![]() |
updated december 01, 02, 03, 09, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 & 31, 2008 | ||
please send additions & corrections to bignOte@yucom.be |
short bits: * * * |
Let's make it clear to the ZFT that we don't agree with how they're dealing with zappa devoted websites, bands that play zappa's music and festivals where they play zappa's music.
We endorse the Aggressive Action by the Zappa Family Trust Petition to Zappa Family Trust. Read the Aggressive Action by the Zappa Family Trust Petition --- |
--- latest news on the ZFT's lawsuit against the Arf Society &
Zappanale ---
2008 11 16 Unglaublich
- aber wahr! Die Urteilsverkündung im Rechtsstreit ZFT ./. Arf-Society
e.V. ist auf Antrag der Gegenpartei nochmals verschoben worden. Nachdem
die Anwälte Gail Zappas dem Gericht mitgeteilt haben, dass " es zum
jetzigen Zeitpunkt recht aussichtsreich erscheint, zu einer außergerichtlichen
Einigung zu kommen, allerdings insoweit noch mehr Zeit benötigt
wird", hat das Gericht den Verkündungstermin nunmehr auf den 17.12.2008,
um 14.00 Uhr verlegt.
uns so kurz vor Weihnachten doch noch eine Überraschung ins Haus? Nimmt
Frau Zappa ihre nicht zu akzeptierenden Forderungen zurück? Oder ist dies
einfach nur Hinhaltetaktik weil man fürchtet das Gesicht zu verlieren? Lasst es einfach kommentarlos stehen - es lohnt sich einfach nicht hierzu unnötig Energien zu verschwenden! ------------------- A couple of months ago, it looked like the ZFT wanted to come to an agreement with the Arf Society. As for now, it looks like the ZFT could tolerate the Zappanale
festival, as long as the ZFT can say who can and who cannot play at
Zappanale... How about that... The result is that another court meeting has been scheduled: December 17 in Düsseldorf. to be continued - |
short bits | |
Glauvo Venier has a new
album out entitled "Suona Frank Zappa" on which he performs the
music of Frank Zappa. It should be out, as it was announced for the end of
September. * * * There's a new triple vinyl bootleg set out. It's called "Great Wazoo - Advance". It's out on the Hoffman label, and it's limited to 30 copies. It's the Berlin 1972 show. * * * The new Zappa album has been delayed * * * http://www.zappa.com/whatsnew/index.html * * * |
don't know... It's something new... Let's give it a shot...
2008 12 31 | |
I received this great card from Nikolai. |
Contemporary composer Pekka Pohjola passed away on 2008/11/27. He was said
to be influended by Frank Zappa.
-- info: Jan van Kemenade |
a message from URR:
2008 12 28 Tour succes Despite all the
'challenges' presented to us the 08 Christmas tour was an amazing success... we
did about 2000 miles and got about 20,000 smiles... everyone was just great and
the shows were a total blast, Ike was awesome and on Saturday 12/20 we were an
actual licensed Zappa band!!! we learned a lot from the legal aspect such as we
can keep the name Ugly Radio Rebellion with no legalities and we can also
promote our shows by saying we play the music of Frank Zappa... we did our 100th
show on 12/18 in Greensboro, NC and was a milestone for us to be proud of... the
whole band played their asses off and we are all looking forward to continue
playing the music we love for people who love to hear it... thanks to EVERYONE
for all their help and support!!!
2008 12 30 | |
Here's some more added data for the Flat Earth Society. | |
flat earth society: live at the beursschouwburg
1999 (2000, cd, bel, viakra stage 3 - 692006 5) |
flat earth society: bonk (2000, cd, bel, zonk) - incl. 'skinny', 'the electrocutioner' (the residents) |
flat earth society: trap (2002, cd, bel, zonk!006) |
flat earth society: the armstrong mutations (2003, cd, bel, zonk!008) |
flat earth society: isms (2004, cd, bel, ipecac) - compilation by mike patton |
flat earth society: psychoscout (2006, cd, bel, bonk / crammed discs) |
2008 12 29 | |
Pontiak is
made up of three brothers from the Blue Ridge farm country of Virginia,
Van (guitar, lead vocals), Lain (drums, vocals) and Jennings Carney (bass,
organ, vocals). Their music is swaggering guitar rock that straddles the
line between a power trio and something far more expansive in sound and
Pontiak performed Captain Beefheart's 'Her Eyes Are A Blue Million Miles' in concert at the Illini Union Courtyard Cafe in Urbana, IL, usa. Picture below was taken by Rhinowing at the 2008/09/18 concert.
- Gianluca Petrella & Cosmic Band performed a set of Sun Ra tunes on the 2008 edition of the Umbria Jazz Festival, at the Teatro Morlacchi, Perugia, Italy, on saturday 12th July 2008. FM broadcast by "RADIO3 SUITE - FESTIVAL DEI FESTIVAL", Radio Tre RAI [third channel of italian national radio], on monday 21 July 2008.
from the info over at DimeADozen: "This is clearly a project that, also philosophically, owes a lot to Sun Ra. But everything is very melodic, very musical, very lirycal, and every ingredient is very well mixed. Indeed there is a typical italian musicality.. there's no free jazz madness, all is enjoyable and easy to assimilate, and the electronics bits are just a part of the whole. Of course this is close to Burnt Sugar Orchestra or Nublu, where shibusaShirazu are a lot more unpredictable, but I feel this italian lot are better..
-- Appearantly, the broadcast wasn't perfect as the taper mentions some
glitches and skips on the original broadcast. Here's a YouTube sample of the Umbria Jazz Festival performance |
Gianluca Petrella & Cosmic Band - in concert in Rome, 2008/04/26
- Auditorium Parco della Musica 26/04/08
2008 12 28 | |
- In 2007, the Milano Musica Festival (september 28 - november 4 2007) was dedicated to the figure of John Cage. Eleven shows and four conferences were organized to present the music, the writings and thoughts of this 20th century composer. Not only the music of John Cage was performed. During the concert of
the Divertimento Ensemble at the 'Auditorium' in Milan on 2007/10/01,
Frank Zappa's 'G-Spot Tornado' got played. This was the second concert of the festival: --------------------- RADIO3 SUITE - IL CARTELLONE Personnel:
- Keller & The Keels performed Frank Zappa's 'Dancin' Fool' in concert on 2008/05/25 in Mills River, NC, USA. - |
François Dréno (violin) & François Bodin (acoustic
guitar) performed a couple of Frank Zappa compositions at 'Le Passage vers les étoiles', Cité Joly,
in Paris, France on 2008/07/06.
The Ensemble Ascolta recently performed in the UK. Here are Ob's notes of the concert: Eric Borgir - Cello, Electric Cello
-- picture & info by Ob |
Burger and the Beasts performed at the Zappateers meeting in
Bradford on Avon (in the UK) on 2008/11/15. They played a bunch of Zappa
Burger Simon on bass The setlist: Chunga's Revenge [3 Hours Past Midnight is by Johnny Guitar Watson, La Grange is by Billy Gibbons, Dusty Hill & Frank Beard, Whipping Post is by Gregg Allman, The Funky FZ Jam and The Mitch and Jimmy Tribute is by the Burger and the Beasts, Outro Chile has a hint of Jimi Hendrix, All others by Frank Zappa] -- info: zappateers site |
Boud Deun performed Frank Zappa's 'Andy' in concert on 1996/09/14 at the 'Orion Studios' in Baltimore, MD, USA. Shawn Persinger - guitar discography Boud Deun: Fiction and Several Days (1995)
Have you heard of, or seen these?... Frank Zappa's
music performed at the Israel Festival in Jerusalem in 1997. It's a series of 10 little movies! Who do you recognise? Ike Willis, Tommy Mars, ... Who's conducting? Is this Joel Thome? That's Mike Miller on guitar, and Morgan Agren on drums... In one of my lists, I have a date for The Ban(ne)d from Utopia performing in Israel on 1997/06/12, with the Shalom Bsal Orchestra? It looks like a TV broadcast !! Does anyone know the person who is upping this at youtube? Wowie zowie... This looks great... |
I saw this little youtube snippet over at the Stadsradio Breda site... |
a bit too late with this, but chances are good that the Stadsradio Breda
will putting some mp3s up on their site so that we can still listen to
this broadcast:
2008/12/14 "Zappa Radio Avond",
Zappa's "Joe's Menage" album has been bootlegged on vinyl:
2008 12 27 | |
The promo edition of Lumpy Money has been spotted on ebay (and fetched a
staggering US $ 248.00); but it does look good, doesn't it... |
a new Frank Zappa bootleg CD out: "It Conquered The World" The
"Great Wazoo" 3LP bootleg has been seen in split wax: one half of the record is green or red or blue and the
other half is marbled wax. Another
3LP bootleg box has been assambled: "No Question". It's 3-LP-set + 1 EP tracklist:
* portland, oregon 12-9-1972 This one has been released as a colour vinyl set, and as a multi-colour vinyl set. The
above mentioned EP has been made available seperately, in 5 different colours: -- info: Hans-Peter |
A couple of days ago, between all the Sun Ra albums, I added info on the
Zappa bootleg DVD "200 Motels".
I received a bit of extra info from Thomas Marrot who told me that this 'plastic box' release is from 2008 (and not from 2004 as I thought it was). So it should have read:
-- info: Thomas Marrot |
Juha Pouttu, who runs the impressive www.jukeboxshop.net, added a bit of extra info to the "zappa books" section:
zappa äänitteillä - esittelevä diskografia
1961-1995 by heikki poroila
and heikki karjalainen = a 380 page , soft cover book, written in finnish
-- info: Juha Pouttu |
You can find some extra info about the book on Avo's superb site: http://afka.net/Books/poroila.htm
Besides the above mentioned book, a supplement got published in 1996: the supplement one by heikki poroila =
released in september 1996 as a supplement to "zappa
äänitteillä - esittelevä diskografia 1961-1995"; -- info: Juha Pouttu |
Mark Harp resided in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. He started playing music in 1969 and has contributed to numerous LPs, EPs, singles and compilation tracsk. He also recorded a couple of Frank Zappa compositions over the years. And also a Residents track.
The latter two appeared on the Zappa Surf compilation that got compiled by Alan Jenkins. It got released in 2004. December 3rd 2004, Mark Harp passed away after a sudden and catostrophic illness. The picture on the right is taken from the below mentioned website: If you go to the markharp website, be sure to take a look at "24 hours of Mark Harp" where you can actually download 24 hours of music by Mark Harp !! -- info: Brandon Welch |
- Must be getting old... forgot to mention the site where you can order Scott Parker's excellent book: http://www.scottparkerbooks.com/ - |
2008 12 26 | |
the zappa supplement one: a box of history and the mud shark saga by scott parker
Popeil, who you should know as one of the vocalists on Frank Zappa's
"Ship Arriving Too Late To Save A Drowning Witch", is a famous
voice coach nowadays.
She'll be giving another sessions, called "The Total Singer Workshop", on February 14 - 16, 2009, in Los Angeles.
2008 12 25 | |
Chrome Dreams has released "Frank Zappa And The Mothers Of Invention:
In The 1960s".
Haven't seen it yet, but it is said to include some old Mothers footage and a bunch of interviews. More info soon. |
The picture on the right shows Ed Palermo and Ike Willis during the
1997/08/16 concert of Project/Object at The Lion's Den.
A twenty something minute video recording of this concert recently got seeded at the Zappateers site. |
you ever hear of Shark, a Frank Zappa fanzine from Austria?
picture on the right should be the cover of the second issue, published in
January 1995. |
2008 12 25
Exactly one month ago, November 25, 2008, Canvas +, a belgian digital
tv channel, did a broadcast of a dEUS concert.
If don't know dEUS, you should really check them out.
It's about the best that Belgium has to offer.
2008 12 24 another day, another Sun Ra release to discover... and there's the new FZ Birthday Bundle as well. I'm not into iTunes and such, so it took me little while to download this and to burn it on a CD, but it's worth the effort and the money. |
- Recently broadcast on BBC2 and BBC4 (2008/11/01): 'Hotel California: LA from the Byrds to the Eagles', a documentary about how the artists from the Sunset Strip and Laurel Canyon changed the music scene. The program is all about folk music: The Byrds, Crosby, Stills and Nash, Joni Mitchell, Neil Young, etceteras. There's some comments by Pamela Des Barres, a short interview with Mark Volman, and a one second flash that shows Vito Paulekas during the riots, but not a word about the freak scene, the dancers, The Mothers, The Doors, ... Just the folk scene. True,
I didn't know that C, S, N & Y lived in Laurel Canyon; I didn't know
that The Troubadour was the place to be for all the folkies, and I didn't
know that the David Geffen (who started The Roxy) was a manager &
owned a record company. But I'd like to know so much more. - |
A new FZ Birthday Bundle has been released
http://www.zappa.com/fz/aaafnraa/2008aaafnraaa.html Tracklisting:
So there's a new entry at UM for this:
It's a pretty impressive little album. Don't hesitate. Buy it. |
- There
will be 6 parts about 1 hr each ( and of course it's in german language ).
http://www.phonostar.de/radiomagazin/radioprogramm/detail.php?id=1422&datum=2008-12-23 SWR2
stream: - -- info: DrZurkon, over at the Zappateers site |
2008 12 22 I started the day with a couple of hours of Neil Young. A video recording of the "Neil Young Night" from a couple of months ago on BBC4 TV. That was nice... And to get into the afternoon mood, I played some Sun Ra. The kids don't seem to mind. Well, not too much that is... |
The great Ronnie Cuber
performed with The Metropole Orchestra at the Bimhuis in Amsterdam, NL, on
December the 18th.
According to a review in Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant, Cuber played a
hell of a concert, but he only got to perform in the second set, and he
didn't get enough space fro soloing by Orchestra conductor Vince Mendoza. -- thanks to François Kneepkens for the info & the newspaper clipping |
- The
name of his band is Minor Authority. Here
are some links: His
record label and link to his free download "Nuttin' for Xmas" by
Minor Authority His
myspace: Check
it out. |
- Earlier today, I watched a recording of the "Neil Young Night" that got broadcast on BBC4 last 2008/10/31. I used to listen a lot to Neil Young when I was about fourteen or fifteen. Yes, ages ago :-) Watching these documentaries was a bit like going back in time. Thanks to JP for the DVD snail mail copy. I really enjoyed it.
2008 12 22 I've added a bit of Sun Ra data, listened to a fine Yellowjackets recording, and enjoyed Corrie van Binsbergen on television. I can imagine worse days... |
- I can't stop mentioning DimeADozen. Over at http://www.dimeadozen.org/ you can find live recordings of various great bands. Sure, you can find your extra Zappa stuff over at the Zappateers site, but when you want to check out Sun Ra or other jazz greats, or experimental or contemporary classical stuff, try out DAD. You won't find any officially released material over at Dime, but a lot of concerts and radio shows. My latest great find was the North Sea Jazz concert by The Yellowjackets and the Metropole Orchestra. 1996/07/13 The Yellowjackets and The Metropole Orchestra - concert "North Sea Jazz Festival 1996", 'Tuinpaviljoen', The Hague, The Netherlands If The Yellowjackets don't ring a bell, maybe mentioning Russell
Ferrante, Bob Mintzer, Jimmy Haslip and William Kennedy does. Superb. |
looks like The Central Scrutinizer Band did a last minut concert
yesterday. 2008
12 19 lançamento
do dvd: "Live
In São Paulo" comemorando
o aniversário de Frank Zappa. Domingo
dia 21 de dezembro, show
no Avenida Club, Av. Pedroso de Moraes 1036, Pinheiros,
tel.3814.7383,3031.3290, 21,00hs, ingressos 20,00 . O
dvd foi gravado dia 01/06/08 no Centro Cultural SP www.myspace.com/thecentralscrutinizerband - |
2008 12 20 The
show for 12/21 has been changed from The Magic Bag to Club Bart... for
additional info please contact either of the venues... Thanks
to everyone for all your help and support and for helping us play the
music we love for people that love to hear it... HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!
Kick off at 15.30 h !!! Part of this festival will be recorded by VPRO
Radio and will be broadcast on february 13 and 20 on jazz at vpro on Radio
6. - |
morning, Dutch VPRO television's "Vrije Geluiden" featured CRAM.
CRAM performed three pieces. The latest one was with Touria Hadraoui, with whom CRAM is doing a short tour.
The picture below shows Corrie van Binsbergen and Arend Nix during the "Vrije Geluiden" TV show. |
2008 12 21 - celebrating uncle frank's
birthday. I saw this great concert yesterday. The Flat Earth Society performed in Baarle Nassau, which is in The Netherlands, and although I live in Belgium, I consider this almost my backyard. So Flat Earth Society played in my backyard yesterday. Another fabulous concert was added to my december 2008 memories file. Really excellent. The band is preparing a new album. More on this later. I also had the chance to chat a bit with Pierre Vervloesem, extraordinary guitar player and weird noise provider for FES. We even talked about the other great December concert that the both of us attended: The Residents (in Leuven). It's a small world... Pierre has a new album out. More on this later. Good grief, I really enjoyed last night. Looking back on it, there's only one thing to say: frank zappa's music, spirit, influence or whatever you call it, is still very much alive. Long live the Flat Earth Society. Long live Frank Zappa. - see you tomorrow |
You're probably wondering why I haven't posted anything the last week. Well, first of all, I've been painting. Not that I wanted to go into competition with the JC Black & A Brown painting company, it's just that I recently finished the kids' rooms and I had promised them a pokémon on one of the walls. So here you go. |
It still needs a touch of red and yellow (for the flames from his tail). | |
You might have seen the below picture before. It's Frank Zappa on
Australian TV in 1973. Video copies of this broadcast have been around for
a while, but since last week, a fresh rip of a first generation copy is
available for download over at the Zappateers site:
1973/07/02 "Monday Conference", ABC TV, Sydney, Australia It includes music ('RDNZL') from the Melbourne concert from 1973/06/29
And here's some more. From the same source, another 1st generation copy:
1973/07/21 "Four Corners Documentary: Payola", ABC TV, Sydney, Australia The documentary included a concert fragment and an interview with Zappa on 'Payola', or how dj's get drugs in trade for airplay for certain bands... |
Part three in this trilogy: a 1st generation copy of "Get To
Know", an Australian ABC TV special on Frank Zappa, also from 1973.
1973/--/-- "Get To Know", ABC TV, Sydney, Australia This special included fragments of the 1973/06/26 rehearsal of the Zappa band in Sydney: 'Fifty-fifty', 'Farther Oblivion (Be Bop Tango)' and 'Cucamonga' |
Still rumours, but it looks like the 20th anniversary issue of the
Zappanale festival will be the one that you definitely should attend...
might see and hear Napoleon
Murphy Brock, Don Preston, Ike Willis, Denny Walley, Robert Martin, Roy
Estrada, Mats & Morgan, and maybe even Terry Bozzio and Peter Wolf. - |
" David Robertson and the SLSO host a celebration of one of the most popular instruments in the world. The Guitar Festival makes its way to different venues throughout the city, with extraordinary guest artists and some of the finest local talent to be found. At the Pageant you can hear music of Frank Zappa and Edgard Varèse, along with Glenn Branca's symphony written for 100 electric guitars, with composer/ guitarist Steve Mackey and John Patitucci joining 98 St. Louis guitarists. At Powell Symphony Hall, John Patitucci plays a work for electric bass and electric bass guitar. In November, St. Louis is GuitarLand." -- info: zappateers |
- High school band, The Bridgeport Jazz Ensemble, released a couple of Frank Zappa pieces on 7" in the early seventies. They performed the Joe Boerst arrengements of these Zappa pieces.
Joe Boerst adds: In
1969 Bob Mintzer came to my recording studio. He handed me an album and
said I had to listen to it!!! HOT RATS !!! Thanks,
Joe Boerst
-- info: zappateers |
June 13 & 14, 2009, the complete works of Edgard Varèse will be
performed at the Holland Festival
PROGRAM Saturday
June 13, 2009
June 14,
2009 Asko|Schönberg
en Cappella Amsterdam
zappostrophe no.112 - 2008
I picked up the fabulous "Bunny Boy" show from Chicago over at Dime.
New free download, online now: Invertebrata
- 4 Detuned
acoustic guitars, an acoustic bass guitar, a plastic water bottle, bowed
strings, some voice, a little black truck called Tonka, a small toy
recorder and other (whether or not accidentally) recorded sounds, and no
traditional song structure in sight... Get
it now, it's free! best
wishes, Marco
Kalnenek WM
L.Shankar (or Shenkar as he's called nowadays) has been touring with Jonathan Davis (lead singer of Korn).
audience recording of the Bochum concert recently turned up.
2008 12 09 | |
link http://www.the-breaks.com/perl/full.pl?genre=3&page=Z
take you to a page showing all of Zappa's work sampled by DJs and
hippity-hopsters. The list (for those who can't be bothered to click is: Hot
Rats: (Reprise 1969) *
"The Gumbo Variations" Mr.
Dibbs's "Habitat 2nd Segment" *
"Little Umbrellas" MadKap's
"Phuck What Ya Heard" *
"Son of Mr.Greene Genes" Black
Moon's "Act Like U Want It" Apostrophe:
(Rykodisc 1974) *
"Apostrophe" DJ
Signify & DJ Mayonnaise's "Propaganda" UNKLE's
"Guns Blazing (Drums of Death Part 1)" Info: StatusBaby, over at the Zappateers site |
Howdy Residents Friend, Hopefully you have been staying abreast of the Bunny Boy episodes. It's getting a bit dicey, and by his own admission, a little too weird for Bunny himself. Priests! Bunny drawings! The end of the world! And it all boils down to one key figure: Harvey. Where is he? Well, maybe you can help by picking up the latest holiday package of a Where's Harvey bumper sticker and tee shirt (or long sleeve thermal...to keep ya warm!) Brand new, and for a limited time only, we have the Where's Harvey sticker and shirt deal. And to keep it interesting, we found some older limited edition titles in our secret storage lair (we were looking for Harvey too), and thought we'd make them available to you. There are very few available, so don't be surprised if you get an email later saying that the item you ordered was out of stock by the time your order went thru. Also,
the USPS online rate calculator is down (likely because of online holiday
shopping - this happens every year.) So we had to improvise with a stop
gap flat rate option for your ordering needs. This will probably only happen
for the next day or so, but simply choose your location for flat rate
postal service (USA, Canada, Europe (that includes UK sorry), Japan, Australia/New
Zealand etc). If your country is not listed, simply send us a
mail at orders@ralphamerica.com and we'll give you further instructions. So stop by http://www.ralphamerica.com for your HARVEY purchases. And
swing by http://ralphamerica.blogspot.com to chime in with yer latest conspiracy
theory (Priests! Bunny drawings! The end of the world!) on the Bunny
Boy series. And comment if you were at a recent show, such as London (we
heard it was great). The tour is winding down...let us hear how it's going.
We don't get this opportunity too often. The
Ralph Gang PS-
sorry about the spelling error in the last email blast...we're so dedicated
we send these things from the road and couldn't drive, drink coffee,
eat bagels and type all at the same time. That's how everyone drives
in California.
The Big One
Hugh Jass has announced that he will be issuing the first volume of a seriously limited multi-LP set of the Frank Zappa Halloween 1978 show entitled THE BIG ONE. The set is hand-pressed onto black metal acetate and
is limited to 11 copies each (!). - |
I saw The Residents performing Bunny Boy last friday. A beautiful and passionate performance. "Postcards From Patmos" is the latest Residents CD. It's the original soundtrack for the Residents' Internet video series. You know, these little movies that add pieces to the Search For Harvey puzzle...
www.zappa.cz (the website of the czech fz fan club) isn't available anymore. A solution is in the works. | |
(WINOMAN) was the first track of the night...possibly why its the first
ready...hhmmm? the rest will
follow as and when edited by the editing dudes ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJbnG_IDKS4 Nice that its today as i am drinking lots of wine to remember FZ ! N-joy M
12 04 The fourth of Decermber never is a pleasant day. Not since 1993. Not since Frank Zappa passed away. Over at the Zappateers site, one can find the best tribute one can imagine: The 1988 05 01 concert of the Zappa band in Stockholm, Sweden, in soundboard quality. Yes, you heard it right... in soundboard quality! And the fills for the missing parts come from the audience recording ... Enjoy!! 1988 05 01 - Johanneshovs Isstadion, Stockholm, SwedenFZ, Ike Willis, Mike Keneally, Scott Thunes, Chad Wackerman, Ed Mann, Bobby Martin, Bruce Fowler, Walt Fowler, Paul Carman, Albert Wing, Kurt McGettrick. Guest appearances by Mats Öberg on Keyboards (*), Morgan Ågren on drums (*), and Dweezil Zappa on guitar (**). Secret words: Dragonmaster & Fernando
- |
2008 12 03 | |
Over at DaD, a fine concert of Don't Push The Clown got seeded:
2003/06/09 concert Sweetwater, Mill Valley, CA, usa
a concert recoding of Christophe Monniot's rendition of Vivaldi's
"The Four Seasons" turned up...
2008/11/07 Christophe Monniot - concert 'pole sud', strasbourg, france In 2007 saxophonist christophe monniot created a new version of vivaldis "four seasons" with the knowledge of 300 years of music citing vivali, tschaikowsky, evan parker and frank zappa. christophe monniot: tenor-, alt- and baryton-saxophone + archanes saxophone quartet: |
to www.arfarf.de, there has been a lot
going on in the bootleg world, lately.
Check out www.arfarf.de and go to "NEUes". Even if you don't speak German, you'll get an idea. Here's a list of the new items:
2008 12 02 | |
Newsletter December 2008 ====================================================================== Mats/Morgan
Band gigs coming up! 2008/12/03
Band - concert 'Metropol 2008/12/04
Mats/Morgan Band - concert 'Studion',
Umeå (ph. 090156200) 2008/12/05
Mats/Morgan Band - concert 'Musikhuset',
4, Örnsköldsvik (ph.
066019100) 2008/12/06
Mats/Morgan Band - concert 'Pipeline',
6, Sundsvall (ph.
060619940) 2008/12/17
Mats/Morgan Band - concert 'Fasching',
63, Stockholm (ph.
0853482960) 2009/06/04 Mats/Morgan Band - concert 'BLAEST', TMV kaia 17 / 7014, Trondheim (www.blaest.no) Also * Congrats to Mats for receiving the Jan Johansson award! *
Vic Firth has just uploaded a clip from the Montreal Drumfest, click here
to watch http://www.vicfirth.com/features/montreal_drumfest08/video/montreal08_agrenHQ.html *
Morgan, Gustaf and Jimmy Ågren are featured on Tina Ahlins new CD
"12 sånger av Allan Edwall" It
is grammy-nominated!! If you want to vote, click here http://vote.grammis.se/kategorier/arets-folkmusik.aspx
more sounds and sights: www.myspace.com/morganagren |
Marco says: Hi
everyone, A
little while ago I was invited by my friends at Op3n.net, a Spanish
mixtape netlabel, to submit a netlabel mix. Artists
include The Rabbits, brunk, Jan Turkenburg, Lee Rosevere, Phil Reavis and
Otis Fodder. Have
a listen, it's free! best
wishes, Marco
Kalnenek WM
Recordings |
2008 12 01 | |
New DVD on Zappa announced for January 2009.
Yes, here we are again with the beautiful Zappa In
The Papers series.
The Wrong Object is scheduled to perform at the Jazzstation club in
Brussels on the 18th of December.
Publications recently released another four Jimmy Carl Black albums for
download through CDBaby.
Can I Borrow A Couple Of Bucks Until The End Of The Week? - http://cdbaby.com/cd/jcblack If We'd All Been Living in California... - http://cdbaby.com/cd/jcblack2 Where's My Waitress? - http://cdbaby.com/cd/jcblack3 I'm Not Living Very Extravagantly, I'll Tell You For Sure... - http://cdbaby.com/cd/jcblack4 All of these are compilations, but they sure carry some rare stuff. Here you go:
-- info & pics: Dieter J. |
2008 11 30 | |
Here's a picture of The Moving Tones in concert at 'Het Hijgend Hert' in
Breda, NL, on 2008/11/22:
Benoît Moerlen - Michel Delville - Ivo Sans - Frank van der Kooij - Guy Segers - Catherine Smet The setlist included a fine batch of Zappa tunes... |
lidové noviny (2008/11/29, newspaper, czech republic)
-- info: Bohous |
I finally completed the X-Legged Sally discography. A pretty impressive collection in their 5 year period of existance. | |
2008 11 29 | |
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to attend the Zappatika concert a little
while ago in Leiden, NL, on November 14. A pity, as I was really looking
forward to it.
The good news, however, is that the concert got broadcast & streamed as part of the Wiebe and Sjoerd radio show (a local radio show), of which I received an mp3 recording. The radio show started with an interview with ZombieWoof & McInnes. It's a nice and funny little interview about the history of the band, the players, the new album, influences, future plans, ... The concert itself sounded very impressive: great tunes, laid-back
vocals, excellent solos,... what else does one need? The band will be touring the UK somewhere around March next year, and will also be playing some festivals. Try to catch them, and check out their Dodo album as well!!
Delville Michel Subject: !!SOIREE ZAPPA A L'AQUILONE CE SAMEDI 29
Centre Interculturel Samedi 29 Novembre
à 20h30 SOIREE D'HOMMAGE a FRANK ZAPPA Des compositions déjantées, des riffs endiablés,
des influences mêlant le jazz, le
punk et la musique médiévale, un hommage à un des plus grands et des
plus espiègles compositeurs du 20ème siècle. Au programme de cette soirée
des compositions zappaïennes tirées principalement du répertoire de la
fin des années 60 du grand moustachu !
Paf : 6/7 euros
Delville Michel Subject: Zappa night at '' L'AQUILONE' on Saturday
November 29!! L'AQUILONE asbl
Centre Interculturel Saturday
November 29
at 20h30 An evening dedicated to the music of
Frank Zappa
van Binsbergen continues to host her series of afternoon
concerts, the so-called Brokken Afternoon:
2008 11 25 | |
Here's a couple of Sun Ra picture discs. There's more. You also have the second volume of Heliocentric Worlds, and there's the Batman & Robin disc. |
leftovers from the last couple of months | |
Next Thursday on dutch
Radio 6: The Residents
2008/11/06 at 24.00 h, or 2008/11/07 at 00.00h, a one-hour special.
- Gary Graff, Detroit The Zappa Family Trust will kick off a comprehensive
campaign to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the late Frank Zappa's
albums next month. "Lumpy Money," a three-CD "audio
documentary" due out Nov. 25, is the first offering in the series --
and, according to Zappa's widow Gail, the most unique. "These two records happen to be Frank's
masterworks," Zappa tells Billboard.com, "so this is the most
ambitious of all the (40th anniversary) projects. The challenge is how to
educate the audience to understand what 'Lumpy Gravy' and 'We're Only in
It for the Money' are, and what they're part of. "So in this particular case we have to be more
about the process than the outtakes. You're going to be listening to how
Frank worked, all the little developments of these pieces as opposed to
just an outtake or another performance of that particular piece. You're
going to hear how he got there from here." The "Lumpy Money" package will feature two
separate mixes of each album, done by Frank himself. It will include
feature the first official release of the instrumental, Igor
Stravinsky-influenced orchestral "ballet" version of "Lumpy
Gravy" that Zappa recorded in 1967 for Capitol Records but decided to
revamp, adding rock musicians and eventually releasing it on MGM/Verve
four months after "We're Only in it For the Money" in 1968. Gail
Zappa says a "sister" project will be released shortly after
"Lumpy Money" that will contain more music from those sessions. Other releases in the series will be treated "more
as individual albums," drawing material from the Sequin Mines vault
underneath the Zappa family home. A new version of "Cruising with
Ruben and the Jets," Frank Zappa's third 1968 release, is also being
prepared, while the Zappa Family Trust is working on other projects such
as a vintage live album from the Roxy in Los Angeles and a set of Zappa's
renditions of the compositions French composer Edgar Varese. "With the 40th anniversary projects, it's not as
much about 'Can we make a date?' as 'Can we make it? Do we have vault
material we can put together for these?'" Gail Zappa explains.
"That's something we have to do if these are going to be worth
anything to people." - |
Zappa on Frank's New Reissue, Lumpy Money by
Michael Hogan October
21, 2008 Before
you completely tune out the endless procession of 40th-anniversary
tributes to 1968's rock 'n' roll landmarks (hey, it was a big year),
reserve a little head space for Lumpy Money, a three-CD package honoring
Frank Zappa's historic one-two punch of Lumpy Gravy and We're Only in it
for the Money. The
albums have always been linked, thanks to Zappa himself, who insinuated on
the album covers that they were Phase One and Phase Two of a single work.
(The final phase came decades later, with the posthumous release in 1993
of Civilization Phase III.) Conceived
as Zappa's first solo record, Lumpy Gravy was originally recorded in 1967,
as a 20-minute orchestral work. After a legal tangle with Capitol Records
prevented its release, Zappa, whose prowess with an editing razor was
second to none, chopped up what he had and tossed it with a bunch of crazy
sounds and weird conversations. The result is a 30-minute mindfuck that
blurs the boundaries between rock, classical, and noise. We're
Only in it for the Money, released six months earlier, flirted with those
same boundaries but ultimately cast its lot with rock 'n' roll. The cover
is a crude send-up of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, the music
twists familiar genres into sonic pretzels, and the lyrics viciously
ridicule everyone from weekend hippies ("Oh, my hair's getting good
in the back!") to frigid housewives ("You're phony on top,
you're phony underneath/You lay in bed and grit your teeth"). Zappa
was calling out the hypocrites and fakers, no matter which side they were
on. At
least that's how it's always seemed to me. To
get a more authoritative read, I spoke to Frank's widow, Gail Zappa, who
is known for her tireless (some have said extreme) efforts on behalf of
her husband's legacy. She runs Zappa Records and has been overseeing the
40th-anniversary releases. VF
Daily: How would you explain these two albums to
somebody who isn't all that familiar with Frank Zappa? Gail
Zappa: Lumpy Gravy and We're Only in it for the Money are part of what
Frank called his master work. For him, every album was just part of the
same composition and everything was all one big piece of music. But the
three particular pieces that he considered his absolute masterwork were
Lumpy Gravy, We're Only in it for the Money, and Civilization Phase 3, the
last album that he actually finished. They're constructed in a similar
way. Lumpy
Gravy is Frank's first outing on his own as an artist, and We're Only in
it for the Money is his first outing as a producer. It was supposed to
also be his first outing as a rock 'n' roll artist, but the record company
insisted on it being a Mothers album, for marketing reasons. [The Mothers
of Invention were Zappa's band.] But technically these are both Frank's
first ventures as rock 'n' roll artist and also as a classical composer. How
does this fit in with the rest of the re-release series you're working on? We
want to honor all the re-releases in the 40th anniversary. But the
exception is these two, because they are also part of the masterwork.
Because they belong with Civilization to be seen properly. So in this
particular case what we're going to try to do is to be more focused on the
process on Frank's work, as opposed to [including alternate] versions [of
individual songs]. If you look at a score, sometimes you'll see sketches
of what's going to be in the score before the score is written. That's
kind of what we're going for with this record. Little sketches of it, as
opposed to completely other versions that didn't "make it to the
record." Will
Civilization be sold separately? Yeah.
Although we are going to do a special edition of these three records,
shortly. We didn't announce that because we thought it would be too
confusing. And it already is confusing. I'm going to be really surprised
if I manage to get through this alive. If
you don't like confusion you should probably step away from the Frank
Zappa discography. That's part of the fun of it, don't you think? Confusion
I'm not fond of. But chaos I thrive on. You're
very conscientious about protecting Frank Zappa's legacy. What's the thing
that worries you the most about that legacy and how it's being treated? Identity
theft. I'm glad you asked me. No one has asked that before. And that's
what it is: Identity theft. Because everybody imagines who Frank Zappa is.
And then they go on, some of them, to imagine, I could make some money if
I reinvent Frank Zappa in my own image. Which may suck, by the way. So
people write books and they make records and they do this stuff. So every
day my job is to protect and serve, like the L.A.P.D. Protect the
integrity of the work itself. And serve the intent of the composer. How
does that work out, pragmatically speaking? It's
a lot of squabbling over copyright issues. The real reason why I do this
is because it's just my obligation to Frank Zappa, who really believed in
the Constitution of the United States of America, and one of its
provisions covers copyright. And I don't like people fucking with Frank's
last word, and his last word is his music. I
know that you've had some issues with iTunes, and that you object to the
MP3 format because it requires music files to be so compressed. Do you
ever worry that if people can't get MP3 downloads, you're going to miss a
chance to reach new fans? Well,
you know, I'm of two minds there. First of all, this is a concept that
Frank thought up in 1983 and published a copyrighted document on, that was
filed with the copyright office. The idea was to deliver music over phone
lines. As usual, he's prescient. I don't know how it would be different
had Frank lived. Or how he would necessarily feel about it. But I do know
his intention was that his music should not be massively compressed. And
for that reason he insisted that his masters be sold in a specific format;
anything less than that format was not permitted under the agreement. And
iTunes was way below 16-bit technology [when Rykodisc, which had the
rights to the Zappa catalogue, made it available there]. So I'm not having
an argument with iTunes. I was always having the argument with the
delivery by Ryko of something that they weren't entitled to do, which is
the digital download of less than 16-bit technology. I
don't want to fault delivery systems. Really what is happening with
music-because people steal it more and more, I think they just want to
have it. They don't want to listen to it. Because if they wanted to listen
to it, they wouldn't buy it that way. You
mean compressed? Yeah.
It's like you want a knock-off of something. You just say that you have
it. To appear as if you're hip or cool, whatever it is. You want to hear
the musical idea. But you don't want to hear the music. Frank
makes fun of hippie culture a lot in We're Only in it for the Money. What
do you think he'd be making fun of today? Well,
anybody who takes themselves seriously. Nobody was spared, including
himself. He was certainly relegated to that sort of-it's hard for you to
imagine, because you sound like you're about 12. I'm
33. Very
close, from my perspective. I have a son your age. When these records were
made, everything in the media was about them and not us. We were excluded.
And if we were talked about at all, they pointed the finger: those are
them and they're dangerous. So we were a little separate community,
everybody under the age of 25 in 1965. It's hard to imagine for people
now, especially your age, that your whole country, your parents and
everybody, would be against you if you behaved or looked a certain way.
It's so pervasive now that no one cares anymore. The
mainstream culture has also become very adept at co-opting anything that's
at all creative or "edgy." Absolutely.
That's absolutely true. Frank never intended to be psychedelic or
avant-garde or any of those titles that have been visited upon him by
everybody else in retrospect. That wasn't what he was trying to do at all.
He was just saying, This is what I think about that, and this is how I'm
going to show you what I think. Speaking
of your children, I caught one of Dweezil's performances of the Frank
Zappa catalogue a year or two ago at the Jammies. You
have to see it now! It's nothing like that now. That was when they first
started out. And there was so much pressure for them to have original
members that played in Frank's band. And it was just so heartbreaking for
all of us-especially the family-that we had to do that. Because we just
believe in the music and that it's alive and well, and that it doesn't
need those guys to hold it up anymore. Or to participate in any way. If it
can't be played by people of your generation, then what's the point?
2008 09 04 Drumbo release date / sound clips http://www.proper-records.co.uk/artists.php?action=alview&alid=2116
Of Refuge
RELEASED 10th NOVEMBER 2008 Here's the paradox of John "Drumbo" French:
his influence has been sizable and significant, while remaining largely
invisible. As the drummer and music director for revered iconoclasts
Captain Beefheart and The Magic Band, Drumbo made central contributions to
a handful of LPs - notably 1969's mind-altering, revered masterpiece
"Trout Mask Replica," on which French first acquired the antic
stage-name "Drumbo" - that vastly expanded the parameters of
contemporary music. Yet while the group earned droves of ultra-impassioned
admirers, its music was too unusual and idiosyncratic to spawn many direct
descendants. The same is true of Drumbo himself. While his hugely
energetic, exceptionally disciplined playing told us new things about the
drums and their possibilities, it was too personal, and context-specific,
to be taken up by many other players. But what Drumbo did - memorably,
gorgeously - was to provide a model for musical invention. After exposure
to Drumbo's extraordinary reinvention of his instrument, a generation of
drummers responsive to innovation felt liberated to go their own ways.
French sired not so much a school of playing as a possibility of freedom. - |
Guy Darol has written various books on the subject of Frank Zappa. In 1996, he wrote
"Frank Zappa, La Parade de l'Homme-Wazoo"; in 2000 he co-wrote some
sort of Zappa dictionary "Zappa de Z à A", together with Dominique
Jeunot; en in 2003, he finished "Frank Zappa, l'Amérique en
More recently, he was responsable for the excellent Frank Zappa special in Jazz Magazine. And next september will see the release of his next book on Frank Zappa: ---- frank zappa / one size fits all - cosmogonie du sofa by guy darol ---- |
the concert calendar * the concert calendar |
2008 december
2009 january