
"Based in Asheville NC, Grounded is André Cholmondeley, guitar, & Brett Spivey, bass. They both use looping, synths, samplers and the like. Usually a duo, they also play live as a trio with drummer James Wilson, or collaborate in mash-ups with groups like Balloon Animal Farm. Their focus is instrumental, experimental music ranging from ambient to full on noise & chaos."


  grounded: a clear road to everywhere
    (2012, download, usa, bandcamp) = andré cholmondeley and brett spivey
grounded_aroadtoeverywhere.jpg (41743 bytes)





 c   d   e   f   g   h   i   j   k   l   m 
 n   o   p   q   r   s   t   u   v   w   x   y   z
soundtracks various artists