updated December 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 08, 09, 11, 14, 15, 17,
18, 21, 28 & 29, 2006
please send additions & corrections to bignOte@yucom.be
Short bits: * * * The Accademia Amieta Ensemble performs Zappa on their "Strictly Off Limits" album. * * * The University of Calgary Wind Ensemble recorded Zappa's 'Dog Breath Variationse on their "Gardens of Dreams" CD * * * * * * The Nasal Retentive Orchestra has a new album scheduled for release (latest info says February) * * * * * * MOFO 2 is
out and available in the shops !! * * * |
20061229 | |
A message from Kilissa In the course of some research for a project at my school, I came across the text of Martin Luther King's Nobel Peace Prize lecture... in 1964. He was so eloquent as he addressed the issues of racial injustice, poverty, and war! Forty years later... still a lot of work to do! If you have time to read the whole thing... it's amazing! Inspiring as we start a new year! At Xmas when we say "Peace on Earth, Good Will To Men"...let's keep MLK's words in our minds and hearts! http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1964/king-lecture.html Peace!!!
holidays everyone! This is Mike, wishing you a joyful holiday season and
an amazing 2007. SCHOOL
major news for the moment and for the foreseeable future is that I've been
named the National Music Director for the Paul Green School of Rock. I've
known Paul since 2003, feel deeply what he feels and have witnessed
firsthand the benefits which the kids in his program have been receiving -
in fact some of the most exciting musical moments I experienced this year
were at School of Rock All-Stars shows. The whole School of Rock scene is
totally infectious, and the opportunity to have an impact on the musical
development of young people across the country is something I take most
seriously. I'm very grateful for this opportunity and will make the most
of it. In
addition to my duties as National Music Director, I'll also be running a
San Diego branch of the School of Rock. We're still in the preliminary
stages of locating a suitable venue for the school but will be open for
business early in 2007. Do you want your kids, 8 through 18 years of age,
to be trained by me to rock like a massive unfair behemoth? Of course you
do. For enrollment information you should write to me at
keneally@schoolofrock.com. One
of my first official duties, though, will be leading a group of All-Stars
on the road, starting the day after Christmas, on their East Coast tour.
These are not Keneally performances - I'll be presenting the group and
perhaps I can be coerced into picking up a guitar on an encore or
something, but these shows are firmly about the kids rocking like maniacs.
You owe it to yourself to check this out. The
dates: PAUL
check with the venues for showtimes and come have a good time with us. Why
not? RADIO
Kanis has compiled a six-hour radio special about yours truly, with music
and much interview material, for his STATE CONTROLLED RADIO program. Jon
promises that this program is a major bonanza for Keneally fans and swears
that the six-hour length is fully justified. The first two-hour
installment already aired once, but it repeats this Christmas Eve on
http://www.bzoo.org: "The
Immense Superiority of Michael Joseph Keneally - Part One" December
24th, 10:00-12:00 PM (PST) (the
show title is Jon's!) Part
Two airs Dec. 26, with repeat on Dec. 31. Part
Three airs Jan. 2, with repeat on Jan. 7. Please
visit http://www.jonkanis.com for more information about State Controlled
Radio and these programs in particular (and also for information about
Jon's album "Cabalistic Dispatch" which I co-produced and played
all over). ALSO!
Dutch radio listeners and anyone with a computer should know about the
following on Co De Kloet's Studio 6 radio show at
http://www.nps.nl/studio6 (the following information is from Co's MySpace
page): "HAVE
DAY from January 1st till January 5th YOU
as far as Co's shows are concerned, very little changes... ;-) Listen
to Studio 6 online, Monday thru Friday, 1400-1900 Dutch Time www.nps.nl/studio6" Thank
you Jon and Co for playing me on the radio - and of course there's always
http://www.radiokeneally.com for non-stop Keneally action to brighten your
holidays. THOSE
again to those of you who pre-ordered the special editions of
"hat." and "Boil That Dust Speck." Work continues on
the DVDs, taking longer than we anticipated but so does everything. These
items will still be in your hands early next year and we are continuously
and graspingly grateful to you for helping to fund this ambitious reissue
project. Again to refresh: the albums sound better than they ever have,
"hat." has extra music restored which had to be excised due to
time constraints the first time around, and both DVDs are packed with
vitally important video and audio material which will make you swoon. Get
thee to http://www.keneally.com and feel the power therein. Thank
you everyone! We love you! Have a great holiday season!
friend... As
you may or may not know from previous posts, there is currently a contest
happening, and the DEADLINE IS DEC. 31st! So get cracking. We've only
had a few entries so far, (needless to say you are all busy with the holidays
etc), but now IT IS TIME TO ACT! So send us something! See details
below. AND NOTE: we are adding a special prize to the winners. The winners
will also receive a special limited black vinyl copy of Roadworms plus
a very old and numbered Savage Pencil Santa Dog poster (tis the season).
So DON'T MISS OUT! Also, Best Left Unspoken Vol. 2 should be shipping by the end of this week, or early next week barring a tragic UPS accident. And keep an EYE here for news regarding preorders on Freak Show from Mute and a potentially drastically reduced price on Kettles of Fish. Tweedles Contest begins! - OKAY, for all of you who ordered the TWEEDLES PACKAGE DEAL, you remember that it came with a red foam nose (just like Mr. Tweedles has). Now is yer opportunity to show us what you can do with yer red foam nose...uh, yeah...anyhow, we'll have two categories: 1) Still photo and 2) video. The guidelines are simple and open ended. Use the red foam nose...and represent Tweedles in a very creative manner. You could put the foam nose on your own nose, and add some makeup, and take a quick photo, for instance. I have a feeling we'll see a lot of those. Or make a little video starring you as Tweedles. Or maybe your dog as Tweedles. Will he keep the foam nose on his face? Who knows...comedy ensues. It's up to you. And you have until Dec. 31st to get your entries in. We'll have a winner for each category (still photo and video). For photos, send them to contest at ralphamerica dot com, only spell that like an email address. For videos, we opened a YouTube channel (tweedlescontest), so go to http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=tweedlescontest to suggest your video to us, once you've uploaded your video to your own channel (please don't ask for tech support, we won't be much help. In fact, if you have advice for us on the technical side, fire away.) PRIZES? We will add to this list, to be sure, but right now the winning photo and video will be featured on residents.com as an ad for Tweedles. But you can be sure that some sort of rare item will show up as extra incentive for your hard work. (Plus the stuff we mentioned above.) We
will be updating http://www.ralphamerica.com with details on the contest,
and the YouTube channel will always be available to see entries once
they are approved. AND STAY TUNED, as we will soon be announcing the presale
for the next volume of Best Left Unspoken!
20061228 What a week... I had to install iTunes, the big MOFO arrived, and even something people call Christmas jumped out of a box... |
Secret U.S. Government Plan To Destroy Satan Since
Satan is responsible for all the bad things in the world-- Since
Satan lives in Hell and Hell is underground, can't we just find Do
you know where Satan is so we can destroy him for world peace? What
do you think? How can we find Satan to kill him? John
* Dweezil keeps mentioning in various interviews that the Zappa Plays Zappa tour will continue. He mentioned 100 concerts in 2007 in the Seattle Times. * The Portland Oregon show has been recorded for future DVD release.
I'm not sure that I mentioned this before... Still about two weeks to go... Zappa exhibit at the Lancaster Museum/Art Gallery From Kawabunga To Zappa Featuring
surfing, skateboard & vintage record album artwork and a display on AV
resident & musician, Frank Zappa November
18, 2006 - January 7, 2007
Hoodini at the affz-newsgroup From - http://www.cielodrive.com/family/beausoleil/1.jpg The first of five children (2 sisters & 2 brothers), Bobby
Beausoleil was born in Santa Barbara, California in 1947. Bobby displayed
an interest in music at a very young age, and eventually taught himself
how to play the guitar. When Beausoleil was 16, he had an affair with a
cousin's wife; angered by the affair, his cousin left. Young Bobby was
forced to play the role of husband, working for a trailer company to
support his cousin's wife and child. After the death of a grandmother
Bobby moved to Los Angeles. There, he briefly played in a band with Arthur
Lee, called Grass Roots. Grass Roots would later achieve fame under the
name Love. Lee apparently named the group Love as a reference to
Beausoleil's nickname "Cupid". Bobby also became friends with
Frank Zappa, and can be heard as a backup singer on Zappa's first record,
Freak Out. However, the city of Angels proved to be too superficial
for Bobby, so he traveled north and fell in love In San Francisco, Beausoleil began playing with a band called The
Outfit, but eventually dropped out and started his own band called
Orkustra. The group played gigs in the Bay area from 1966 to '67, and as
the group was in the process of breaking up, Bobby met filmmaker Kenneth
Anger. Anger and Beausoleil worked together on the film Lucifer Rising, in
which, Bobby played the part of Lucifer, and helped compose the score. At
that time Beausoleil was playing in a band In Los Angeles, Beausoleil once again found acting work and was featured in soft porn titled Ramrodder. The movie was filmed near Spahn's Movie Ranch and also starred family member Catherine Share. Bobby was living in the basement of Gary Hinman's Topanga Canyon home when he first ran into Manson and the Family at a house called the "Spiral Staircase". Bobby's musical talent impressed Charlie and the girls, and Bobby started hanging around with them. In the summer of 1969, Beausoleil sold $1000 worth of LSD to a group of bikers that were hanging around Spahn's Ranch. Gary Hinman had made the LSD, but according to the bikers it wasn't good and they wanted their money back. So Beausoleil, with Family members Mary Brunner and Susan Atkins, went to Hinman to get a refund. Hinman on the other hand felt that the LSD was good and refused to give up any money. After a phone call to Spahn's Ranch, Charles Manson and Bruce Davis came to the house. Immediately after entering, Manson sliced off Hinman's left ear with a sword. Charlie and Bruce left immediately. After two more days, Hinman was still refusing to give Beausoleil any money. Bobby stabbed Gary twice in the chest as Susan Atkins and Mary Brunner smothered Hinman's face with a pillow. Beausoleil was arrested for the murder of Gary Hinman on Thursday, August 7, 1969. He had two trials, and was eventually convicted and sentenced to death. His death sentence was commuted to Life when California briefly outlawed the death penalty in 1972. In 1982, he married his current wife Barbara. Today he is serving his sentence in Oregon State Penitentiary and still continues to make music. BOBBY'S WEBSITE: ok, i have a couple of questions for you. Is it true you knew frank zappa? And if you did, did you also know Steve Vai, the best guitarist in my opinion, in the world and ever. The reason I ask is I know frank taught Steve the basics, but I know Joe Satriani taught Steve the rest of his knowledge, but I was wondering if frank zappa also taught you, it says you found a guitar in the attic of your house and taught yourself is that true? And when you get out of prison, what will be the first fun thing you do besides family and friends, disneyland or superbowll,lol? Tom
I knew Frank on a casual basis. When I was 16-17 I used to follow him
around, haunting his early recording sessions with the Mothers and, when
he would let me, hanging out at his apartment listening to the wild-ass
tapes he made. I was in awe of his musical talent, ability to lead unruly
musicians, and his musical vision as a composer. He also made me laugh a
lot. As you note, I found a guitar and taught myself to play. When I first
knew Frank, he was just beginning to pick up the After family, friends, and Disneyland, one of the first things I'm
going to do is get a dog and take a nice long walk. Then maybe I'll start
a new band.
20061221 Sixty-six... |
incase you didn't know FZLE are playing concerts thursday, december 22. 2006 at "Pumpehuset", Copenhagen, DK
and saturday, january 27. 2007 at "Harders", Svendborg, DK
check up on our FZ-christmas greeting cards on our website www.fzle.dk Have
fun and good music-experiences Yours
Lars Studs
Fido, Ugly
Radio Rebellion performs the music of Frank Zappa... FZ
Birthday Bash There
are going to be feature stories about us in the next issues of The
Observer/Eccentric newspaper and The Toledo Blade!!! FREE
SOUP FOR DETROIT SOUP KITCHEN... GO LIONS!!! http://chunky.com/clickforcans.aspx Have
a safe and Happy Holidays!!! Arf Scott/John/Layla www.myspace.com/uglyradiorebellion
Kimono Draggin' might be playing the Zappanale this year!! How's that for a newsflash...
I tried to update / clean / lay-out some of the below files... If you don't like the list, you can also try the "line-up table". "the mothers of invention" (1964 / 1966) "the mothers of invention" (1966) "the mothers of invention" (early 1967) "the mothers of invention" (1967/09 ->
1968) "the mothers of invention" (1968/01 ->
1968/10) "the mothers of invention" (1968/11 ->
1969/05) "the mothers of invention" (1969/06 ->
1970) "hot
rats" (1970/02 -> 1970/03) "the mothers of invention" - the spring 1970
band (1970/05) "the
mothers of invention" - the fall 1970 band (1970/06 -> 1970/12) "the mothers of invention" - the summer 1971
band (1971/05 -> 1971/08) "the mothers of invention" - the fall 1971
band (1971/10 > 1971/12) "the
grand wazoo orchestra" (1972/09) "the petit wazoo orchstra" (1972/10 ->
1972/12) "the
mothers of invention" - the spring / summer 1973 band (1) (1973/02
-> 1973/07) "the
mothers of invention" - the spring / summer 1973 band (2) (1973/08
-> 1973/09) "the mothers of invention" - the fall 1973
band (1973/10 -> 1973/12) "the mothers of invention" - the winter 1974
band (1974/02
-> 1974/03) "the mothers of invention" - the spring 1974
band (1974/04
-> 1974/05) "the mothers of invention" - the summer/fall
1974 band (1) (1974/07 -> 1974/11) "the mothers of invention" - the summer/fall
1974 band (2) (1974/11) "the mothers of invention" - the summer/fall
1974 band (3) (1974/11 -> 1974/12) "the mothers of invention" - the spring 1975
(1975/04 -> 1975/05) "the mothers of invention" - the fall 1975 /
winter 1976 band (1) (1975/09 -> 1975/11) "the mothers of invention" - the fall 1975 /
winter 1976 band (2) (1975/11 -> 1976/03 "zappa"
- the winter 1976 band (1) (1976/10 -> 1976/11) "zappa"
- the winter 1976 band (2) (1976/11) "zappa"
- the winter 1976 band (3) (1976/12) "zappa"
- the winter 1976 band (2) (1977/01 -> 1977/02) "zappa" - the fall 1977 / winter 1978 band
(1977/09 -> 1978/02) "zappa"
- the fall 1978 band (1) (1978/08 -> 1978/10) "zappa"
- the fall 1978 band (2) (1978/10) "zappa"
- the 1979 band (1979/02 -> 1979/04) "zappa" - the spring/summer 1980 band (1)
(1980/01) "zappa" - the spring/summer 1980 band (2)
(1980/01 -> 1980/07) "zappa"
- the fall 1980 band - (1980/09 -> 1980/12) "zappa" - the 1981 band (1981/08 ->
1981/12) "zappa" - the 1982 band (1982/05 ->1982/07) "zappa"
- the 1984 band (1) (1984/07 -> 1984/08) "zappa"
- the 1984 band (2) (1984/08 -> 1984/12) "zappa" - the 1987 band (1987/12) "zappa" - the 1988 band (1988/02 -> 1988/06)
20061218 | |
Hi folks, Here's some more free music to enjoy during the
holidays: Doron Deutsch - Big bright lights [WM054] - http://www.wmrecordings.com/releases/wm054.htm Nambavan - Chechny on a dance floor (part 2) [WM055] - http://www.wmrecordings.com/releases/wm055.htm Don't forget you can also some exclusive stuff from eMusic: http://www.emusic.com/label/132/132100.html best wishes, Marco Kalnenek ----------------------------------------------------------------- "where music is different!"
frank zappa - jeho vlastními slovy
by miles "Frank Zappa - Jeho Vlastními Slovy" was released in 1993. It's the Czech translation of "Frank Zappa - In His Own Words". This Czech release is a harcover edition and counts 96 pages. |
I received a couple of video recordings a little while ago. One of these had a fabulous concert by Dyno 4:
The amazing thing about this recording is that it focusses on Vinnie
the entire show. The camera didn't move or zoom during the recording. So
what you get is some sort of Vinnie Colaiuta special. The picture below is a screenshot from this video. I didn't even know that I could make screenshots like this. Just stumbled upon it when I was toying around.
Vinnie Colaiuta in concert at 'The Baked Potato' in Los Angeles, CA, usa, on 2000/03/03 |
One of the others discs enclosed the 1992 concert by the Chick Corea New Acoustic Band in Tokyo 1992.
Vinnie Colaiuta in concert at the 'Blue Note', Tokyo, Japan, in 1992 |
June 2003, at the JVC Jazz Festival in New York, they did this thing
called "An Evening With Chick Corea & Friends". Chick Corea
played three concerts in one night: the first one in duet with Gary
Burton, the second one with the Three Quartets Band (featuring Vinnie
Colaiuta) and the third one with his Elektric band.
Michael Brecker and Vinnie Colaiuta in concert at the 'Avery Fisher Hall', NYC, ny, usa, on 2003/06/26 |
I don't think that I mentioned this before: Moon
Unit Zappa's "America The Beautiful" got translated
and published in France in 2004.
papa, les mecs et moi
A couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine mentioned C.W. Vrtacek in one of his e-mails. And that's why I dug up / am listening to Forever Einstein at this very moment. The band has five albums out. All on Cuneiform. Check them out. |
20061217 | |
Gary Lucas-guitar
disc one: freak out! (verve version we all love)
disc two (all tracks mono, except * = stereo)
disc three (all tracks mono)
disc four (all tracks stereo,
except * = stereo)
and zappateer JWB adds: It says in the mini-MOFO booklet that these tracks are exclusive:
Another new Zappa bootleg is about to be released: "Zoott Allury", a 4-cd set that includes the 1975/10/01 and the 1976/01/21 concerts. |
The Zappanale 2006 2CD and DVD are out!! More info soon.
20061215 | |
a message from Ralphamerica: Hey Residents Friend, You'll be happy to know that we have begun the presale for BEST LEFT UNSPOKEN Vol. 2. This one features the entire High Horses limited release (which has been out of print for quite some time), and some unreleased session pieces from Animal Lover and River of Crime. It also contains Prelude for a Toddler (Safety is the Cootie Wootie) and other gems. So go reserve your copy today. This will probably not ship before Xmas, but hopefully before the end of the year. AND DON'T FORGET there is still time to contribute your photo and video to the TWEEDLES contest, so please check out the rules on the site. We'd like to see a lot of entries! You have until the end of the year. thanks |
Cafe/Izz Holiday Party This Saturday Sick of the inlaws yet?! Well, then sing along.... Tis the season to SHAKAKAAAAAAA. FA RA RA RA RAAAAA Ra Ra Ra RAAAA! Come on out, you know you wanna! Saturday,
December 16 Call
to reserve a table Happy
Holidays to everyone! Best, Suss,
Bill, Nick, Steve, James and John
Sheik Yerbouti has a lot of concerts scheduled
in Germany and Switzerland:
a full gallery of photos and review of Dweezil's show in Boca Raton,
Florida at http://www.palmbeachpost.com/accen/content/accent/epaper/2006/12/12/a5e_feamus_zappa_1212.html --
Glass |
Photo by Damon Higgins: Napoleon Murphy Brock and Scheila Gonzales | |
Here's two more covers for the Kim
dia 17 de Dezembro você vai comemorar o aniversário do tio Frank de uma
forma diferente... Festa
à fantasia da The Central Scrutinizer Band no Café Piupiu dia 17,
domingo a partir das 21h. Café
Piupiu R.
13 de maio 134 - bixiga
info to the Sugarcane
Harris discography: The two official records he did with Tupelo Chain Sex, "Spot the Difference" and "Ja-Ja-Jazz", where issued on the Selma Records (San Francisco, CA). One
of the greatest performances I've ever seen was TCS
with Sugarcane Harris circa 1984. -- Trevor Stenson
20061214 Actually, there's more, but for some reason or another (heavy traffic me thinks) my webmail gives me trouble... |
Fido, Ugly
Radio Rebellion performs the music of Frank Zappa... FZ
Birthday Bash There
are going to be feature stories about us in the next issues of The
Observer/Eccentric newspaper and The Toledo Blade!!! FREE
SOUP FOR DETROIT SOUP KITCHEN... GO LIONS!!! http://chunky.com/clickforcans.aspx Have
a safe and Happy Holidays!!! Arf Scott/John/Layla |
I added http://giantsquidattacks.com/zappalinks.html to the links page. |
disc 1 - "freak out!" original vinyl stereo mix (remastered) disc 2
Here's a little advertisment from our czech friends (edited slightly): Dear friends, here are two new CDs of our fanclub label. The
first 2CD set is an unbelievable live concert from
Sydney/Australia, June 24th, 1973. Those who love Zappa´s FZ:OZ CD will
be excited. The second 2CD set is from our new label "Pokusna
Laborator Vegetable 2006". It's
the complete ZAPPA
PLAYS ZAPPA concert from Prag´s Sazka arena in very good sound
quality and it comes with a small color photo booklet. You can order now! 20 euro + 5 euro postage
Remember the J.Davey version of
'Dirty Love' that I mentioned last month? Here's the cover of the
The 2007 Zappa calendar has been spotted. Is this big news? Not really. Is this an official product? Not really. Does it look any good? Well, actually, it does. |
frank zappa - 2007 calendar |
![]() |
Here are the previous ones: | |
frank zappa - 1992 calendar | ![]() |
frank zappa - 1994 calendar | ![]() |
frank zappa - 1995 calendar | ![]() |
frank zappa - 1996 calendar | ![]() |
frank zappa - 1997 calendar | ![]() |
frank zappa - 1998 calendar | ![]() |
frank zappa - 1999 calendar | ![]() |
frank zappa - 2000 calendar | ![]() |
frank zappa - 2001 calendar | ![]() |
frank zappa - 2002 calendar | ![]() |
zappa - 2003 calendar | ![]() |
frank zappa - 2004 calendar | ![]() |
frank zappa - 2005 calendar | ![]() |
frank zappa - 2006 calendar | ![]() |
20061211 | |
How about
Europe vacation tour and music festival July 27 - August 6! Each
summer for the past 18 years, Zappaphiles from all over have migrated to
the northern German town of Bad Doberan for the Zappanale, a festival
devoted to the music and conceptual continuity of FZ. Now your summer
vacation can be an absolutely Zappa experience. Our
good friends at Arf Society, the German non-profit group that organizes
the Zappanale, passed this along to us, and we thought we would share it. Vacation
Vibrations, a Boston-based tour operator, is pleased to announce Farther
Oblivion Tour 2007 a
tour package that will bring FZ fans to that great worldwide annual
gathering in Germany of Appliantologists and Dental Floss Tycoons. The
tour begins in Berlin on July 27, 2007. The group will tour the city, and
attend an extraordinary event, when "Street Number 13" will be
formally dedicated as "Frank-Zappa-Strasse", the first street in
the world named for FZ. The dedication will be followed by music for the
rest of the day, and a late "chill-party" that is sure to
exemplify Berlin's legendary nightlife. From
Berlin the tour will proceed to Prague. Prague is not only one of the most
beautiful cities in Europe, but FZ holds a special place in Czech history.
Former Czech president Vaclav Havel called Zappa "one of the gods of
the Czech underground" for his uncompromising belief in freedom of
thought and expression, and that spirit lives on. After
enjoying Prague, the tour will head to the northern German town of Bad
Doberan for the 18th annual Zappanale, a three-day festival of Zappa
tribute bands, former Zappa band members, and other musicians and
performance artists with kindred styles and interests from all over the
world. The Zappanale is designed as a complete Zappa experience, with the
atmosphere on the festival grounds every bit as important as what happens
on stage. The whole town gets into the fun, from the café waitstaff in
the town square to the mayor himself. Headlining
Zappanale 18 will be the Terry Bozzio Out Trio. (Terry Bozzio - need we
say more?) Other US groups will be the prodigies from Philadelphia's Paul
Green School Of Rock, the renowned Project/Object, and the Don Preston
Akashic Ensemble (Don Preston - one of the Mothers of all Mothers!) So
far, the line-up will also include French big band Le Bocal, Italy's
Orchestra Spaziale, Team Zappa from Norway, Zappatronix from Switzerland,
and three Danish bands- Octafish, Space Debris, and Trigon. The
tour group will be deposited back at the Berlin airport on August 6th,
totally plooked out of their brains from music, "cities and
beer", and lots of fun. Did you say you want some more-a? Tour
participants who want to continue their vacation after the Zappanale can
book an optional tour extension to Amsterdam, another awesome city with
legendary nightlife that is also devoted to independent thinking and
freedom of expression. Vacation
Vibrations is a division of American International Tour Groups, a group
tour operator with 15 years of experience specializing in customized group
trips. Whether you are an experienced traveler, or this will be your first
international trip, they'll make sure you have an absolutely amazing time.
more information, you can visit their web site:
www.freewebs.com/fartheroblivion . If you have any questions, you can
contact them at VacationVibrations@Gmail.com , or call 617-721-7996.
I was able to catch the band in Eindhoven and in Baarle Nassau. The Eindhoven gig was excellent, although one could hear that some (most) of the pieces had to be read from the scores. The
next gig, in Baarle Nassau, was top. Incredible! Great music, an excellent
performance, impressive improvisations, a perfect evening... |
Corrie van Binsbergen / Arend Niks / Mick Paauwe / Rutger van Otterloo in concert at the 'Plusetage' in Baarle Nassau, NL
In 2005 the United Instruments of Lucillin ensemble and the Bernard Strüber Jazztet de Strasbourg performed an all-Zappa concert in Luxembourg. on 2006/11/30, the concert, "Les Noces De Dada", was performed again. This time at the 'Kulturfabrik' in Esch / Alzette, Luxembourg. A recording of parts of the different concerts will be released on CD by Harmonia Mundi in 2007.
here's another Frogg Café setlist:
Adding names / bands to the list of the "Others of Invention" section, performing the music of Frank Zappa:
20061209 | |
20061208 | |
20061207 | |
I should check out Guy Darol's blog more frequently. * Pamela Des Barres' book "I'm With The Band", has been translated in French: "Confessions d'une groupie". * l'Ensemble United Instruments of Lucillin et du Bernard Strüber Jazztet de Strasbourg have performed Zappa in concert on 2006/11/30 !!
The Shiny Beast jazz-theatre group was founded in in Calgary, Canada, in 1997 by co-artistic directer Michael Green, and Art Ranch artistic director Ken Cameron. Staged productions include "Minnie Mouse and the Tap-Dancing Buddha", "Zertummerung" and "Martian". In 2002, Andy Curtis and Michael Green initiated a Zappa project entitled "We're Only In It For The Money". For this occasion they gathered local musicians and performers to perform as The Whip It Out Ensemble.. The Whip It Out Ensemble and the Shiny Beast jazz-theatre group have been performing Frank Zappa's "We're Only In It For The Money", but also, in 2003, the "Frank Zappa 10th Anniversary Memorial Freak Out". In 2006, Michael Green assembled a promotional package that included a video fragment, an audio recording of the 2003/01/18 concert, a package of articles and a poster for the march 2006 gigs. www.oyr.org/oyr_friends.html#shiny
are the musicians who can even play Zappa's music, let alone make it live
and breathe. So Thank the Lord for the Grande Mothers. The people who
loved their music last year ranged in age from 16 to 60, and it's safe to
say that a fine time was had by all." Dugg
Simpson, Artistic Director for the Vancouver Folk Festival "These
days Roy Estrada, along with Don Preston, and Napoleon Murphy Brock from
Zappa's mid to late 70's Mothers, are touring the world as the Grande
Mothers and keeping Zappa's music alive. They were here at the Folk
Festival last year and due to public demand are returning. Believe me, if
you ever dug Zappa you don't want to miss these guys. They're fun and
fuuuuunnnny. They're wicked musicians and they blew a few minds last
summer there on Jericho Beach..." NERVE
quintet known as the Grande Mothers served up vintage psychedelia - rock
songs with surreal lyrics, jazz-like harmonies and melodic complexity,
with flashes of wacky satire on a par with Monty Python's Flying
Circus." THE
of Frank Zappa are going to freak out for the Grande Mothers. Zappa and
his band were creating a mixture of acid rock, psychedelia, doo-wop,
avant-garde, tape experiments, funk and jazz. With three different Zappa
eras represented, the Grande Mothers have a wide palette of material to
choose from." "BEST
Free Press "So
if necessity is the mother of invention, does than mean that the Grande
Mothers gave birth to necessity? Could
be true, considering this is a band that needs to be seen........." WINNIPEG FOLK FEST CANADIAN
got back from the show,suffice to say it was amazing!!!! I enjoyed it more
than ZPZ, the vibe was just so much more a zappa show, (despite only
having five band members.) The guitar solos were monstrously beautiful,
and the drumming was interstellar! Nappy!!!! dear god that was
impressive!!!! and Roy, hey, I thought he didn't play bass good since he
was a mexican!!! he's better than he was on OZ even, trust me!!! and Don's
solo on Trouble Every Day was unbelievably perfect. PLUS!!! they didn't
shy away from the political comments, which, ZPZ playing Trouble Every Day
without making it fit the modern time was ridiculous. All in all, it was
amazing!!!" "I
too was at this concert, it was INCREDIBLE! Seriously, I thought ZPZ was
great and all, but this just blew my mind (I was at a lack of words during
the intermission). One thing I really appreciated was that these Mothers
really went out there and experimented onstage, in true Zappa fashion.
A personal pick of the evening was their rendition of Twenty Small
Cigars, a choice I was not expecting. They played with so much soul, so
much love, it was incredible. Napoleon's sax playing during this number
was heart wrenching. Beautiful. One of the best non-musical moments of the
night was when they talked about Zappa's legacy, and then lead the
audience in a round of applause for Frank himself. All in all, a great
show. I can't help but wonder when the next Zappa-themed show will come
around here. I hope that the Grande Mothers (or as they really should be
called, as pointed out by the announcer at the concert, The Mothers of
Invention) come back soon, I'd go to another concert without hesitation. I
could go on for another 25 pages, I hardly even scratched the surface of
all my feelings about the show. But I'll tastefully stop now." OTTWA
Hey Kids, The guidelines are simple and open ended. Use the red foam nose...and
represent Tweedles in a very creative manner. You could put the foam nose
on your own nose, and add some makeup, and take a quick photo, for
instance. I have a feeling we'll see a lot of those. Or make a little
video starring you as Tweedles. Or maybe your dog as Tweedles. Will he
keep the foam nose on his face? Who knows...comedy ensues. It's up to you. For photos, send them to contest at ralphamerica dot com, only spell
that like an email address. For videos, we opened a YouTube channel
(tweedlescontest), so go to http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=tweedlescontest
to suggest your video to us, once you've uploaded your video to your own
channel (please don't PRIZES? We will add to this list, to be sure, but right now the winning photo and video will be featured on residents.com as an ad for Tweedles. But you can be sure that some sort of rare item will show up as extra incentive for your hard work. Have FUN! We will be updating http://www.ralphamerica.com with details on the contest, and the YouTube channel will always be available to see entries once they are approved. AND STAY TUNED, as we will soon be announcing the presale for the next volume of Best Left Unspoken! the RalphGang
December 2006, Backstageauctions sent out this message: Dear
Zappa Fansite Webmaster -- We would like to take the opportunity to tell you and your loyal visitors/subscribers of your website about our auction, "The Turtles and Beyond Auction", featuring the private collection Howard Kaylan. As one of the original members of the famed '60s rock group The Turtles, Kaylan was also with Frank Zappa's Mothers of Invention and later as "Eddie" of the singing duo Flo & Eddie with Mark Volman. This amazing event will feature music memorabilia from Kaylan's personal collection spanning over 4 decades of Rock and Roll, Pop, Doo-Wop, Vocal Groups, Motown, Mersey Beat, Surf and Psychedelic music from The Beatles to Zappa and everything in between. The auction features over 600 lots of amazing one of a kind memorabilia and rock artifacts that any fan or collector can get excited about.
![]() |
Frank Zappa's guitar case (the one that survived the Montreux fire). |
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A bunch of pictures from the "200 Motels" movie recording. |
Attached are also some photos of just a few of the
Zappa Auction Items that will be featured in the auction. Most are self
explanatory - but if you need more information, we are here to help. Keep on Rockin' Kelli
van Gool |
THE TURTLES AND BEYOND AUCTION Featuring the private collection of Howard Kaylan December 3 - 10, 2006 Special Preview is now LIVE
![]() |
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The Montreux Fire - Pictures taken by Howard Kaylan | Howard's t-shirt |
About Howard Kaylan
Kaylan's passion for music and entertaining began at an
early age while attending high school in Los Angeles. As one of the
founding members and lead singer of the '60s group The Turtles,
he experienced the sweet smell of success with ten top-ten
singles and over five years of chart recordings. The Turtles performed
all over the world and their signature hit, "HAPPY TOGETHER"
knocked the Beatles' "PENNY LANE" out of the number one slot
in America. The Turtles were fixtures on television appearing on the Ed
Sullivan Show a number of times as well as the Smothers Brothers' Comedy
Hour and countless others. In 1970, they were selected to be the first
rock and roll band to ever play at the White House (Tricia Nixon's
birthday) and yet, the following week, they were headlining at the
world-famous Fillmore Auditorium in New York.
When the band broke up at the end of 1970, Howard and
his partner Mark turned down offers to join other groups and signed on
as members of Frank Zappa's elite band of musical comedians, The Mothers
of Invention. Five albums and the motion picture, "200 MOTELS"
came from that fruitful partnership as did the nom de plume "Flo
and Eddie" as Howard and Mark were not allowed legal use of their
own names until multiple Turtle lawsuits were settled. Four albums
followed on Warner Brothers and Columbia Records. They also produced
many albums for other bands and artists, as well as singing background
on over 100 albums. Flo and Eddie can be heard singing with John Lennon,
Bruce Springsteen, The Ramones, Blondie, Duran Duran, The Psychedelic
Furs, T. Rex, Alice Cooper and dozens more. In the 1980's, "Rock Steady With Flo and
Eddie" was recorded in Kingston Jamaica and the partners began
writing comedy and script with Chris Bearde, Larry Gelbart and Carl
Gotleib. Simultaneously, they began writing regularly featured columns
for Creem, Phonograph Record Magazine and the infamous L.A. Free Press. Shortly thereafter, Flo and Eddie began a career in the
radio industry, beginning their own show on L.A.'s famous KMET and then
moving on to KROQ with their own Sunday night program of celebrity
zaniness. Ten years later, they would find themselves with their own
radio time slot immediately following Howard Stern on New York's
legendary K-ROCK. In 1985, the old lawsuits were finally settled and the
name, "The Turtles" reverted to Howard and his partner, Mark
Volman, after fifteen years in litigation, as well as all of the master
recordings they made. Thanks to Burger King, the NFL, Sony Playstation,
and countless other television commercials and motion pictures, the
Turtles' catalog remains a staple for licensing and reproduction in the
twenty-first century. In 2001, Howard wrote a treatment for a very short film about his first night on tour in London. After bringing it to his good friend (and Rhino Records president) Harold Bronson for input, the project was lengthened and shot as a one-hour movie. The following year, scenes were added and it was back into the movie studio once again to complete what would now be a full-length feature. "MY DINNER WITH JIMI" is the first film written by Howard Kaylan. The film chronicles the events leading up to the night in 1967 when Howard Kaylan met Jimi Hendrix and the Beatles. "It's an absolutely true story," Kaylan recounts. "It was our first trip to London, and we met Graham Nash, Donovan, the Stones, and The Beatles - who played us Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band before it was released-all on the same night! I wound up eating dinner with Hendrix at 4 a.m....!" It is produced by Harold Bronson for Rhino Entertainment and directed by Bill Fishman, ("Tapeheads" "Car 54, Where Are You?") for Fallout Films. Howard currently lives in Seattle, Washington and commutes to Hollywood where he anxiously anticipates the release of his first major picture. The Turtles continue to perform, doing between 60 and 75 concerts each year.
* * newsflash ** newsflash ** newsflash ** newsflash ** newsflash ** newsflash ** newsflash ** newsflash ** newsflash ** newsflash ** The Dresdner Philharmonie, conductor Roland Kluttig, will be performing orchestra pieces by Frank Zappa and Edgar Varèse on 2007/03/27 at the 'Alter Schlachthof' in Dresden, Germany. http://www.dresdnerphilharmonie.de/ * * newsflash ** newsflash ** newsflash ** newsflash ** newsflash ** newsflash ** newsflash ** newsflash ** newsflash ** newsflash **
24. 03. 2007 20:00 Uhr Alter
Schlachthof Dresdner
Philharmoniker anders - 3. Abend Zappa! Orchesterkompositionen
von Frank Zappa und Edgar Varèse Edgar
Varèse (1883-1965):
Zappa (1940-1993)
Philharmonie Er
ist das enfant terrible des Avantgarde-Rock: Frank Zappa. Weniger bekannt
ist: Er hat auch für Orchester komponiert. Sein großes Vorbild war Edgar
Varèse. Zappa war 15 Jahre jung, als er sich von seinen Eltern Geld zum
Geburtstag schenken ließ, damit er Varèse in New York anrufen konnte.
Varèse war erstaunt, dass ein Junge aus dem Mittleren Westen sich für
seine Musik interessierte, und Zappa wunderte es, dass sein großes
Vorbild ein Stück mit dem Titel "Desert" komponierte - eine Wüste,
in der er seinerzeit lebte. Der in Dresden ausgebildete Roland Kluttig hat sich in den letzten Jahren vor allem als Operndirigent und als Dirigent außergewöhnlicher Konzertprogramme mit verschiedenen deutschen Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchestern einen Namen gemacht. An der Stuttgarter Staatsoper war er bis 2004 als musikalischer Assistent von Lothar Zagrosek engagiert und leitete u. a. Schönbergs "Moses und Aron" sowie Morton Feldmans "Neither", die für ihn zum Triumph wurden. Beim Aldeburgh Festival 2005 dirigierte er die Uraufführung von Richard Ayres Oper "The cricket recovers". Seit 2004 ist er Principal Conductor beim Crested Butte Music Festival in den USA, wo er insbesondere mit moderierten Sinfoniekonzerten begeisterte. Immer wieder erkundet er mit speziellen Projekten die Werke von Komponisten wie Berlioz, Satie, Eisler oder Bernd Alois Zimmermann.
2006 12 04 Our
best information at this time is that MOFO Deluxe could ship as late as
the week of FZ's birthday. Sadly,
unless you and Santa have a special relationship with FedEx, you might not
get it by Christmas. But
maybe you're a Curmudgeon. Once
the holiday joints and snouts is soon dispersed you can revel in the
excellence that is the 4 Discs of the MOFO of your dreams. May
all your green and buzzing bells be jingling, Zappa plays Zappa - the return of...
2006 12 04 BUY
WEBSITES LAUNCHED I'm happy to announce the launch of the newly re-designed Bright Eye Pictures website ( http://www.brighteyepictures.com/ ), as well as the brand new dedicated site for MONSTER ROAD: http://www.monsterroad.com/ Both
sites - as well as the new BEP logo - were designed and implemented by
Stephen van Vuuren of SV2Studios: http://www.sv2studios.com/ Visit
the MONSTER ROAD MySpace, YouTube, and imdb pages, cast your vote, and/or
slowly been making progress on ROCATERRANIA, my new documentary feature
about scientific illustrator and visionary artist Renaldo Kuhler. No
estimate yet for a completion date, but a work-in-progress screening will
be announced soon. Once again, the instrumental band Shark Quest is
working on what promises to be a terrific soundtrack for this new film.
For more information on ROCATERRANIA go to:
http://www.brighteyepictures.com/rocaterrania.html Cheers
to You All and Best Wishes for a Peaceful Holiday Season. Sincerely, Brett
Bunk Gardner plays on Nicholas Greenwood's LP "Cold Cuts" from 1972. - info: Petteri Aro
20061205 | |
20061204 | |
How about a Little Feat update? I added data and some (not all) pictures to the discography, and here's what they say over at the Wikipedia:
George Era (1969-1979) The
band was formed by two former members of Frank Zappa's Mothers of
Invention: songwriter and guitarist Lowell
George, who also provided vocals and slide guitar and Roy
Estrada on bass guitar. They were joined by drummer Richie Hayward
and Bill Payne on keyboards and vocals. The name of the band came
from a comment made by Mothers' drummer Jimmy Carl Black about the
diminutive size of Lowell's pedal extremities. There
are two legends about the genesis of Little Feat. One has it that
George showed Frank Zappa his song Willin, and that Zappa fired him
from The Mothers, because he felt that George was too talented to merely
be a member of his band, and told him he ought to go away and form his
own. The second version says that Zappa fired him because Willin contains
drug references ("weed, whites and wine"). Ironically, when
Willin was recorded for the first, eponymous Little Feat album, George had
hurt his hand, and could not play the slide part on the song: Ry Cooder
was drafted in to play this part. This was one reason why Willin' was
re-recorded and included on the lineup for their second album Sailin'
Shoes. Sailin' Shoes was also the first Little Feat album to include cover
art by Neon Park, who had painted the cover for Zappa's Weasels Ripped My
Flesh. The
first 2 albums, Little Feat and Sailin' Shoes, received virtually
unanimous critical approval and George's song Willin' became a classic,
subsequently popularized by its inclusion on Linda Ronstadt's album Heart
Like A Wheel. However lack of commercial success led to the band splitting
up, with Estrada leaving to join Captain Beefheart's Magic Band. In 1972
Little Feat reformed, with bassist Kenny Gradney replacing Estrada; the
band also added a second guitarist/vocalist, Paul Barrere, and
percussionist Sam Clayton. This new lineup radically altered the band's
sound, creating more polished but funky elements and new songwriting
capabilities. The group went on to record Dixie Chicken (1973)-one of the
band's most popular albums, which incorporated New Orleans musical
influences and styles-as well as Feats Don't Fail Me Now (1974), which was
a studio-recorded attempt to capture some of the energy found in many of
their live shows from around that time. The album concludes with a medley
of Cold, Cold, Cold/Tripe Face Boogie - songs from Sailin' Shoes -
reworked in a "live" style. Little
Feat reached a musical peak in this mid-1970s period. Although outdone in
sales and popularity by other rock contemporaries, they had built up a
solid audience through their album releases and incessant touring, and
were hailed as groundbreaking by many music critics. Proof of their
musical influence was the fact that they could count members of The
Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin among their loyal fans. Mick Taylor can be
heard guesting on Waiting For Columbus. Lowell George was respected for
his idiosyncratic genius for crafting sophisticated melodies and lyrics
and his high production standards. However, George is best remembered for
his exuberant, unique slide guitar style -- long, sustained, ringing
legato lines; and his soulful, expressive voice has influenced many
performers. The
release of The Last Record Album in 1975 signaled another change in the
Little Feat sound, with Barrere and Payne developing their interest in
jazz-rock, which was further extended in 1977's Time Loves A Hero. Prior
to the recording of The Last Record Album drummer Ritchie Hayward parted
company with his motorcycle at high speed . The sleeve liner to the LP
version of this album was decorated with copies of his many hospital
bills. Also present was evidence of a late change to the running order of
tracks. The lyrics for Paul Barrere's song Hi Roller were printed on the
sleeve, but scored out, and the words "maybe next time" scrawled
over them. Sure enough, Hi Roller was the first track on the following
album Time Loves A Hero. Lowell
George continued to produce the albums, but his songwriting contribution
lessened as the group moved onward into jazz-rock territory. In August
1977, the band recorded a live album from gigs at The Rainbow Theatre in
London and Lisner Auditorium in Washington, DC. Waiting For Columbus is
considered by many rock music critics to be one of the best live albums of
that decade. It was released in 1978, by which time it had become apparent
that Lowell George's interest in the band was diminishing, as was his
health. George did some work on what would eventually become Down On The
Farm but then recorded a solo album Thanks, I'll Eat it Here and declared
that Little Feat had disbanded. During touring for Thanks, I'll Eat it
Here in June of 1979, at the age of 34, George was found dead in his hotel
room in Arlington, Virginia. An autopsy found the death to be caused by a
heart attack, although it is considered likely that George's weight,
(formerly chronic) drug usage and the stress of touring contributed to his
condition. The
surviving members finished and released Down On The Farm before disbanding
in 1979. A subsequent retrospective double album compilation of rare
outtakes and live tracks, Hoy-Hoy! was released in 1981. Little
Feat after Lowell George (1988-Present) In
1988, after a long break, the group reformed again when Barrere, Clayton,
Gradney, Hayward and Payne added songwriter/vocalist Craig Fuller,
formerly from the band Pure Prairie League (who also provided some rhythm
guitar), and Fred Tackett on guitar, mandolin and trumpet. The band
admired Fuller's previous work and were impressed when he toured with them
in 1978 as part of the Fuller/Kaz band. They did not even request an
audition, simply advising him they wanted him; and the reformation of
Little Feat was complete. The initial release by the new lineup, Let It
Roll, was a tremendous success, garnering Feat its first gold record LP
since Waiting For Columbus which now had gone platinun. The band received
more exposure than ever, including an appearance on Saturday Night Live.
Concerts were booked nationally and Little Feat played enthusiastic, sold
out shows. Fuller's vocals and high energy were a primary reason for the
success. Barrere, Payne and company were pleased by the audience reaction:
not only were they able to put over the Feat classics, but the new music
was solid. While there were a few Little Feat diehards who could not
accept the band without Lowell George, Little Feat with Fuller made a
comeback that not only resurrected the old music, but introduced a whole
new generation to Little Feat. Fans who were unfamiliar with the band were
enthusiastic, even seeking older Little Feat recordings. Little
Feat released two more recordings with Fuller, and the band continued to
tour on a large scale. However, many of the radio stations and venues who
supported this music began disappearing. Fuller departed in 1993, stating
that touring required too much time away from his family. His contribution
to the history of Little Feat cannot be overstated. In
September 1993 Fuller's vocals were replaced by those of female singer
Shaun Murphy. Murphy began her career working in Detroit, Michigan, most
notably in theatre, and received a record contract with Rare Earth
Records, a division of Motown Records, as a member of a duo with notable
recording artist Meat Loaf. The duo later disbanded, and Murphy went on to
sing and record with renowned artists such as Eric Clapton and Bob Seger.
Fuller's departure proved to be a difficult hurdle for Feat, both in the
studio and live. The band had to take a new approach. With Murphy, the
tone of the live shows is more relaxed, and lends itself to more
free-flowing jams, which other members of the band seem to prefer. The
studio albums with Murphy failed to attract many of the Feat fans who had
followed them with George and Fuller. The
current line up found some critical acclaim and continue to attract a
faithful following, especially from the baby boomer generation. Some
of the prominent musicians and bands to play and record the music of
Little Feat include The Byrds, Garth Brooks, Jackson Browne, Emmylou
Harris, Nicolette Larson, Randy Newman, Robert Palmer, Bonnie Raitt, Linda
Ronstadt, John Sebastian, Carly Simon, Van Halen, Joe Walsh, Phish, and
Bob Weir. Little
Feat tours all over the world and is regarded by many music critics as a
"band's band" and one of the greatest rock bands in history.
20061203 | |
20061202 more from the archives: |
20061201 archive stuff: |
leftovers from November | |
Annual ZappaFest - December 14 at Stonefly This
year, we'll be at Stonefly, the brewpub formerly known at Onopa, at 735 E.
Center Street in Riverwest, Milwaukee. Our annual music event, features
the musical madness and mayhem of Frank Zappa. The Spiders of Destiny feature Dixon Bols on lead guitar & Mr. Poopy, bass & vocals, from the Fun-ka-trons; David Darsh, keys & vocals, ex-Wild Kingdom; Danny Dinky, drums, ex- Shinola; Greasy Guido, guitar, from Drunk from Beer, and introducing the soon to be infamous Chestica Air-on of 5 Star Hangover on lead vocals and madness. They will be doing their versions of "Mr. Green Genes", "Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up", and "Let's Make the Water Turn Black". They plan to do "Magic Fingers", "Sharleena", "My Guitar Wants to Kill your Mama", and hope to do "Love of My Life", "Muffin Man", and "Chunga's Revenge". Other surprises are being planned from Spiders of Destiny... Dr.
Chows Love Medicine is led by Dr. Plow, Frank Chandek, who is Mr. Green
Genes for real, toting that trash and plowing them streets for Milwaukee
Streets & San. Between times, he and his bandmates perform as Dr.
Chow´s Love Medicine, a theatrical rock and blues combo, reinventing
classics and creating new ones. Visit www.sudswineandspirits.com for more info as we get it !! -- Jeff Platt
Pojama People, featuring Ike Willis
Project/Object, featuring Ike Willis
some upcoming URR
Zappa Festival Announced! The Zappateers are pleased to announce their 1st UK Zappa Festival to be held in Bradford-on-Avon on the weekend of 16th - 18th February 2007. The Festival is to be held at ‘The George’ Public House – a major local venue for live music. The weekend festival will feature at least 6 bands – already confirmed are the young and excitable ‘Monty and The Butchers’, Dutch coverband ‘The Foolz’, and Liverpudlian Zappa stalwarts ‘The Muffin Men’. Supplementing this line up will be a number of local bands. Festival Organiser Paul Barnard said “We have an excellent venue booked, with a committed Landlord, and have negotiated very attractive accommodation rates with local hostelries. We hope to announce weekend ticket prices very soon to include the option of hotels as part of the overall price. We hope that by including bed and breakfast as a part of the package we will attract Zappateers from all over the world, and encourage them all to experience some excellent music combined with some real West Country hospitality”. Co-organiser Benjamin Darling added “The Festival will be supporting the Marie Curie Cancer Charity, which is a regular beneficiary of The George Pub. As Zappa died prematurely of prostate cancer, we hope to be able to have a great festival and contribute to this worthy cause”. The Zappateers will be announcing ticket prices and booking details on their website early in December 2006. But fans need to be quick – with a venue limit of 75 the Zappateers expect the event to be a sell out. 2007/02/16 -18 concert "UK Zappa Festival", Bradford-on-Avon, UK
Plays ZAPPA is out and about for October and suddenly December and there
will be another round of the ever-popular auctions for selected seats and
such at selected tour dates. Starting NOW, you have a chance to bid on
premium seats, a tour poster, and access to sound check the night of the
show. See below for those special dates for those special auctions.And,
starting Wednesday, Sept 27th, ALL Shows (except for Vancouver, which is
on-sale at a later date) will run a pre-sale. Once again, you can get your
tickets for that here: http://zpz.frontgatetickets.com/ Yes,
except and also, butthe New Orleans and Cabazon shows will not have
auctions - instead, for $100, you will have access to the ZAPPA Plays
ZAPPA soundcheck, as well as tickets to the show. These tickets are very
limited and only available through the Front Gate presale, starting on
Wed, Sept 27th. Tickets are available here:
http://zpz.frontgatetickets.com/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Info and links:
Tour dates here:
guests for all shows* are Napoleon Murphy Brock, Steve Vai and Terry
Bozzio. (*Terry will not be performing at the December 30 show.) For
more information, visit http://www.zappa.com/zpz
Zappa plays Zappa - the return of...
the concert calendar * the concert calendar |