bonte koe records
- eggmen: lemoncurry
(2005, cd, nl, bonte koe bkr 001)
- various artists:
monster 01
(2005, cd, nl, bonte koe bkr 002)
- rosa ensemble
& hans dagelet: selling hoovers in mojave
(2005, cd, nl, bonte koe bkr 003)- incl. various beefheart & zappa
- in julia's mind scene: in julia's mind scene
(200?, lp, nl, bonte koe bkr 004)
- orange: mtv
(200?, cd, nl, bonte koe bkr 005)
- durk attaturk: grijze verborgen materie
(200?, free download & cdr, nl, bonte koe bkr 006)
- rosa ensemble: the
blind spot
(2006, cd, nl, bonte koe bkr 007)
- in julia's mind scene: a collection of suns & moons from around
the world
(2006, cd, nl, bonte koe bkr 008)
- various artists:
monster 02
(2006, cd, nl, bonte koe bkr 009)