drei vom rhein

Drei Vom Rhein is a German band that performs "Drei vom Rhein play Uncle Frank", playing the music of Frank Zappa.

  • Pit Hupperten - lead vocal, guitar
  • Alex Vesper - drums, backing vocal
  • Helmuth Fass - bass, backing voacal
  • Werner Neumann - leadguitar, backing vocal


The picture on the right was taken from Werner Neumann's site:


Drei vom Rhein was scheduled to take part in the 2007 edition of the Zappanale festival, but unfortunately, that didn't happen.

The band did perform at Zappanale in 2015.
Werner Neumann is also a part of Stefan Hüfner's Zappata project.



  drei vom rhein: s/t
    (1993, cd, ger, mons records)
  drei vom rhein: starke gesten
    (????, cd, ger, mons records)
  drei vom rhein: almata gogo
    (????, cd, ger, private release)
  drei vom rhein: sumo
    (????, cd, ger, g-records)
  drei vom rhein: plays uncle frank
    (2007, cd, ger, g-records) - all compositions by frank zappa
dvr_playsunclefrank.jpg (17678 bytes)
  drei vom rhein: francesco
    (2015, cd, ger, g-records) - incl. various frank zappa compositions and a tribute
dvr_francesco.jpg (18954 bytes)
  drei vom rhein: zappanale 26
    (2015, dvdr, ger, arf society) - incl. various frank zappa compositions
dvr_zappanale2015_dvdr.jpg (15420 bytes)
various artists: zappanale # 26
    (2016, 3cd, ger, arf society) - incl. various frank zappa compositions, feat. napoleon murphy brock, ike willis, denny walley, jeff hollie, craig twister steward, ed mann, robert martin, albert wing, ray white, tom fowler, robbie mangano, mats öberg

varart_zappanale26.jpg (27415 bytes)





the others of invention



 c   d   e   f   g   h   i   j   k   l   m 
 n   o   p   q   r   s   t   u   v   w   x   y   z
soundtracks various artists