new releases
dan bäckman: sjunger jan
banan (& nio andra lägereldsklassiker) (2002, cd, swe, sony / epic epc 510166 2) - incl. 'jan banan' (= 'bobby brown') (frank zappa)
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dan bäckman: jan banan (2002, cdsingle, swe, sony / epic epc 673178 1) - incl. 'jan banan' (= 'bobby brown') (frank zappa)
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another frank zappa bootleg (2cd) is released: "santa monica's
teenage prostitute", released by moustache's magic music, digipack and soundboard. it has the 1981/12/11 early show concert in the santa monica civic auditorium. it features lisa popeil on superb vocals, nicholas slonimsky on improvised piano parts, craig "twister" stewart on harmonica and ahmet zappa on dancing. -- info: hans-peter schmidt frank zappa: santa monica's teenage prostitute
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the other moustache's magic music release isa called "happy
halloween 1978". i mentioned this bootleg a couple of issues
ago. this one has the complete superb 1978/10/31 halloween show on 3 discs. wowie zowie. l.shankar on violin and uncle frank on heavy guitar. great show ! |
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lisa loeb: cake and pie (2002, cd, usa, a&m records 493 242-2) - feat.dweezil zappa, lala sloatman, joe travers
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the residents' latest is called "eskimo surround sound dvd"
-- info: ralphamerica
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a message from john trubee:
Cowboy Versus The Gadabout Candyass | Delusional, Paranoid Quote For The Day |
In all life's battles and struggles there are winners and losers. The winners don't cry--they don't need to. The losers do. The winners can often be sociopaths, stomping on everyone else, unaware of and unable to feel the pain they cause the losers. The losers brood or plot revenge or take solace in booze or cry or go to counseling. Or fly airplanes into the WTC. You don't see victorious, masterful people crying on a couch. They got what they wanted. We should all get what we want--or get it often enough to feel generally happy and good about ourselves. My objective is to continue becoming stronger and quicker in my responses in life so I become more masterful and a winner in life's struggles rather than a touchy-feelie sob sister with a thousand heavy and crippling regrets. The mythical cowboy--solitary, strong, masterful, taciturn, resilient, self-reliant, fiercely independent-- strongly appeals to me. The new type of person more valued in modern life today-- the team-player, gadabout, promiscuous socializer, glad-hander, political manipulator, back-slapper, insincere charmer, craven sycophant, currier of favors, parasite, conniver, schemer, weakling candyass, corporate butt-kisser, ambitious in the bad sense, acquisitive, status-monger, overly concerned with the good opinion of others-- is a repugnant type to me. I find these qualities to be repellant and characteristic of weak personal character. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Please challenge the above statement if you are so inclined. Withering criticism of my expressions will help me to hone & buttress my vicious arguments, making me the most subversive motherfucker I long to be. Thanks for tolerating my bullshit. Love, Trubee |
"If you utter the truth about things they will chase you out and exile you; they need to keep their con games flourishing." --John Trubee John Trubee PO Box 4921 Santa Rosa Ca 95402 USA "A junkyard dog staked to a short chain chasing himself in tight circles of sorrow and madness." |
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corrie van binsbergen will be performing with CVB4, her latest quartet:
(late, i know, but i try to get a newsletter out every week and i get these
messages only a couple of days in advance...)
Corrie van Binsbergen - gitaar
Pieter Jan Cramer - accordion, piano
Ernst Glerum - bas
Nout Ingen Housz - drums
17 januari Paradox, Tilburg (21:30)
20 januari Wilhelmina, Eindhoven (21:30)
23 januari Mahogany Hall, Edam (21:00)
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morgan ågren has a new video out,
called "trum". flyer says: this video consists of the music live
from the new cd "on air with guests". additional features are an
interview (in swedish) with, and demonstrations by morgan ågren.
-- info: g&s
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jimmie d. has info on the forthcoming project/object tour:
Confirmed dates so far:
with Ike Willis, Napoleon Murphy Brock and Don Preston
Performing The Music Of Frank Zappa
Ike Willis - (Ld Voc/Gtr)
Napoleon Murphy Brock - (Ld Voc/Sax, Flute)
Don Preston - (Keys/Synth)
André Cholmondeley (gtr/voc)
Dave Johnsen (bass)
Glenn Leonard (drums)
Date City
3/6 Northampton, MA Iron Horse
3/7 Trenton, NJ The
3/8 Falls Church, VA State Theatre
3/9 Pittsburgh, PA Club Cafe
3/10 Pittsburgh, PA Club Cafe
3/14 Chicago, IL
3/15 Chicago, IL Martyrs
3/19 Asheville, NC Stella Blue
3/21 Atlanta, GA Variety Theatre
3/22 Charlotte, NC Visulite Theatre
3/23 Carrboro, NC Cat's Cradle
3/28 Buffalo, NY Tralf Music Hall
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"fz:oz" is now available for UK £ 20.25 (to yurrip) or 22.25
-- info: g&s
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sugercane harris' 1970 album "sugercane" has been re-issued on
cd. it also features shuggie otis!
-- info: g&s
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i ordered my copy of the latest elliot ingber album in japan a couple of
weeks ago. and now it looks like i'm not the only one who found a
copy :-)
Elliot Ingber/The 4
Japanese release of songs recorded by Elliot between 1967-1995 with Larry
Taylor-guitar, Johnny Dyer-harmonica, Phil Parker-drums, John Orvis-vocal,
Richie Hayward-drums, Ira Ingber-guitar,bass,drums.
Tracks: Rails, Rails B, Amma, Boppin’ Rockin’ Baby, Rroom, Flying Low, Dove,
Oobie Doobie Woman, Gingerwail, Bop On Down The Line, Trone, A Bit Blue, No
Excuse Me, We Don’t Feed No Livestock Here.
-- info: leo klienbannink
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another new release:
Missing Persons/Lost Tracks (enhanced cd)
Compilation cd put together by Warren Cuccurullo after a one-time reunion
concert in 2001. The archival edition with rare (live) material. Tracks: Mental
Hopscotch acid samba remix, Dark & Dangerous Guy, Bad Streets, Action
Reaction, Throw Money, Words, None of Your Business, Face to Face, Rock &
Roll Suspension, Give, Hair & Kiss & Makeup, Dark & Dangerous Guy,
Centerfold Girl, On Vacation.
-- info: leo klienbannink
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new band to check out: shadowgraphic city. haven't seen or heard
them, but as it includes mauro pawlowski...
listen to cucamonga radio on monday night and find out about
their latest release.
also in real audio:
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mike keneally is featured in andy west's latest album:
Andy West with RAMA/RAMA 1
Solo album by Andy West [Tubes/The Mistakes]. All songs co-written by Mike
Keneally [also guitar synths and vocals] and Rod Morgenstein (drums), Jonathan
Mover (drums), Mike Portnoy (drums), Toshi Iseda (guitar), Jens Johansson
(keys/synths), Tom Lavitz (keys/synths), Kit Watkins (keys/synths). For Keneally
and Mistakes fans.
-- info: leo klienbannink
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i think i mentioned it before, but here's a link to a fine article about the
next zappa release:
jimmie d. says:
"Cool link to the details of the 5.1 project."
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there's a new zappalinks page at:
<a href=""></a>
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three new king crimson releases !!
"ladies of the road", "the power to believe" and "happy
with what you have to be happy with".
-- info: g&s
and while i was at it, i added a king crimson discography as well.
if you see anything that's missing, let me know.
-- info: danny mathys
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the latest weather report album is
a 2cd set, filled with various live recordings from 1975 - 1983. it
features chester thompson.
-- info: g&s
and i added a weather report discography - corrections welcome.
-- info: danny mathys
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terry bozzio has a new album out,
it's a collaboration with billy sheenan called "nine short films"
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morgan ågren: trum
(2002, video, sweden, ??) - feat. mats öberg
don 'sugarcane' harris: sugarcane
(1970, lp, ??, ??) - featuring shuggie
report: live and
(2002, 2cd, ??, ??) - feat.chester thompson
terry bozzio & billy sheehan: nine
short films
(200?, cd, ??, ??)
lot's of news next time, my mailbox is loaded...
talk again to you soon,