- rolling stone
(1970, usa, ??) featuring an article on the captain

- new musical express 1980/11
(1980, uk, ??)
- british music mag. it
featured a beefheart special.
- conjunction no.3
(1982, usa, conjunctions)
- Issue number three of Conjunctions magazine featured a Don Van
Vliet painting on the cover and included a couple of drawings
and fourpoems:
- hollow smoke
- popplin' gas hearts
- the smith that cleans our stars
- dopedinstunnedmirages

- artforum 1983/02
(1983, ??, ??) = art magazine

- option - july/august 1985
(1985/07, mag, usa, sonic options network)
- this american music magazine carried a 3-page article by scott
"in search of captain beefheart - the enigma behind the
- damp no.5
(1990/winter, mag, usa, kevin kraynick)
- an american music magazine. this issue is a
beefheart special.
a beefheart poll
a phone call to don
a quizz (by henry kaiser)
a special issue of the duplex planet illustrated
by david greenberger
a zoot horn rollo interview (by scott colby)

- kunstforum no.112
(1991/04, germany)
- April 1991, Kunstforum published the first part of its
"Outside USA" special. It featured a 8-page article
with lots of pictures of paintings:
"Don Van Vliet: Das Organlose Leben", Paolo Bianchi
& Robert Fleck.
- acc'enten
(2000/12, belgian magazine)
- = incl. a 3-page article on the
rockin' art expo.

- oor
- december 2001
(2001, magazine, nl)
= 5-page piece on beefheart, cb
interviewed by bono
- this 'x-mas' edition of oor, a dutch music magazine, has been
compiled by anton corbijn. the mag has a 5-page piece on
beefheart: don van vliet interviewed by bono.

- mojo
- april 2002
(2002, magazine, uk)
the mag has a 5-page piece on beefheart: don van
vliet interviewed by bono -
compiled by anton corbijn.
this was taken from the 'x-mas' edition of oor (december 2001), a dutch music

- mojo
- november 2005
(2005, magazine, uk)

- the wire - february 2011 - no.324
(2011, magazine, uk)
- The February issue of THE WIRE (#324) featured a couple of Captain Beefheart tributes, including a comic strip by Savage Pencil, a poem by Byron Coley and some insider Magic Band knowledge from Gary Lucas).
