bobby tangney

In his March 2017 newsletter, Hardy Fox says :
Much like The Residents, the Delta Nudes never existed.  It was a loose assortment of people who got together and made noise, and never bothered with a name.  The name was added only recently out of needing a convenient way to designate the time period.
But found in that group were the people who were to become The Residents, the man who would later become Snakefinger, and a handful of other regulars :


Bobby Tangney
The Teenager

One of the critical ring leaders was a young guitar player named Bobby Tangney. He was younger by six or seven years, which would have made him a teenager at the time.  He loved the music and the energy. He was bursting with ideas and plans.
But fate had other ideas for Bobby.  He fell in with a bad crowd and we lost him to drugs.  We lost contact with him decades ago but I heard he had cleaned up and was living in the California foothills. The filmmakers for The Theory of Obscurity were aware but could not locate him.  That was too bad as he was, perhaps, the most important support person during the difficult beginning years.




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