
The Jazzwerkstatt is forum for a group of musicians from Vienna. The last couple of months, they've performed some Zappa:

JAZZWERKSTATT: Salesny, Schabata & Preuschl
2005/07/01 concert vienna, austria

Clemens Salesny (as, bcl), Woody Schabata (vib) & Raphael Preuschl (b) performed Zappa's 'Twenty Small Cigars'.

2005/07/03 concert 'porgy & bess', vienna, austria

explained by Hasi:

a Jazzmesse is something like a matinee, as this concert started at about 11 a.m. on a sunday, which is usually the time that the religious performances in churches take place, and Messe is the German word for their ritual.


- info: Hasi


the others of invention



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soundtracks various artists