deninzon & stratospheerius
guilty of innocence
2017 | cd | usa | melodic revolution records mrrcd22140 |
recorded at studio x (ridgewood, nj) and the deninzoo (dumont, nj)
joe deninzon: viper 7-string electric violin, lead vocals,
acoustic guitar, mandolin
jamie bishop: electric bass, vocals
aurelien budynek: guitars, vocals
lucianna padmore: drums, percussion
benny koonyevsky: percussion 1, 2, 3, 4
rave tesar: synth 6 piano 10
melanie mitrano: soprano 5, 10
alex skolnick: guitar 10
randy mcstine: guitar, background vocals 10
patrice jackson: cello 10
eddie venegas: acoustic violin 10
earl maneein: viola 10
leo grinhauz: cello 10
produced by joe deninzon
all compositions by joe deninzon, except where noted