peter görs

Peter Görs is one of the founding fathers of the Zappanale festival.

He's editor of the Arf Dossier, the Arf Society's magazine, and plays the guitar in Zappnoise and in the String Trash Project.



the string trash project and the american-european mothers of music: zappa spielt für bach
    (2014, cd, ger, stiftung johann-sebastian) - incl. frank zappa compositions

zappaspieltfurbach2014_cd.jpg (32270 bytes)

  string trash project: zappanale exhibition july 17, 2014 - kamp theater july 20, 2014
    (2015, dvdr, ger, rr production zapp-e-dvd016) - incl. various frank zappa compositions

stringtrashproject_20140717_dvdr.jpg (36574 bytes)




the others of invention



 c   d   e   f   g   h   i   j   k   l   m 
 n   o   p   q   r   s   t   u   v   w   x   y   z
soundtracks various artists