He recited the "Imagine If You Will" monologue of "Jesus Thinks You're A Jerk" during the first Zappa's Universe show, captured for eternity on the video release.

He's Mentioned in The Best Band You Never Heard in Your Life version of Zomby Woof. (apparantly he has large feet.)

     From: DartheadNY (
Did you notice in Zomby Woof on the best band cd "my right foots bigger than my other one is like a regular Buxton hoof"?  Eric Buxtons got a size 15 foot.
I've seen Ike with Project Object 3 times now and its a great show.  Don't miss it. Ed Palermo usually shows up to play with them and Warrens brother has jammed with them also. Eric Buxton is always in the house too.

     From: ZappaZappa (
     Date: 1 Apr 1998 
Anyone how wants to meet Eric or talk to him can find him at Kelseys pub in Levittown, N.Y. on Sunday afternoons . He hangs out there alot and comes in every Sunday. 2 Zappa cd's on the juke box.

Here's Eric and Den Simms grilling Frank about the finer points in "Wind Up Workin' In A Gas Station":
From Society Pages #1 Interview with Frank Zappa pt. 1 12/22/89:

From: DartheadNY (
Subject: Zappameister

I recently had the pleasure to suck down a few beers with the Dynamic Eric Buxton,  and while we were sitting there bullshitting i was staring behind the bar at the Jagermeister cooler they had. It has bottles of Jagermeister inserted upside down into it and you can pour chilled shots from it. All of a sudden I saw Franks face on the label. I said "Holy shit there's Frank" and without even telling Eric what I was looking at, he looked in the same direction and saw it also.
Check it out and see what you think, hold the bottle upside down and stare at the reindeer. I say whoever made the reindeer label for that booze was a Zappa fan.



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