brokstukken (6)
2000 | cd | nl | private release |
corrie van binsbergen: gitaar
beatrice van der poel: vocals en backing vocals
bob fosko: vocals en backing vocals
wouter planteydt: gitaar, vocals en backing vocals
dionys breukers: keyboards, hammond, piano & sampling
hans hasebos: (midi)marimba & percussie
angelo verploegen: trompet & flugelhorn
david rothschild: trombone
frans blanker: altsax, sopraansax & bariton sax
rutger van otterloo: altsax, sopraansax & baritonsax
barend middelhof: tenor sax
hein offermans: fender bas
arend niks: drums
vera van der poel: vocal 10
1999/02/01 concert 'bimhuis', amsterdam, the netherlands
(1 - 5, 10)
'studio 150', amsterdam, the netherlands (6, 7)
1997/11/27 concert 'de kade', zaandam, the netherlands
(8, 9)
1997/01/24 cocert 'het patronaat', haarlem, the
netherlands (11)
produced by corrie van binsbergen