sun ra

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1 sun ra: jazz by sun ra
    (1957, lp, usa, transition) - re-released in 1990 on cd on the delmark label as "sun song"

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2 sun ra and his arkestra: super-sonic jazz
    (1957, lp, usa, saturn)  - re-released on cd in 1992 on the evidence label

3 sun ra and his arkestra: jazz in silhouette
    (1959, lp, usa, saturn lp 5786) - re-released in 1974 and 2010 on lp, and in 1991 and 2009 on cd

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4 sun ra: the futuristic sounds of sun ra
    (1961, lp, usa, savoy records) 

5 sun ra: when sun comes out
    (1963, lp, usa, saturn 2066)  - reissued on cd in 1993 on the evidence label

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6 sun ra & his solar arkestra: secrets of the sun
    (1964, lp, usa, saturn) - reissued on cd in 2008 on the atavistic label with a bonus track

7 sun ra: art forms of dimensions tomorrow
    (1965, lp, usa, saturn 404) - reissued on cd in 1992 on the evidence label and again in 2018 on the grey scale label

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8 sun ra and his myth-science arkestra: fate in a pleasant mood
    (1965, lp, usa, saturn 202)  - reissued on cd in 1993
on the evidence label

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9 sun ra and his myth-science arkestra: the lady with the golden stockings
    (1965, lp, usa, el saturn 406) - re-released as "the nubians of plutonia" in 1967 / re-released on cd in 1993 on the evidence label


10 sun ra and his myth-science arkestra: angels and demons at play
    (1965, lp, usa, el saturn 407) - re-released on cd in 1993 on the evidence label

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11 sun ra: the heliocentric worlds of sun ra volume 1
    (1965, lp, usa, ??) -
re-released on cd in 1992 on the abraxas label

12 sun ra: the heliocentric worlds of sun ra volume 2
    (1966, lp, usa, ??) - re-released on cd in 1992 on the abraxas label, on picture disc in 1998

13 sun ra and his myth science arkestra: when angels speak of love
    (1966, lp, usa, saturn) - re-released on cd in 2000 on the evidence label

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14 sun ra and his solar arkestra: the magic city
    (1966, lp, usa, saturn 403) - re-released on cd in 1993 on the evidence label and on both lp and cd in 2017 on the cmr label

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15 sun ra and his solar arkestra: other planes of there
    (1966, lp, usa, saturn
kh 98766) - re-released on cd in 1992 on the evidence label

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16 sun ra and his solar arkestra: visits planet earth
    (1966, lp, usa, saturn lp 207) - re-released on cd in 1992 on the evidence label

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17 sun ra and his myth science arkestra: we travel the space ways
    (1966, lp, usa, el saturn lp 409) - re-released on cd in 1992 on the evidence label

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the sensational guitars of dan & dale: batman & robin
    (1966, lp, usa, ??) - featuring sun ra & his arkestra  //  re-released as a sun ra & the blues project album

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the sensational guitars of dan & dale: batman theme
    (1966, 7", usa, tifton 45-125) - featuring sun ra & his arkestra

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sun ra and his myth-science arkestra: nubians of plutonia
    (1967, lp, usa, el saturn 406) - originally released as "the lady with the golden stockings" in 1965 / re-released on cd in 1993 on the evidence label


18 sun ra and his myth science arkestra: cosmic tones for mental therapy
    (1967, lp, usa, el saturn lp 408)  - reissued on cd in 1992 on the evidence label

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19 sun ra and his myth-science arkestra: interstellar low ways
    (1967, lp, usa,
saturn lp 203) - re-released on cd in 1992 on the evidence label

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20 sun ra and his astro infinity arkestra: strange strings
    (1967, lp, usa, el saturn 502) - reissued on cd in 2007 on the atavistic label

  amiri baraka - sun ra and the myth science arkestra: a black mass
    (1968, lp, usa, son boy records - 1) - re-released on cd in 1999

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21 sun ra: monorails & satellites
    (1968, lp, usa, el saturn lp 509) - re-released on cd in 1991 on the evidence label

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  sun ra: sound of joy
    (1968, lp, usa, delmark ds-414) - re-released on cd in 1994, with 2 bonus tracks

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22 sun ra: monorails & satellites vol. II
    (1969, lp, usa, saturn records) 

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23 sun ra and his astro infinity arkestra: atlantis
    (1969, lp, usa, el saturn lp 507) - re-released on cd in 1993 on the evidence label

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24 sun ra: nothing is ...
    (1970, lp, usa, esp 1045)  - re-released on picture disc in 1998, and on cd in 2006

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25 sun ra: continuation
    (1970, lp, usa, saturn) - re-released as a 2 cd set with a lot of bonus material on the cvsd label in 2013

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26 sun ra and his astro infinity arkestra: holiday for soul dance
    (1970, lp, usa, saturn lp 508) -
re-released on cd in 1991

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27 sun ra and his astro infinity arkestra: sound sun pleasure !!
    (1970, lp, usa, saturn sr 512) - re-released on cd in 1991 on the evidence label

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28 sun ra andhis intergalactic infinity arkestra: the night of the purple moon
    (1970, lp, usa, saturn lp)

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29 sun ra and his astro infinity arkestra: my brother the wind
    (1970, lp, usa, saturn lp) 

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30 sun ra and his astro infinity arkestra: my brother the wind volume II
    (1970, lp, usa, saturn lp) - re-released on cd in 1992 on the evidence label

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31 sun ra and his infinity research arkestra: it's after the end of the world - live at the donaueschingen and berlin festivals
    (1971, lp, usa, mps) 

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32 sun ra: nuits de la fondation maeght vol. 1
    (1971, lp, usa, ??)  - re-released on cd in 2003

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33 sun ra: nuits de la fondation maeght vol. 2
    (1971, lp, usa, ??)   - re-released on cd in 2003

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34 sun ra and his solar-myth arkestra: the solar myth approach (vol 1)
    (1971, lp, france, byg) - re-released on cd in 2002, and on the snapper label in 2004

35 sun ra and his solar-myth arkestra: the solar myth approach (vol 2)
    (1971, lp, france, byg) - re-released on cd in 2002, and on the snapper label in 2004

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36 sun ra and his arkestra: pictures of infinity
    (1971, lp, usa, ??)

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37 sun ra and his blue universe arkestra: universe in blue
    (1972, lp, usa, saturn) 

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38 sun ra and his arkestra: bad and beautiful
    (1972, lp, usa, el saturn lp 532) - re-released on cd
in 1992 on the evidence label

39 sun ra: nidhamu
    (1971, lp, usa, ??)  - re-released on cd in 2009

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40 sun ra and his omniverse arkestra: dark myth equation visitation
    (1972, lp, usa, thoth records)  - re-released on cd in 2009

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41 sun ra: astro black
    (1973, lp, usa, impulse as-9255- re-issued on cd in 2018

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42 sun ra: space is the place
    (1973, lp, usa, ??)  - re-issued on cd in 1998

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43 sun ra: discipline 27-II
    (1973, lp, usa, saturn records) 

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44 sun ra: horizon
    (1974, lp, usa, saturn lp 849)  - re-released on cd with bonus material in 2008

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45 sun ra and his cosmo angel arkestra: out beyond the kingdom of sun ra and his cosmo angel arkestra
    (1974, lp, usa, saturn 61674 lp) 

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46 sun ra: the antique blacks
    (1974, lp, usa, saturn) - re-released in 2009 on art yard  and in
2010 on kindred spirits

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47 sun ra: sub-underground
    (1974, lp, usa, ??)

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48 sun ra: live in paris at the "gibus"
    (1974, lp, france, atlantic) - re-released on cd in 2003

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  sun ra: the invisible shield
    (1794, lp, usa, saturn)

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49 sun ra and his astro infinity arkestra: pathways to unknown worlds
    (1975, lp, usa, ??)

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50 sun ra and his arkestra: sun ra and his arkestra featuring pharoah sanders and black harold
    (1976, lp, usa, ??) 

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51 sun ra: cosmos
    (1976, lp, france, cobra cob 37001) - re-released in 1978, 1991, 1999, 2003 and 2008

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52 sun ra & his arkestra: somewhere over the rainbow
    (1977, lp, usa, saturn lp 7877) - also titled "we live to be"

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53 sun ra: solo piano volume 1
    (1977, lp, usa, ??) 

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54 sun ra: st. louis blues - solo piano
    (1977, lp, usa, ??) 

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55 sun ra & the cosmo swing arkestra: live at montreux
    (1977, 2lp, usa, saturn ms 87976) - re-released in 1978 and 2008

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  sun ra & his arkestra: montreux 76
    (1977, lp, usa saturn 87976) - single album

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56 sun ra: some blues but not the kind that's blue
    (1978, lp, usa, ??) 

57 sun ra: the soul vibrations of man
    (1978, lp, usa, saturn) 

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58 sun ra and his arkestra: taking a chance on chances
    (1978, lp, usa, saturn) 
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59 sun ra arkestra: unity
    (1978, 2lp, usa, horo records) - part of this album got re-released on "live at the fayetteville" (2011) album
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60 sun ra quartet: other voices, other blues
    (1978, 2lp, usa, horo records) 


61 sun ra quartet: new steps
    (1978, 2lp, usa, horo records) - re-released on cd in 2009 on atomic records

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62 sun ra and his arkestra: media dreams
    (1978, lp, usa, saturn) 

63 sun ra and his arkestra: disco 3000
    (1978, lp, usa, ??)  - re-released on cd and on vinyl in 2009 on the art yard label

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64 sun ra and his arkestra: sound mirror
    (1978, lp, usa, saturn) 

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65 sun ra: lanquidity
    (1979, lp, usa, ??) - re-released on cd in 2000 on the evidence label

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66 sun ra: god is more than love can ever be
    (1979, lp, usa, ??) 
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67 sun ra: omniverse
    (1980, lp, usa, ??) 
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68 sun ra: song of the stargazers
    (1980, lp, usa, saturn) 

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69 sun ra: sleeping beauty
    (1980, lp, usa, ??)


70 sun ra: on jupiter
    (1980, lp, usa, ??) - re-released on vinyl in
2010 on kindred spirits / art yard
71 sun ra: the other side of the sun
    (1979, lp, usa, sweet earth) 

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72 sun ra: of mythic worlds
    (1980, lp, usa, philly jazz pj 1007) 

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73 sun ra: i, pharaoh
    (1980, lp, usa, ??)
74 sun ra: voice of the eternal tomorrow
    (1981, lp, usa, ??) 
75 sun ra: aurora borealis
    (1981, lp, usa, ??) 
76 sun ra: dance of innocent passion
    (1981, lp, usa, ??) 
77 sun ra arkestra: sunrise in different dimensions
    (1981, 2lp, switzerland, hat hut) - re-released on cd in 2010

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8 sun ra and his omniverse jet-set arkestra: beyond the purple star zone
    (1981 lp, usa, saturn lp 123180) - re-released on cd as "oblique parallax / beyond the purple star" in 2010 on the art yard label

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79 sun ra and his omniverse jet-set arkestra: oblique parallax
    (1982 lp, usa, saturn ix sr 72881) - re-released on cd as part of the "oblique parallax / beyond the purple star" album in 2010 on the art yard label

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80 sun ra: strange celestial road
    (1982, lp, usa, rounder records) - re-released on cd in 1987

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sun ra arkestra: nuclear war / sometimes i'm happy
    (1982, 12", uk, y records)

81 sun ra: ra to the rescue
    (1983, lp, usa, ??) 
  the sun ra arkestra meets salah ragab: in egypt
    (1983, lp, usa, praxis) - re-released on cd by golden years of new jazz in 1999 with two bonus tracks

sun ra arkestra: nuclear war
    (1984, lp, italy, y records) - this is the 1982 12" plus some extra tracks / re-released in 2001 on cd

82 sun ra: a fireside chat with lucifer
    (1984, lp, usa, ??) - includes tracks from the 1984 "nuclear war" album
83 sun ra: celestial love
    (1984, lp, usa, saturn) - includes tracks from the 1984 "nuclear war" album / reissued on cd in 2020
84 the sun ra arkestra: live at "praxis '84" vol. I
    (1985, lp, greece, ??)  - re-released on cd by leo records in 2000 ; on vinyl by vinyl lovers in 2010

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85 the sun ra arkestra: live at "praxis '84" vol. II
    (1985, lp,
greece, ??)  - re-released on cd by leo records in 2000 ; on vinyl by vinyl lovers in 2010

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86 the sun ra arkestra: live at "praxis '84" vol. III
    (1985, lp,
greece, ??)  - re-released on cd by leo records in 2000 ; on vinyl by vinyl lovers in 2010

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87 sun ra and his arkestra: cosmo sun connection
    (1985, lp, uk, recommended records) - re-released on cd in 1997

88 sun ra: hiroshima
    (1985, lp, usa, ??) 
89 sun ra: outer reach intensity-energy
    (1985, lp, usa, ??) 
90 le sun ra and his cosmo discipline arkestra: a night in east berlin
    (1987, lp, uk, leo records) - re-released on cd on leo records in 1995
91 sun ra arkestra: reflections in blue
    (1987, lp, italy, black saint)

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92 sun ra & his arkestra: love in outer space - live in utrecht
    (1988, lp, uk, leo records) 

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93 sun ra: hidden fire 1
    (1988, lp, usa, saturn) 

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94 sun ra: hidden fire 2
    (1988, lp, usa, saturn)

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95 sun ra arkestra: cosmo omnibus imagiable - live at pit-inn, tokyo, 8, 8, 1988
    (1988, cd, japan, diw)

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96 sun ra and his arkestra: out there a minute
    (1989, cd, uk, blast first)

97 sun ra: blue delight
    (1989, cd, usa, ??)
98 sun ra arkestra: hours after
    (1989, lp, italy, black saint) 

99 sun ra: purple night
    (1990, cd, germany, a&m) 

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100 sun ra and his year 2000 myth science arkestra: live in london 1990
    (1990, 3x10", uk, wire magazine / blast first bffp60cd) 

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101 sun ra arkestra: mayan temples
    (1992, cd, italy, black saint) 

  billy bang with sun ra, john ore and andrew cyrille: a tribute to stuff smith
    (1992, cd, italy, black saint)

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102 sun ra & his omniverse arkestra: destination unknown
    (1992, cd, austria, enja cd 7071-2) 

103 sun ra: somewhere else
    (1993, cd, usa, rounder records) 

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104 sun ra: concert for the comet kohoutek
    (1993, cd, usa, ??) - re-released in 2007 on esp

105 sun ra sextet: at the village vanguard
    (1993, cd, usa, jazz door 12125) - the 'rounder record label' edition has a different cover

106 sun ra: soundtrack to space is the place
    (1993, cd, usa, evidence 22070)

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107 sun ra arkestra: friendly galaxy
    (1993, cd, uk, leo records lr 188)

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108 sun ra & his arkestra with symphony orchestra: pleiades
    (1993, 2cd, uk, leo records cd lr 210/211)

109 sun ra and the year 2000 myth science arkestra: live at the hackney empire
    (1994, 2cd, uk, leo records)
110 sun ra & his arkestra: a quiet place in the universe
    (1994, cd, uk, leo records lr 198)

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111 sun ra arkestra: live from soundscape
    (1994, 2cd, japan, diw-388) - re-released in 1998

112 sun ra & his intergalaxtic arkestra: second star to the right (salute to walt disney)
    (1995, cd, uk, leo records lr 230) 

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113 sun ra & his intergalaxtic arkestra: stardust from tomorrow
    (1996, 2cd, uk, leo records lr 235 / 236) 

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114 sun ra: the singles
    (1996, 2cd, usa, evidence 22164-2)


sun ra: ra came down to the earth
    (1997, cd, japan, king records kicj 315) = compilation of various evidence label albums

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  sun ra: calling planet earth
    (1998, 3cd, ger, freedom 7612-2)

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  sun ra: outer spaceways incorporated
    (1998, cd, ger, freedom cd741085)  - part one of the 3cd "calling planet earth" set // cd re-issue of the 1971 "pictures of infinity" vinyl album // previously unissued track

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115 sun ra: spaceways
    (1998, cd, ger, freedom cd741047) - part two of the 3cd "calling planet earth" set  //  cd re-issue of the 1974 saturn vinyl album "outer spaceways incorporated" album

116 sun ra: calling planet earth
    (1998, cd, ger, freedom cd741071) - part three of the 3cd "calling planet earth" set  //  re-released on vinyl in 2015

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  sun ra & his intergalactic research arkestra: black myth / out in space
    (1998, 2cd, ger, motor music 567 656-2) -
parts previously released on "black forest myth" (1971) and "it's after the end of the world" (1971)

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  amiri baraka - sun ra and the myth science arkestra: a black mass
    (1999, cd, usa, son boy records - 1) - re-release of the 1968 album

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117 sun ra and his intergalactic arkestra: outer space employment agency
    (1999, cd, usa, alive! total energy records ner3021) 

118 sun ra & his solar myth arkestra: life is splendid
    (1999, cd, usa, ??) 
  the sun ra arkestra under the direction of marshall allen: a song for the sun
    (1999, cd, usa, el ra records 99021)

  the sun ra arkestra meets salah ragab: in egypt
    (1999, cd, usa, golden years of new jazz gy 1) - re-release of the 1983 vinyl album, with two bonus tracks

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119 sun ra: the great lost sun ra albums: cymbals & crystal spears
    (2000, 2cd, usa, evidence ecd 22217-2)

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120 sun ra and his astro infinity arkestra: pathways to unknown worlds + friendly love
    (2000, cd, usa, evidence ecd 22218-2)

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121 sun ra: janus
    (2000, cd, ??, black lion)
122 sun ra: standards
    (2000, cd, ??, black lion)
  sun ra: greatest hits: easy listening for intergalactic travel
    (2000, cd, usa, evidence ecd 22219-2) 
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123 sun ra & his intergalactic arkestra: at the ann arbor blues & jazz festival in exile 1974 - it is forbidden
    (2001, cd, usa, alive / total energy

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124 sun ra / henry dumas: the ark and the ankh
    (2001, cd, usa, ikef records ikef02) - also released as a 12" vinyl picture disc
125 sun ra and his arkestra: music from tomorrow's world
    (2002, cd, usa, atavistic records)

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126 sun ra: spaceship lullaby
    (2003, cd, usa, atavistic records ums/alp243cd)

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127 sun ra and his arkestra: astral planes and new moon beams - live in atlanta 1989
    (2003, lp, ??, ??)
128 sun ra: piano recital - teatro la fenice, venezia
    (2003, cd, uk, leo records - golden years gy 21)  - re-released on vinyl in 2010 on the vinyl lovers label

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  the sun ra arkestra under the direction of marshall allen: music for the 21st century - live at the uncool festival in poschiavo, switzerland
    (2003, cd, usa, el ra records 50322)

129 sun ra: sun ra research cd one
    (2004, cd, usa, sun ra research srr001)

130 sun ra: heliocentric worlds vol. 3 - the lost tapes
    (2005, cd, usa, esp disk esp 4002) 
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  sun ra arkestra: volume one - live at the palomino
    ( 2005, dvd, usa, transparency 0170)

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  sun ra arkestra: volume two - east and west  berlin
    (2005, dvd, usa, tranparency)

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  sun ra: volume three - solo piano / sun ra arkestra: montreux and lugano
    (2005, dvd, usa, transparency)

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  sun ra  arkestra /   rufus harley  quintet: volume four - washington, d.c.
    (2005, dvd, usa, tranparency) = split artist dvd

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  sun ra and his solar myth-arkestra: strange worlds
    (2005, 2cd, ??, atom 2036) = re-release of "solar myth approach" volumes 1 and 2

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131 sun ra and his space arkestra: what planet is this ?
    ( 2006, 2cd, usa, leo records gy 24/25) - re-released on vinyl in 2010 by vinyl lovers

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132 the sun ra arkestra: springtime in chicago
    (2006, 2cd, uk, leo records gy 26/27)

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sun ra: sun ra research cd two
    (2006, cd, usa, sun ra research srr002)

  sun ra arkestra: volume five - lone star roadhouse and african street festival
    (2006, dvd, usa, transparency)

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  sun ra arkestra: volume six - live in oakland
    (2006, dvd, usa, transparency)

sunra_tr_dvd_oakland.jpg (27281 bytes)

134 sun ra & salah ragab: sun rise in egypt vol 1
    (2006, cdr, egypt, ??) 
135 sun ra & salah ragab: sun rise in egypt vol 2
    (2006, cdr, egypt, ??) 
136 sun ra & salah ragab: sun rise in egypt vol 3
    (2006, cdr, egypt, ??) 
137 sun ra arkestra: myron's ballroom - audio series volume one
   (2006, 3cd, usa, transparency 0236)

sunra_myronsballroom.jpg (48038 bytes)

138 sun ra arkestra: club lingerie - audio series volume two
    (2006, 2cd, usa, transparency 0237) 

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various artists: sonic scenery - music for collections
    (2006, cd, usa, natural history museum of los angels county nhm cd-001) - feat. the sun ra arkestra

sonic_scenery.jpg (50070 bytes)

the sun ra arkestra under the direction of marshall allen: music for the 21st century
    (2006, dvd, switzerland, uncool festival)

uncool2003dvd.jpg (25768 bytes)

139 sun ra: the creator of the universe - the lost reel collection volume 1
    (2007, 2cd, usa,
transparency 0301

140 sun ra: intergalactic research - the lost reel collection volume 2
    (2007, cd, usa,
transparency 0302

141 sun ra: the shadows took shape - the lost reel collection volume 3
    (2007, 2cd, usa, transparency 0303)

142 sun ra: dance of the living image - the lost reel collection volume 4
    (2007, 2cd, usa, transparency 0304)

  sun ra - john gilmore - luqman ali - michael ray - june tyson: the complete disco 3000 concert
    (2007, 2cd, uk, art yard 001)

143 sun ra and the omniverse jet set arkestra: the complete detroit jazz centre residency
    (2007, 28cdr, usa, tranparancy 0307) - the first transparency box set

  sun ra: toward the stars
    (2007, cd, uk, cherryred / five four 19)

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144 sun ra: live at the horseshoe tavern (toronto 1978)
    (2008, 10cdr, usa, transparency 0310) - the second transparency box set

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145 sun ra: the universe sent me - the lost reel collection volume 5
    (2008, cd, usa, transparency 0305)

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146 sun ra all stars: milan, zürich, west berlin, paris
    (2008, 5cd, usa, transparency 0311) - the third transparency box set

  sun ra - john gilmore - luqman ali - michael ray: media dreams sessions milan 1979
    (2008, 2cd, uk, art yard 002)

147 sun ra: newport jazz festival - the electric circus
    (2008, 2cd, usa, transparency 0308)

148 sun ra: untitled recordings
    (2008, cd, usa, transparency 0309)

  sun ra and his arkestra: new horizons
    (2008, cd, spain, fresh sound records fsr-cd 495) = compilation

149 sun ra: live in cleveland
    (2009, cd, uk, leo records - golden years of new jazz gy 29)

sunra_gy29.jpg (25901 bytes)

  sun ra arkestra under the direction of marshall allen: live at the paradox
    (2009, cd, ger, in & out)

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150 sun ra: live at slug's saloon
  (2009, 6cd, usa, transparency 0313) - the fourth transparency box set

sunra_trans0313.jpg (27948 bytes)

  sun ra arkestra under the direction of marshall allen: points on a space age
    (2009, dvd, usa, mvd) = a documentary by ephraim asili

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151 sun ra: helsinki 1971
    (2009, 2cd + dvd, usa, transparency 0314)

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  phill niblock: six films (1966 - 1969)
    (2009, dvd, uk, die schachtel) - incl. "the magic sun", documentary about sun ra - originally released on atavistic

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  sun ra: interplanetary melodies
    (2009, cd, usa, norton records ced 352cd)

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  sun ra: second stop is jupiter
    (2009, cd, usa, norton records ced 353cd)

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  sun ra: rocket ship rock
    (2009, cd, usa, norton records ced 354cd)

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  sun ra: i am strange / i am an instrument
    (2009, 7", usa, norton records 45-153)

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  sun ra: medicine for a nightmare - the singles
    (2009, lp, italy, doxy dox 821lp)

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  sun ra: the road to destiny - the lost reel collection volume six
    (2010, cd, usa, transparency 0306) 

sunra_transp0306.jpg (17761 bytes)

  sun ra: live in rome
    (2010, 2cd, usa, transparency 0315) 

sunra_transp0315.jpg (17557 bytes)

  sun ra: the shadows cast by tomorrow
    (2010, 3 x 7", uk, jazzman records jm 073) - = a re-issue of early saturn singles

sunra_shadowscast3_7.jpg (19401 bytes)

  sun ra: college tour vol.I
    (2010, 2cd, usa, esp 4060) - = this album includes the "nothing is..." album

sunra_esp4060.jpg (23382 bytes)

  sun ra: the heliocentric worlds of sun ra
    (2010, usa, 3cd, esp 4062) = the three heliocentric albums

sunra_heliocentricbox.jpg (17085 bytes)

  sun ra and his mythic science arkestra: the paris tapes
    (2010, 2cd, uk, art yard / kindred spirits )

sunra_theparistapes_2cd.jpg (23973 bytes)


sun ra & his ethnic structural cosmo arkestra: live at red creek
    (2010, lp, italy,
sagittarius a-star sas 3) - ltd edition of 200 copies

sunra_liveatredcreek_lp.jpg (36126 bytes)

  sun ra & his arkestra: the lost arkestra series vol.1
    (2010, nl, 10" ep, kindred spirits) 

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  sun ra: strange worlds in my mind
    (2010, lp, usa, norton records 365)

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  sun ra: the sub-dwellers
    (2010, lp, usa, norton records 366)

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  sun ra: the outer darkness
    (2010, lp, usa, norton records 367)

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sun ra: space probe
    (2010, cd, uk, art yard) 

sunra_spaceprobe_artyardcd.jpg (31362 bytes)

  sun ra: the world is not my home
    (2011, 3 x 7", uk, jazzman records) - = a re-issue of early saturn singles

sunra_shadowscast3_7.jpg (19401 bytes)

sun ra: live in london 1970
    (2011, 2cd, usa, transparency 317)

sunra_transp0317london.jpg (13668 bytes)

  sun ra: three classic albums
    (2011, 2cd, uk, real gone jazz rgjcd237) = "jazz by sun ra", "super-sonic jazz", "jazz in silhouette"

sunra_threeclassicalbums_c.jpg (31103 bytes)

sun ra: the mystery of being
    (2011, 3lp, italy, klimt) = "new steps" + "other voices, other blues"

sun ra: live at the storyville in nyc - 24th october 1977
    (2011, lp, italy, b13 - bb presents b135) = limited release on red vinyl

sunra_b135lp.jpg (53529 bytes)

sun ra: live at the storyville in nyc - 29th october 1977
    (2011, lp, italy, b13 - bb presents b136) = limited release on red vinyl

sunra_liveatthestoryville_front.jpg (9160 bytes)

  sun ra: the eternal myth revealed - volume one - the early music history of sun ra
    (2011, 14 cd-box, usa, sun ra music archive / transparency 0316)

 sunra_eternalmyth_01.jpg (41264 bytes)

sun ra: sun ra presents the qualities
    (2011, 7", usa, norton records norton 169ep)

sunra_norton169.jpg (22533 bytes)

sun ra: wake up angels
    (2011, 2cd, uk, art yard) - re-issued in 2017

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the sun ra arkestra: live at the squat theatre
    (2012, lp, finland, sinner lady gloria)

sunra_liveatthesquat.jpg (57480 bytes)

pharoah sanders: in the beginning
    (2012, 4cd, usa, esp) - feat. sun ra & the sun ra arkestra

pharoahsanders_inthebeginning4cd.jpg (98462 bytes)

sun ra and his astro infinite arkestra: sub underground series - cosmo earth fantasy
    (2012, cd, uk, art yard) - reissue of the 1974 "sub underground" album

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  sun ra: four classic albums plus bonus singles
    (2012, 4cd, uk, real gone jazz)

sunra_rgjcd297.jpg (26207 bytes)

  sun ra: angels and demons at play / sound sun pleasure / we travel the spaceways
    (2012, cd, eu, solar records)
sun ra: a space odyssey
    (2013, 3cd, uk, fantastic voyage) = sampler with early sun ra material

sunra_aspaceodyssey.jpg (40820 bytes)

cauleen smith: black utopia
    (2013, 2x12", usa, private release) = sun ra tribute album, featuring sun ra rehearsals and sun ra lectures

cauleensmith_blackutopia.jpg (26911 bytes)

sun ra: at the red garter
    (2013, 3cd, usa, transparency 0319) = live in nyc, 1970

sunra_redgarter.jpg (26642 bytes)

sun ra & his arkestra: the lost arkestra series vol.2
    (2013, nl, 10" ep, kindred spirits) 

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sun ra and his arkestra: my way is the spaceways
    (2013, lp, usa, norton records)

sunra_mywayisthespaceways_norton.jpg (51215 bytes)

sun ra and his band from outer space: space aura
    (2013, 10", uk, art yard 10/001)

sunra_space_aura.jpg (34704 bytes)

  sun ra: continuation
    (2013, cd, usa, corbett vs. dempsey cvsd009) - re-release of the 1970 album with a lot of bonus material

sun ra & his astro-infinity arkestra: other strange worlds
    (2014, lp, usa, roaratoria)

sunra_otherstrangeworlds.jpg (18733 bytes)

sun ra arkestra: live in nickelsdorf 1984
    (2014, 3cd, austria, trost 118)

sun ra arkestra: live in ulm 1992
    (2014, 2cd, uk, leo records gy 30/31)

sunra_liveinulm1992.jpg (33954 bytes)

sun ra: in the orbit of ra
    (2014, 2cd, ger, strut records strut109cd)
sunra_intheorbitofra.jpg (42951 bytes)
sun ra arkestra: 3rd september 1988 chicago
    (2014, cd, uk, klondike)
  sun ra & his astro-infinity arkestra: sign of the myth
    (2014, lp, usa, roaratorio)
sunra_signofthemyth.jpg (44348 bytes)
sun ra: space is the place
    (2014, download, --, harte recordings) - pledgers' download of the soundtrack and of the digital book
sunra_spaceistheplace_digdownl2014.jpg (30097 bytes)
sun ra: the futuristic sounds of sun ra - on planet earth 1914 - 2014
    (2014, 2cd, eu, not now music not2cd545) = "the futuristic sounds of sun ra" + "super-sonic jazz"
sunra_not2cd454cov.jpg (44371 bytes)
sun ra: space is the place
    (2014, book / dvd/ cd, usa, harte recordings) - hardcover book with dvd with the two versions of the film, and with cd with soundtrack incl. two unreleased tracks
sr_spaceistheplace_harte2015.jpg (47018 bytes)
  sun ra: monorails and satellites, vol.1
    (2014, download, --, --) - remastered, with bonus tracks
  sun ra: monorails and satellites, vol.2
    (2014, download, --, --) - remastered
  sun ra & his arkestra: jazz in silhouette
    (2014, download, --, --) - remastered
  sun ra & his arkestra: supersonic jazz
    (2014, download, --, --) - remastered
  sun ra & his blue universe arkestra: universe in blue
    (2014, download, --, --) - remastered, includes a bonus track
  sun ra & his astro-infinity arkestra: strange strings
    (2014, download, --, --) - remastered, with bonus tracks
  sun ra & his myth science arkestra: the nubians of plutonia
    (2014, download, --, --) - remastered, with bonus tracks
  sun ra: explore the cosmos, vol.1 - outer space
    (2014, download, --, --) = compilation
  sun ra: explore the cosmos, vol.2 - hard bop
    (2014, download, --, --) = compilation
  sun ra: explore the cosmos, vol.3 - exotica
    (2014, download, --, --) = compilation
  sun ra: explore the cosmos, vol.4 - piano and organ
    (2014, download, --, --) = compilation
  sun ra: explore the cosmos, vol.5 - avant-garde
    (2014, download, --, --) = compilation
  sun ra: explore the cosmos, vol.6 - the blues
    (2014, download, --, --) = compilation
  sun ra: explore the cosmos, vol.7 - percussion
    (2014, download, --, --) = compilation
  sun ra: explore the cosmos, vol.8 - ballads
    (2014, download, --, --) = compilation
  sun ra: explore the cosmos, vol.9 - vocals
    (2014, download, --, --) = compilation
  sun ra: the pit-inn 8-8-88
    (2015, download, --, --) - remastered, with bonus tracks
  sun ra: beyond the purple star
    (2015, download, --, --)
  sun ra: aurora borealis
    (2015, download, --, --) - remastered, with bonus track
sun ra: calling planet earth
    (2015, lp, usa, org music orgm-2037) - re-release of the 1998 cd
sun ra arkestra under the direction of marshall allen: babylon live
    (2015, cd + dvd, ger, in+out records ior 77122-9)
sunra_babylonlive.jpg (40745 bytes)
sun ra arkestra: live in the late 80's
    (2015, lp, italy, sinner lady  sammie)
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sun ra arkestra: live in winston, salem, nc; june 1990
    (2015, lp, italy, sinner lady jada)
sunra_lp_sinnerladyjada_winstonsalem.jpg (18698 bytes)
sun ra and his intergalactic research arkestra: planets of life or death
    (2015, cd, ger, strut/art yard strut123cd) = record store day release ; also released on vinyl
sunra_strut123cd.jpg (33615 bytes)
sun ra and his arkestra: to those of earth... and other worlds
    (2015, 2cd, ger, strut/art yard strut125cd) - compilation, but includes previously unreleased tracks  //  download album includes bonus material
sunra_strut125.jpg (40010 bytes)
sun ra: duke ellington's sound of space
    (2015, cdr, usa, squatty roo records sr-0230)
sun_ra_dukeellingtonssoundofspace.jpg (25334 bytes)
sun ra: i roam the cosmos
    (2015, download, --, enterplanetary koncepts)
sunra_iroamthecosmos.jpg (28366 bytes)
sun ra & his astro-ihnfnity arkestra: the intergalactic thing
    (2016, 2lp, usa, roaratorio)
sunra_intergalacticthing_2lp.jpg (22432 bytes)
sun ra: the singles vol.1 : 1954-1958
    (2016, lp, italy, jeanne dielman jd103)
sunra_thesinglesvol_01.jpg (16170 bytes)
sun ra: in some far place - roma '77
    (2016, 2lp+2cd, ger, strut/art yard strut122lp) - record store day release
sunra_insomefarplace_23016rsd.jpg (20324 bytes)
sun ra: spaceways
    (2016, lp, ??, org music) - record store day release on blue vinyl
sunra_spaceways2016rsd.jpg (43546 bytes)
john cage / sun ra: john cage meets sun ra
    (2016, 2lp, ??, ??) - also released on cd
joncagemeetssunra_2lp.jpg (24338 bytes)
sun ra: the singles vol.2 : 1959-1962
    (2016, lp, italy, jeanne dielman jd106)
sunra_singlesvol02_lp2016.jpg (15872 bytes)
sun ra: blue york
    (2016, lp, italy, jeanne dielman jd115) - a vinyl edition of the bonus tracks of the 2013 continuation cd
sunra_blueyork2016.jpg (18042 bytes)
sun ra arkestra: friendly love
    (2016, lp, italy, sinner lady)
sunra_friendlylove.jpg (10369 bytes)
sun ra & his arkestra: rocket number nine
    (2016, 10", usa, modern harmonic mh-104)
mh_104.jpg (34894 bytes)
sun ra & his myth-science arekestra: the lady with the golden stockings
    (2016, 10", usa, modern harmonic mh-105)
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sun ra: nuclear war
    (2016, 10", usa, modern harmonic mh-106)
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  sun ra / merzbow: strange city
    (2016, cd, uk, cold spring records 228) - a deformed mix of sun ra's "strange things" and "the magic city", plus merzbow material / lp and cd version are completely different
sunra_merzbow_csr228cd.jpg (33269 bytes)
  sun ra / merzbow: strange city
    (2016, lp, uk, cold spring records 229) - a deformed mix of sun ra's "strange things" and "the magic city", plus merzbow material / lp and cd version are completely different
sunra_merzbow_csr228lp.jpg (31469 bytes)
sun ra and his interplanetary vocal arkestra: the space age is here to stay
    (2016, cd, usa, modern harmonic mhcd-011)
sunra_mhcd011.jpg (21960 bytes)
sun ra & his arkestra: at inter-media arts, april 1991
    (2016, 3lp, usa, modern harmonic mhcd-022) - also available as a 2cd set
sunra_mhcd022.jpg (44786 bytes)
sun ra: singles
    (2016, 3cd, ger, strut / art yard strut148cd)
sunra_singles_strut148.jpg (44730 bytes)
the sensational guitars of dan & dale: batman & robin
    (2016, picture disc, europe, doxy dop8011) - picture disc re-issue of the 1966 album

sunra_batman_dop8011_a.jpg (36459 bytes)

sun ra and his solar arkestra: i roam the cosmos
    (2016, lp, uk, art yard stereo lp 2021)
sunra_iroamthecosmos2016lp.jpg (59231 bytes)
sun ra & his myth science solar arkestra: lost ark series vol 1 & 2
    (2017, 2 * 10", uk, art yard records) = re-release of the 2010 and 2013 releases
sunra_lostark1_2_2017.jpg (44384 bytes)
sun ra: the magic city
    (2017, cd, usa, cosmic myth records cmr001) - original album released in 1966 / remastered and expanded stereo version, has two bonus tracks
sunra_cmr001.jpg (34151 bytes)
sun ra and his astro infinity arkestra: my brother the wind vol.1
    (2017, cd, usa, cosmic myth records cmr002) - original album released in 1970 / remastered and expanded version
sunra_cmr002.jpg (51836 bytes)
sun ra: just outta this world - rare tracks 1955-1961
    (2017, lp, eu, jambalaya) = compilation of early singles
sunra_justouttathisworld_lp.jpg (24419 bytes)
  sun ra: exotica
    (2017, 2cd, usa, modern harmonic mhcd-012)
sun ra & his astro-ihnfinity arkestra: sun embassy
    (2018, lp, usa, roaratorio)
sunra_sunembassy.jpg (30202 bytes)
sun ra: of abstract dreams
    (2018, cd, ger, art yard / strut records)
sunra_ofabstractdreams.jpg (38834 bytes)
sun ra trio: god is more than love can ever be
    (2018, cd, usa, cosmic myth records)
sunra_godismore.jpg (30677 bytes)
  sun ra: astro black
    (2018, cd, usa, modern harmonic mhcd-080) = record store day release, april 21, 2018  /  re-release of the 1973 lp
  sun ra: the cymbals / symbols sessions
    (2018, 2cd, usa, modern harmonic mhcd-083) = record store day release, april 21, 2018  //  disc one is a reissue of the first disc of the 2000 "cymbals & crystal spears" album; disc two is previously unreleased.
sun ra and his cosmo love adventure arkestra: pine street theatre, october 28th 1988
    (2018, 2lp, usa, jackpot records jpr043) = record store day release, april 21, 2018
sunra_pinestreet_2lp.jpg (42384 bytes)
sun ra: space age rhythm & bop (the 1950s)
    (2018, download, --, bandcamp) = compilation
  sun ra & his arkestra: sun ra with pharoah sanders & black harold
    (2018, download, --, bandcamp) - has extra tracks compared to the 1976 vinyl album
  sun ra & his arkestra: crystal spears
    (2018, cd, usa, modern harmonic mh-8082)
  sun ra: monorails & satellites vols. 1, 2 and 3
    (2019, 2cd, usa, cosmic myth records)
  sun ra and his astro infinity arkestra: pathways to unknown worlds
    (2019, cd, usa, modern harmonic mhcd-084)
  sun ra & his arkestra: the spirit of jazz cosmos arkestra at wuhy, 1978
    (2019, download, --, bandcamp) = download only
  sun ra: solo piano at wkcr, 1977
    (2019, download, --, bandcamp) = download only
  sun ra: solo keyboards, minnesota 1978
    (2019, download, --, bandcamp) = download only
   john cage, sun ra: john cage meets sun ra
    (2019, 7" + dvd, usa, modern harmonic mh-119) - record store day release
  sun ra and his myth science arkestra: when angels speak of love
    (2019, cd, usa, cosmic myth) = re-issue of the 1966 album
  sun ra: haverford college 1980 solo piano
    (2019, download, --, bandcamp) = download only
  sun ra and his solar-myth arkestra: the solar myth approach (vol 1)
2020, download, --, bandcamp) - originally released in 1971, re-released on cd in 2002, and on the snapper label in 2004

  sun ra and his solar-myth arkestra: the solar myth approach (vol 2)
    (2020, download, --, bandcamp) - originally released in 1971, re-released on cd in 2002, and on the snapper label in 2004

  sun ra: celestial love
    (2020, cd, usa, modern harmonic) - reissue of the 1984 album
  sun ra arkestra: heliocentric worlds 1 & 2 revisited
    (2020, cd, switzerland, ezz-thetics)
  sun ra arkestra: diaspora series - philadelphia, pa - 11/21/10
    (2020, download, --, diaspora) = nov 21, 2010 concert
  sun ra & his arkestra: unity: live at storyvilly nyc oct 1977
    (2020, download, --, bandcamp)
  sun ra arkestra under the direction of marshall allen: swirling
    (2020, cd, ??, ??)
  the sun ra arkestra: the sun ra arkestra meets salah ragab in egypt£
    (2022, cd, uk, strut) = reissue  





  • extended play : sounding off from john cage to dr.funkenstein
    by john corbett

        (1994, book, usa, duke university press books)
    • with several chapters devoted to Sun Ra

  • the earthly recordings of sun ra - 2nd edition
    by robert l.campbell and christopher trent

        (1998, book, usa, cadence jazz books)
    • This is the ultimate guide to the recordings of Sun Ra: a chronological overview of Sun Ra's work, concerts, albums, line-ups and more.

  • sun ra book 2000 - 2nd edition
    compiled by sun ra research

        (2001, book, usa, sun ra research)
    • A compilation of newspaper and magazine articles and pictures.
      Second edition, october 2001

  • the wisdom of sun ra: sun ra's polemical broadsheets and streetcorner leaflets

        (2006, book, usa, halfletterpress)
    • "Sun Ra's earliest writings reveal the origins of his work as philosopher, mystic, and Afro-Futurist. This volume unveils over forty newly discovered broadsheets, typewritten in Chicago in the mid-1950s, on which Sun Ra expounded his wholly unique version of Biblical prophecy, etymology, and black nationalism. Compiled and introduced by John Corbett. Softcover/ 141pgs / full color."


  • pathways to unknown worlds: sun ra, el saturn & chicago's afro futurist underground 1954-1968
        (2007, book, usa, halfletterpress)
    • "Pathways to Unknown Worlds presents a kaleidoscopic range of original record cover designs, production materials, paper ephemera, and photographs—much of it previously unseen. Included are essays by the curators John Corbett, Anthony Elms and Terri Kapsalis, along with contributions by Adam Abraham, Glenn Ligon and Camille Norment. Softcover/ 128pgs / full color."


  • sun ra - interviews & essays
        (2010, book, usa, headpress)
    • edited by john sinclair

  • sun ra, the astro black and other solar myths
        (2010, book, usa, half letter press)
    • edited by john corbett, anthony elms & terri kapsalis


  • this planet is doomed - the science fiction poetry of sun ra
        (2011, book, usa, kicks books)
    • compiled by Michael Anderson. Foreword by Amiri Baraka. Intro by Bhob Stewart.


  • space, interiors and exteriors, 1972
        (2013, book, usa, ??) - picture book
    • picture book by John Corbett. Intro by Glenn Ligon.

  • a journey into jazz
        (2014, book, usa, round bend press books)
    • photo book by Lee Santa

  • the execution of sun ra
        (2014, book, usa, musicovermind)
    • by Thomas Stanley


  • prophetika - sun ra
        (2014, book, usa, kick books)
    • unpublished poetry and prose of Sun Ra.
      first volume of three.


  • omniverse sun ra
        (2015, book, usa, art yard)
    • by Harmut Geerken and Chris Trent

  • a pure solar wold - sun ra and the birth of afrofuturism
        (2016, book, usa, university of texas press)
    • by Paul Youngquist



From: Jim Johnson
Subject: Sun Ra 171 Required Booklist

        Fellow Saturnites: In my recent conversation with Arkestra drummer Samurai Celestial, I mentioned an interest in the required reading list that Sun Ra issued to his students when he taught his class at Cal Berkeley in the 1970s. I have personally been interested in this list for some time, as I have always wondered what Ra would recommend book- wise. Well, thanks to Samurai's kindness, he was able to supply me with a copy of the list to share with everyone.
         The course was listed as "Sun Ra 171", in Afro-American Studies. Supposedly, many students could not find a lot of the titles. Samurai has read many of the books but also can't find some of them.


SUN RA 171


  1. Albums...Saturn Records (Chicago)

  2. My Brother the Wind (Vol. 1 and 2)

  3. The Night of the Purple Moon

  4. Magic City...the Nubians of Pluto

  5. Atlantis

  6. Fate in a Pleasant Mood

  7. Monorails and Satellites

  8. Strange Strings

  9. ESP...Nothing Is, Heliocentric (Vol. 1 and 2)


  1. Jazz Where it Came From, Where It's At by John S. Wilson, published by the United States Information Agency

  2. Black Man of the Nile by Yoseph Ben Jochannan, published by Alkibu Ian Books

  3. Stylus (Spring 1971) vol. 13, #1 published by the student staff at Temple U., Philly

  4. Ark of Bones by Henry Dumas

  5. Poetry for my People by Henry Dumas

  6. Black Fire by LeRoy Jones and Larry Neal

  7. The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop

  8. Missonary Travels by Livingston

  9. Radix by Bill Looney

  10. God Wills the Negro by Theodore P. Ford

  11. God's Children by Archibald Rutledge

  12. Ruins of Empire by Volney

  13. The Source Book of Man's Life and Death        God    (K.J. Version)

  14. A New Model of the Universe by P.D. Ouspensky

  15. The Loom of Language by Frederick Bodmer

  16. Blackiesetymology published in London, England




concerts / radio broadcasts / ...


Sun Ra and His Arkestra

  • 1970/11/07 concert Berlin, Germany

    • setlist

      • Out In Space

    • FM broadcast

    • Recording got seeded at Dime

  • 1971/06/10 concert 'The Warehouse', San Francisco, CA, usa
  • 1971/06/12 concert 'JP Whidney High School', Watts, Los Angeles, CA, usa

    • setlist

      • Unknown Title, Calling Planet Earth, We'll Wait For You, Enlightenment, Love In Outer Space, Watusa, Second Stop Is Jupiter, Shadow World, Discipline 15, They'll Come Back, Theme Of The Stargazers, Outer Spaceways Inc., Walking On The Moon, "The Curse Of Sun Ra", tapers epilogue, Outro

  • 1971/10/12 concert Stockholm

    • setlist

      • Discipline II, Discipline V, Enlightenment, Its after the end of the world, Discipline VIII, The Rainmaker, Rocket No. 9 > ann.

    • fm broadcast

  • 1971/11/11 Sun Ra's Intergalactic Research Arkestra - concert 'Technische Hogeschool', Delft, Netherlands

    • line-up

      • Sun Ra's Intergalactic Research Arkestra 
        Sun Ra - mini-moog,syn,org,clavinet,p,voc * Kwame Hadi - tp * Marshall Allen - as,fl,oboe * Danny Davis - as,fl * Larry Northington - as,perc * Istar Sundance - as,bsn * John Gilmore - ts,perc * Danny Thompson - bars * Pat Patrick - bars,eb * Hakim Rahim - bars,as,fl * Eloe Omoe - bcl * Al Batin Nur - engl-hrn  * James Jacson - fl,oboe,ancient egyptian infinity-dr  * Lex Humphries - dr * Tommy Hunter - dr * Nimrod Hunt - perc * William Morrow - vib * Roger Aralamon Hazoume - balafon,dance * June Tyson - voc,dance * Malik Ramadin - voc,tympani * Art Jenkins - space voice,voc,cga,perc * Wisteria el Moondew (Judith Holton) - dance * Cheryl Banks - dance * Doug Williams - dance * Kevin Massey - dance * Kenneth Alexander - dance * Richard Wilkinson - light show

    • broadcast on dutch national radio (vpro) in 2001

    • a recording of this broadcast circulates
  • early 1970's, c. 1972  -  Unknown Date and Location - "The Shadows Took Shape" (Transparency 0303)

    • setlist

      • Outer Space > Untitled Improvisation, Stardust From Tomorrow, Exotic Forest, Untitled Improvisation, Shadow World, Untitled Improvisation, Strange Worlds > Untitled Improvisation, Enlightenment, Outer Spaceways Incorporated, Prepare for the Journey to Other Worlds, The Shadows Took Shape, Friendly Galaxy > Watusi

  • 1973/--/-- radio show - unknown philly fm station - interview and jam with wilbur ware
  • 1974/12/-- rehearsal  -  San Francisco  -  "Dance of the Living Image"

    • Dance of the Living Image, Unidentified Title, Sometimes I'm Happy, Astro Nation, Unidentified Title, Unidentified Title, Hard Hearted Hannah (instrumental), Hard Hearted Hannah (vocals) > Passin' Gas, Sophisticated Lady, (Slow) Watusi

  • 1975/01/30 concert 'Smiling Dog Saloon', Cleveland, OH, usa

    • Omniverse, Astro Nation Enlightenment, Love In Outer Space, Theme Of the Stargazers, The Satellights are Spinning, Friendly Galaxy #1, I Am the Brother of the Wind, I Pharoah, Unidentified, Sophisticated Lady

    • fm broadcast

  • 1975/06/11 concert 'the five spot', nyc, ny, usa
  • 1977/07/08 Sun Ra (Solo piano) - WKCR studios

    • blues improv 1, st louis blues, sophisicated lady, blues improv 2, untitled, take the "A" train, untitled 2, try to put the blame on me, untitled 3 / station id, outro

  • 1978/03/13 concert 'The Horseshoe Tavern', Toronto, ON

    • set 1

      • Untitled Improvisation, When There Is No Sun, (The World Is Waiting) For The Sunrise, Discipline 27, Calling Planet Earth > Take The "A" Train, Lights on a Satellite

    • set 2

      • Yeah Man!, King Porter Stomp, Unidentified Title, Unidentified Blues, Images, Love In Outer Space > We Travel The Spaceways

  • 1978/05/05 concert 'Public Theater', nyc, NY, usa

    • line-up

      • Ra-org; Michael Ray-tp; Ahmed Abdullah-tp; Craig Harris-tb; Tony Bethel-tb; Vincent Chancey-frh; Marshall Allen-as; Danny Davis-as; John Gilmore-ts, cl; Danny Ray Thompson-bs; Eloe Omoe-bcl; James Jacson-bsn, perc; Luqman Ali-d; Atakatune-cga; Cheryl Banks-dance; Judith Holton (Wisteria)-dance; Mickey Davidson-dance

    • setlist

      • intro / disc 27 > shadow world, body and soul, yeah, man, lightening, enlightenment, images, lights on a satellite, sound mirror, watusa, We travel the Spaceways

  • 1978/09/25 concert 'Happy Medium Disco', Chicago, IL, usa

    • line-up

      • Sun Ra (org, syn); Michael Ray (tp); Walter Miller (tp); Eddie Gale (tp); Marshall Allen (as, fl, perc); Danny Davis (as, fl, perc); John Gilmore (ts, cl, timb, voc); Eloe Omoe (bcl, perc); Danny Ray Thompson (bars, fl, perc); James Jacson (bsn, fl, Inf-dr); prob. Damon Choice (vib); Dale Williams (eg); prob. Luqman Ali (dr); Atakatune (cga); June Tyson (voc).

    • setlist

      • untitled improvisation [perc, tp, rhythmic ens., vib], Springtime in Chicago [JT voc], Astro Black [JT voc], (The World Is Waiting) For the Sunrise [JT voc], Discipline 27, The Shadow World, Yeah Man! (Sissle-Henderson), Big John's Special (H.Henderson), Over the Rainbow (Arlen-Harburg), Lights on a Satellite, Body and Soul (Heyman-Green-Sour-Eyton), King Porter Stomp (Morton), Second Stop Is Jupiter [ens. voc], Space Is the Place [JT, ens. voc], Enlightenment (Dotson-Ra) [JT, JG voc], Next Stop Mars [ens. voc] > Calling Planet Earth [ens. voc]

  • 1979/03/09 concert 'Stars', Philadelphia, PA, usa

  • 1979/04/04 concert 'Panama Red's', Champaign, Illinois, usa
    • setlist
      • unknown, When There Is No Sun, unknown, Big John's Special, Yeah Man, Space Is The Place, Spaceship Earth/Destination Unknown, unknown, unknown, We Travel The Spaceways, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, Springtime Again, King Porter Stomp, unknown
    • a recording of this three hour plus show got seeded at Dime
  • 1979/05/04 Sun Ra Arkestra – concert On Board the SS President, “ew Orleans Jazz and Heritage Fest”, New Orleans, usa

    • Untitled * Pleiades * Strange Worlds * Black Myth * Astro Black * When There is no Sun * D27 * The Shadow World * Springtime Again * Big John's Special * Yeah Man! * Over the Rainbow * Outer Spaceways Inc. * Space is the Place * Destination Unknown * Door of the Cosmos * Watusi * Greetings from the 21st Century
  • 1979/05/10 concert 'Bayou',Washington, DC, USA
    298.[232b] in the book.

    • Set 1

      • untitled, Strange Worlds, Tapestry from an Asteroid, The World is Waiting for the Sunrise, D-27, Big John's Special, Yeah Man, Springtime Again, The Shadow World, Over the Rainbow, St. Louis Blues, Lady Bird, Half Nelson, Celestial Road, We Travel the Spaceways, Greetings from the 21st Century

    • Set 2

      • untitled, D27-11, I'll Wait for You, El is the Sound of Joy, Love in Outer Space, 'Round Midnight, untitled, Outerspaceways INC., Door of the Cosmos, When There is no Sun, We Sing this Song to, Space is the Place, There Other Worlds... They have Not Told You of...

  • 1979/06/30 concert Pisa, Italy

    • line-up

      • The Arkestra: Ra-p, org, syn, voc; Walter Miller-tp; Michael Ray-tp; Curt Pulliam-tp; Tony Bethel-tb; Marvin Consell (?)-tb; Marshall Allen-as, fl, ob; Hutch Jones-as; John Gilmore-ts, cl; Leroy Taylor (Eloe Omoe)-as, bcl; Danny Ray Thompson-bs, fl; James Jacson-bsn, perc; Damon Choice-vib; Taylor Richardson-eg; Skeeter McFarland-eg; "Scop"-b; Robert Barry-d; Reg McDonald-d; Atakatune (Stanley Morgan)-cga; June Tyson-voc, dance (and Evelyn Smont (?)-dance)

    • setlist

      • unidentified title (perc; Allen, kora; eg and perc)Space Is the Place (Ra)The World Is Waiting for the Sunrise (Ra)Discipline 27 (Allen, as; Omoe, bcl; tp)The Shadow World (Ra)Springtime Again (Ra)Yeah Man! (Sissle, Henderson)Big John's Special (H. Henderson)Watusa (Ra)Lady Bird (Dameron) / Half Nelson (M. Davis)King Porter Stomp (Morton)Space Is the Place / We Travel the Spaceways / Destination Unknown / 2nd Stop Is Jupiter (Ra)Calling Planet Earth (Ra)Strange Celestial Road (Ra)Somewhere over the Rainbow (Arlen, Harburg)Outer Spaceways Inc. / Sun Ra and his Band from Outer Space (Ra)

  • 1981/04/02 concert 'Myrons Ballroom', Los Angeles, CA, usa

    • Opening medley / arrival, Blues improv / fletcher henderson medley / round midnight, Fate in a pleasant mood (?), Improv. 1, Moonship jouney > Space is the pLace > we travel the spaceways > percussion interlude, enlightenment, they'll come back, Improv 2, Fletcher Henderson tune, Lights on a satellite (?), Very fast old Sun Ra tune, ??, 27-II > someday soon

  • 1982/07/27 Sun Ra Arkestra – concert ‘Royal Northern College Of Music’, Manchester, England

    • line-up

      • sun ra -  p, syn, voc / ronnie brown -  tp / longineu parsons -  tp / tyrone hill -  tb / marshall allen -  as, fl, ob, evi / john gilmore -  ts, cl, timb, evi / eloe omoe -  as, bcl, fl, evi / james jacson - bsn, ob, inf-d / danny ray thompson - bars, as, fl, evi /  rollo radford - stand up eb / clifford jarvis - d / tommy 'bugs' hunter - d / samarai celestial - d / june tyson - voc / greg pratt - dance / carla washington - dance

    • setlist

      • Untitled Improv > Untitled Improv > Pleiades > Untitled Improv * Along Came Ra > The Living Myth * Discipline 27 > Untitled Improv * Ra To The Rescue #1 > Ra To The Rescue #2 > Untitled Improv * 1984 * Unidentified Title * Fate In Apleasant Mood * Unidentified Title * They Plan To Leave * I Could Have Enjoyed Myself On This Planet * Happy As The Day Is Long * Space Is The Place > We Travel The Spaceways * Untitled Improv * Strange World / Black Myth * Discipline 27-II > Sea Of Immortality > Right Road, Wrong Direction > The Last Days > Crazy As A Daisy * Prelude To Kiss * Lights On A Satellite * Big John's Special * Watusi * Unidentified Title * Yeah Man ! * Sleeping Beauty * Moonship Journey (incl.  First Stop Mars / Second Stop Jupiter /On Jupiter / Journey To Saturn / Pluto Too ) * They'll Come Back > I Have Many Names  

  • 1982/07/30 Sun Ra Arkestra – concert ‘Mitchell Theatre’, Glasgow, Scotland

    • 1st set

      • unidentified title * unidentified percussion * unidentified title * When There Is No Sun -- Strange Worlds -- Black Myth -- Along Came Ra (Ra) * Discipline 27 (Ra) * unidentified title * unidentified synthesizer solo (Ra) * unidentified title * ...

    • 2nd set

      • unidentified title * unidentified title
  • 1983/10/29 concert 'Philharmonie', Berlin, Germany - part of the "JazzTage 1983" festival

    • Don Cherry,tp,voc Lester Bowie,tp 
      Marshall Allen,as,per John Gilmore,ts,fl Archie Shepp,ts,voc 
      Sun Ra,key Richard Davis,b Clifford Jarvis,dr Philly Joe Jones,dr Famoudou Don Moye,per 

    • Announcement MichaelNaura, Happy Birthday / Stars That Shine Darkly, ?? (DCh,tp-PhJJ,dr-duo), Somewhere Else, Early Morning Blues, Poinciana 

    • This concert got broadcast on TV. A 55-minute recording of this concert circulates

  • 1983/11/01 concert Paris, France

    • line-up

      • Sun Ra-p, keyb, Lester Bowie-tp, Don Cherry-t, Marshall Allen-as, John Gilmore-ts, Archie Shepp-ts, ss, voc, Richard Davis-b, Don Moye-perc, Philly Joe Jones-d, Clifford Jarvis-d, 

    • setlist

      • unidentified title (ens; Allen-as; Shepp-ts), unidentified title (Davis-b; Gilmore-ts), Somewhere over the Rainbow (Arlen-Harburg), Lights on a Satellite (Ra), What's New? (Burke-Haggart), Poinciana (Bernier-Simon), 'Round Midnight (Hanighen-Williams-Monk)

  • 1984/03/16 Sun Ra Arkestra – concert ‘Stadthalle’, Unna, Germany

    • Sun Ra Arkestra
      Marshall Allen - as,fl,kora * John Gilmore - ts,EVI,timbales * Eloe Omoe - fl,bcl - Danny Ray Thompson - as,bs,fl * Ronnie Brown - tp  * James Jacson - as,fl,cl,bsn,oboe,Ancient-Egyptian-Infinity-dr,voc * Sun Ra - p,keyb,synth,voc  * Rollo Radford – b * Don Mumford - dr * Matthew Brown – perc * Myriam Broch - dance * Greg Pratt - dance

    • ?? * ?? * ?? * Children of the Sun (Ra) * Nuclear War (Ra) * ?? * Mack the Knife (Brecht-Weill-Blitzstein) * Blue Lou (Sampson) * Springtime Again (Ra) * Yeah Man! (Sissle-Henderson) * Watusa (Ra) * Space Is the Place / We Travel the Spaceways / 2nd Stop Is Jupiter / Outer Spaceways Inc. (Ra) * announcement * Retrospect (Ra) * 15. 1984 (Ra) * ?? * Drop Me off in Harlem (Ellington) * Daydream (Strayhorn-Ellington) * Sophisticated Lady (Carney-Mills-Ellington) * East of the Sun (Bowman) * Big John's Special (H. Henderson) * Fate in a Pleasant Mood (Ra) * Love in Outer Space (Ra) * Theme of the Stargazers / Sun Ra and his Band from Outer Space / Angel Race / I'll Wait for You (Ra) * Enlightenment (Dotson-Ra) / Strange Mathematic Rhythmic Equations (Ra)

    • a 168-minute recording of this concert circulates  

  • 1984/04/10 Sun Ra Arkestra – concert ‘University Of Tampere’, Tampere, Finland

    • Sun Ra Arkestra

      • Sun Ra - syn,org,p,voc * Marvin Vines – tp * George Dickerson – tp * Fred Adams – tp * Darrell Marsh – tbn * Tyron Hill – tbn * Marshall Allen - as,fl,oboe * John Gilmore - ts,perc * Danny Thompson – bars * Eloe Omoe - bcl * James Jacson - fl,oboe,ancient egyptian infinity-dr * John Ore – bs * Rollo Redford – bs * Anthony Morris – dr

  • 1984/06/01 Sun Ra and His Omniverse Arkestra - concert 'Afro-American Culture Museum', Philadelphia, PA, usa
    • line-up
      • The Arkestra
        Ronnie Brown-tp * Ahmed Abdullah-tp * Tyrone Hill- tb * Marshall Allen-as, fl, ob, EVI * John Gilmore-ts, cl, EVI, perc * Danny Thompson-bs, EVI * Eloe Omoe-as, bcl * James Jacson-bsn, fl, Ancient Egyptian Infinity Drum, voc * Ra-p, keyb, voc * unidentified-eg * prob. Rollo Radford-electric standup b * Don Mumford-d, perc
    • 1st set
      • Improvisation, unknown, Children of the Sun, Nuclear War, Back Alley Blues, East of the Sun, Daydream, Sophisticated Lady, Yeah Man!, Mack the Knife, Over the Rainbow, Queer Notions, Fate in a Pleasant Mood
    • 2nd set
      • Improvisation, Improvisation, Improvisation, Spontaneous Simplicity, Uranus Blues, Big John's Special, 'Round Midnight, Happy As the Day Is Long, Prelude to a Kiss, Drop Me Off in Harlem, Carefree, Christopher Columbus, See You Later, Alligator, We Travel the Spaceways
  • 1984/10/31 Sun Ra Arkestra – concert ‘Lush Life’, New York City, NY, usa

    • 1st set

      • sunset on the nile * deep purple * east of the sun * queer notions * unidentified title * big john's special * unidentified blues * mack the knife (incomplete) * unidentified blues * space is the place > we travel the spaceways > rocket number nine > outer spaceways inc.

    • 2nd set

      • a lost horizon * day dream * willow weep for me * satin doll * lady with the golden stockings * days of wine and roses * fate in a pleasant mood

    • 3rd set

      • untitled improv * discipline 27-II > I have many names * when the lights are low * one for my baby * stars fell on alabama * halloween in harlem * untitled improv * gone with the wind
  • 1985/07/12 Sun Ra Arkestra – concert “North Sea Jazz Festival”, ‘Dakterras’, Den Haag, Netherlands

    • George Dickerson,tp * Tyrone Hill,tb * Marshall Allen,as,fl,oboe * John Gilmore,ts,cl,voc,per * Ronald Wilson,ts * Danny Thompson,bs * Eloe Omoe,as,bcl * James Jacson,bassoon,fl,ancient-egyptian-infinity-dr,voc            * Sun Ra,p,synthy,voc * Bruce Edwards,g * Rollo Radford,e-b * Chris Henderson,dr * Jean-Claude Broche,dr * Myriam Broche,dancer * unkn,dancer
  • 1985/07/24 Sun Ra & his Arkestra - concert 'Le New Morning', Paris, France

    • Sun Ra and His Arkestra 

      • line-up

        • Sun Ra (p, org, synth, voc), prob. Ronnie Brown (tp), unidentified (tp), Tyrone Hill (tb), prob. Dick Griffin (tb), Marshall Allen (as,oboe), John Gilmore (ts), Ronald Wilson (ts,picc), Danny Thompson (bs), James Jacson (Ancient Egyptian Infinity d, bsn, voc), Elo Omoe (as, bcl, contra-alto cl), Billy Bang (vln), Rollo Radford (eb), Avreeayl Ra Amen (d)

      • setlist

        • untitled improv, discipline 27-II, tomorrow never comes, unidentified blues, unidentified ballad, mack the knife, sophisticated lady, yeah man!, space is the place, we travel the spaceways, outer spaceway incorporated, rocket number nine, untitled improv, astro black, history-mystery, i have many names, fate in a pleasant mood, unidentified blues, i want to be happy, east of the sun, christopher columbus, see you later, alligator

  • 1985/07/25 "musicians talking before the concert"

  • 1985/07/25 concert 'Le New Morning', Paris, France

    • line-up

      • Sun Ra (p, org, synth, voc), prob. Ronnie Brown (tp), unidentified (tp), Tyrone Hill (tb), prob. Dick Griffin (tb), Marshall Allen (as,oboe), John Gilmore (ts), Ronald Wilson (ts,picc), Danny Thompson (bs), James Jacson (Ancient Egyptian Infinity d, bsn, voc), Elo Omoe (as, bcl, contra-alto cl), Billy Bang (vln), Rollo Radford (eb), Avreeayl Ra Amen (d)

    • setlist

      • i want to be happy, unidentified blues, (the world is waiting) for the sunrise, i pharoah, over the rainbow, sunset on the nile, fate in a pleasant mood 

  • 1985/12/14 concert 'Club Lingerie', Los Angeles, CA, usa

    • percussion intro > Mystery Mr. Ra > space funk jam, 27-II > Somehwere There, perc. > ? tune (Ra piano), Hey Man (Henderson), Lights on a satellite (?), Piano solo / (? Ra ballad), (Ra tune??), Mack the knife (medley), queer notions ? (Henderson tune), keyboard solo / Love in outer space, drum solo, Somewhere over the rainbow, Space is the place

  • 1986/02/01 concert "Jimmy Lyons Benefit", 'Public Theater', New York City, NY, usa

    • setlist

      • Untitled Improvisation/Discipline 27-II/ Tomorrow Is Knocking at Your Door/Unidentified Title/East of the Sun, Yeah Man!, Prelude To a Kiss, I Want To Be Happy

    • the Sun Ra Arkestra was one of the participating bands

  • 1986/06/10 Sun Ra and His Omniverse Jet Set Arkestra - concert 'Nightstage', Cambridge, MA, usa
    • line-up
      • Sun Ra - piano, synthesizer, organ, vocals * Ronnie Brown - trumpet * Al Evans - flugelhorn * Tyrone Hill - trombone * Marshall Allen - alto saxophone, flute, percussion * Pat Patrick - alto saxophone * John Gilmore - tenor saxophone, timbales * Eloe Omoe - alto saxophone, bass clarinet, flute, percussion * Danny Ray Thompson - baritone saxophone, percussion * Kenny Williams - baritone  saxophone * James Jacson - bassoon, flute, Ancient Egyptian Infinity Drum, vocals * Bruce Edwards - electric guitar * Rollo Radford - electric standup bass * Buster Smith - drums * June Tyson - vocals
    • 1st set
      • untitled improvisation, The Lion of the Heavens, Discipline 27-II > Children of the Sun, (major portion missing), Mack the Knife, East of the Sun, synthesizer solo, We Travel the Spaceways
    • 2nd set
      • I'll Never Be The Same, Blues, Springtime Again, Images, Yesterdays//cut, Blues, Big John's Special, Outer Spaceways Inc. > Rocket Number Nine > Second Stop Is Jupiter, Space Is The Place > We Travel The Spaceways
    • encore
      • Improvisation, I Want To Be Happy
    • part of this concert got seeded on Dime (the start & ending of the first set, plus the second set with encores)
  • 1986/08/08 Sun Ra and His Omniverse Jet Set Arkestra - concert 'Bottom Line', New York City, NY, usa
    • line-up
      • The Arkestra
        Ra-p, keyb, syn * Tyrone Hill-tb * Marshall Allen-as, fl * John Gilmore-ts, cl, perc * Ronald Wilson-ts * poss. Kenny Williams-ts, bs, perc * James Jacson-as, bsn, Ancient Egyptian Infinity Drum * Pat Patrick-as, eb * Billy Bang-vln, perc * Bruce Edwards or Carl LeBlanc-eg * prob. Buster Smith-d * prob. Tommy "Bugs" Hunter-d * unknown-d, perc * June Tyson-voc
    • 1st set
      • Improv, Astro Black, East of the Sun, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, We Travel the Spaceways, Synth Solo
    • 2nd set
      • Improv (tremendous free jazz piece!), Improv w/synth solo, unknown, I Dream Too Much, unknown, unknown
    • a recording of this show got seeded on Dime


  • 1987/02/22 SUN RA and his 21st CENTURY ARKESTRA – concert ‘Left Bank Jazz Society’, Coppin State College, Baltimore, MD, usa

    • 1st set

      • Astro Black * Discipline 27-II > Children of the Sun > Nuclear War * Yesterdays * ?? * Beautiful Love * Unidentified Blues * I'll Never be the Same * personnel announcement * Satellites are Spinning

    • 2nd set

      • Untitled Improv * Mood Indigo * Sophisticated lady * I Dream Too Much * Space is the Place > We Travel the Spaceways > Outer Spaceways Inc. > Rocket Number Nine

    • 3rd set

      • personnel announcement * Tapestry From An Asteroid * Stardust From Tomorrow * Discipline 27 > If the people of Earth Don't Learn... * Unidentified Blues * I'll Never be the Same * I'm Gonna Unmask the Batman * East of the Sun * Drop Me off in Harlem * Over the rainbow * Christopher Columbus > See You Later Alligator
  • 1987/06/20 Sun Ra and His Omniverse Jet Set Arkestra - concert 'Central Park', New York City, NY, usa
    • line-up
      • The Arkestra
        Ra-p, synth * Marshall Allen-as, fl * John Gilmore-ts, cl, perc * Billy Bang-vln * June Tyson-voc * Mr. TCIII-voc * others unidentified.
    • setlist
      • Intro, Improv (great free jazz/space piece featuring Billy Bang!), Stardust From Tomorrow, Improv (another free jazz/space piece), ...Improv (another free jazz/space piece w/synth solo), Prelude to a Kiss, Take the A Train, East of the Sun, Slumming on Park Avenue, unknown (great swing instrumental), I Dream Too Much, Space Is the Place>We Travel the Space Ways>Rocket Number Nine>Outerspaceways Incorporated
    • a recording of this show got seeded on Dime
  • 1987/10/22 -L- concert "Jazz Jamboree", Warsaw, Poland

    • Sun Ra, p, keyb, voc, lead, Fred Adams, tp, Tyrone Hill, tb, Marshall Allen, as, fl, Pat Patrick, as, Danny Ray Thompson, as, bs, John Gilmore, ts, cl, voc, James Jacson, fl, bsn, Ancient Egyptian Infinity Drum, Leroy Taylor (Eloe Omoe), as, bcl, contra, alto cl, Danny Davis, as, fl, Kenny Williams, ts, bs, Robert A. Williams, space instruments, Oscar Fleming Brown, b, Earl C. (Buster) Smith, d, June Tyson, voc, dance, Judith A. Holton, dance, Cheryl Banks, dance, Greg Pratt, dance, Darrell Brown, dance

    • Untitled Improvisation, Discipline 27, II, Unidentified blues, Yeah Man, I Dream Too Much, Carefree (Egyptian Fantasy), Untitled Improvisation, In A Sentimental Mood

  • 1987/12/27 Sun Ra and the American Destiny Arkestra - concert 'Kilimanjaro's', Washington DC, usa
    • setlist
      • Improv, unknown, , unknown, , unknown, , unknown (cuts abruptly), , unknown (cuts abruptly in - different tune than previous track), I Dream Too Much, Slumming on Park Avenue, , unknown, , unknown, , unknown, , unknown (cuts abruptly)
  • 1988/04/15 concert 'Buddy Mulligan's', Chicago, IL, USA

    • The Arkestra: Michael Ray-tp; Martin Banks-tp; Tyrone Hill-tb; Marshall Allen-as, fl; Pat Patrick-as; John Gilmore-ts, cl, timbales; James Jacson-bsn, fl, Ancient Egyptian Infinity Drum, voc; Kenny Williams-bs; Eloe Omoe (Leroy Taylor)-bcl, contra-alto cl, as; Ra-p, keyb, voc; Owen Brown-vln; Bruce Edwards-eg; Rollo Radford-eb; Earl "Buster" Smith-d.

    • ??, Blue Lou, Queer Notions, Big John's Special (?), ??, Goin' To The Moon (?), Prelude To A Kiss, Yeah Man!, Mood Indigo, ??, ??, Slummin' On Park Avenue, ??, East Of The Sun, ??, Early Autumn, ??, ??, I Dream Too Much, Day Dream (?), ??, Space Is The Place etc

  • 1988/05/08 Sun Ra Arkestra – concert ‘Restaurant Stadtgarden’, Köln, Germany

    • Untitled Improv * Unidentified Title * Blue Lou * Mood Indigo * Unidentified Blues * Retrospect * Prelude To a Kiss * Yeah Man ! * I Dream Too Much * Watusi * Unidentified Title * East of the Sun * Queer Notions * Spontaneous Simplicity * Mack The Knife * Fragile Emotions Blues * Sunset On the Nile * Untitled Improv * Space is the Place > We Travel the spaceways

    • an audience recording of this show circulates, but it has a lot of mic problems
  • 1988/09/03 concert "Chicago Jazz Festival", Chicago

    • broadcast on WBEZ (NPR), FM radio, Chicago, IL

    • setlist

      • Untitled Improvisation, Blue Lou, Back Alley Blues, I Dream Too Much, Frisco Fog, Prelude to a Kiss, Queer Notions, Sophisticated Lady, Carefree (Egyptian Fantasy), I'll Wait For You, Angel Race, Outer Spaceways Incorporated, We Travel the Spaceways, Next Stop Mars, Interview w/Ra by Neil Tesser

  • 1988/10/30 concert 'Kuumbwa Jazz Center', Santa Cruz, CA, usa

  • 1989/09/28 SUN RA ARKESTRA – concert ‘9.30 CLUB’, WASHINGTON DC, usa

    • Untitled Improv > Stardust from Tomorrow * Blue Lou * Day Dream * Watusi * All The Things You Are * Carefree (Egyptian Fantasy) * Queer Notions * I Dream Too Much * Sophisticated Lady * Unidentified Blues * Someday My Prince Will Come * Rose Room * Lights On a Satellite * Softly As In a Morning Sunrise * Space is the Place > Rocket Number Nine > Second Stop is jupiter > Untitled Improv > Greetings from the 21st Century * Lets Go Fly a Kite * Unidentified Title * Enlightenment * Face the Music
  • 1990/06/27 Sun Ra & His Omniverse Ultra 21st Century Arkestra - concert "Estival Jazz", 'Piazza Della Riforma', Lugano, Switzerland

    • line-up

      • Sun Ra: keyboards * Marshall Allen: alto saxophone * Noel Scott: alto saxophone * John Gilmore: tenor saxophone * Tyrone Hill: trombone * Jothan Callins: trumpet, flugelhorn * Michael Ray: trumpet * Christopher Capers: trumpet * Fred Adams: trumpet * June Tyson: violin, vocals * John Ore: bass * Buster Smith: drums * Elson Nascimento: drums * Clifford Barbaro: percussion

    • setlist

      • Discipline 27, Prelude To A Kiss, Blue Lou, Face The Music, Carefree, Improvisation, Down Here On The Ground, Sunset On The Night, On The River Nile, I Want To Be Happy, Space Is The Place / We Travel The Spaceways

    • a soundboard recording of this show got seeded on Dime

  • 1991/02/10 concert 'Nightstage', Cambridge, MA, usa

  • 1991/11/18 Sun Ra and his All-Star Inventions - concert 'Bottom Line', New York City, NY, usa
    • line-up
      • Sun Ra-synth * John Gilmore-ts, voc * Chris Anderson-p * Bruce Edwards-eg * John Ore-b * Buster Smith-d * June Tyson-voc
    • setlist
      • This world Is Not My Home, unknown, unknown, unknown, Interplanetary Music, unknown, Theme of the Stargazers
  • 1992/03/1992 concert 'Pumpehuset', Copenhagen, Denmark

    • Sun Ra: p,keyb, Marshall Allen: as,fl, James Jackson: bassoon,egypt.dr, Michael Ray: tp,voc(*), Ahmad Abdullah: tp,voc(*), Lester Nelson (or Tyrone Hill?): tb, Bruce Edwards: g, Jothan Collins: eb, Earl "Buster" Smith: dr,announcer, Stanley Morgan (Atakatune): cga, Elson Dos Santos Nascimento: b-dr,perc

    • Set I

      • Friendly Galaxy (Ra), Prelude to a Kiss (Ellington), Opus Springtime (Ra), love in outer space (Ra), Spontaneous Simplicity (Ra), unforgettable (Nat King Cole), Nameless One #2 (Ra), interplanetary music (Ra), [extro - Buster Smith]

    • Set II

      • Ankhnaton (Ra), Deep Purple (DeRose-Parish), Space Loneliness (Ra), Hocus Pocus (Hudson), Carefree [Egyptian Fantasy] (Ra), Day Dream (Strayhorn), The Shadow World (Ra), space is the place (Ra/all voc), [extro - Buster Smith]

    • [encore]

      •  They'll Come Back (Ra/all voc)

  • 1996/11/02 Sun Ra Arkestra - concert 'International House', Chicago, IL, usa
    • [778]
    • line-up
      • Marshall Allen * Kwame Hadi * Fred Adams * Tyrone Hill * Noel Scott * Charles Davis * James Jacson * Damon Choice * Rollo Radford * Juney Booth * Samarai Celestial * Elson Nascimento * Art Jenkins
    • setlist
      • Untitled, Door of the Cosmos, D - 27-II, We'll Wait for You, They're Peepin' In, East of the Sun, Carefree, Prelude no.7, Saturn, Where There is No Sun, We Travel the Spaceways, Secrets From the Sun, Gone With the Wind, unknown, unknown, Love In Outer Space, Face the Music, They'll Come Back
    • a lot of tracks are not listed in [778]
The UNCOOL Festival 2003 was dedicated to Marshall Allen


THE SUN RA ARKESTRA directed by Marshall Allen

  • 2003 05 29 concert Cinema Rio, Poschiavo, Switzerland – 22 h

    • “Tribute to the Great Swing Bands”

    • 102 min, aud

    • Marshall Allen: as, fl, EVI, voc * Art Jenkins: voc, perc * Charles Davis: ts * Knoel Scott: as, fl, voc * Yahya Abdul Majid: ts * Reynold Scott: bars * Fred Adams: tr, voc * Michael Ray: tr, voc * Tyrone Hil:l tb, voc * Dave Davis: tb * Dave Hotep: guit * Bill Davis: b * Elson Nascimento: perc * Luqman Al:i dr

    • Interplanetary Music (Ra), It's the Beginning of the World (Ra) / Happy as the Day Is Long (Arlen-Koehler), Big John's Special (H. Henderson), Prelude to a Kiss (Ellington), Limehouse Blues (Braham-Furber), Unidentified Title, Blue Set (Ra), Way Down Younder in New Orleans (Creamer-Layton), Sophisticated Lady (Ellington), Discipline 27-II / I'll Wait´for You (Ra), Drop Me Off in Harlem (Ellington), It's After the End of the World (Ra), Wrappin´it Up (The Lindy Glide) (Fletcher Henderson), Unidentified Title, That's How I Feel Today (Ra), Slippery Horn (Ellington), Fate in a Pleasant Mood (Ra), Closing announcements by Marshall Allen and Art Jenkins

TRUDY MORSE: poetry of Sun Ra

  • 2003 05 30 lecture Cinema Rio, Poschiavo, Switzerland


  • 2003 05 30 concert Cinema Rio, Poschiavo, Switzerland – SUN RA † 1993

    • “The Genius of Sun Ra”

    • Released on CD on El Ra Records in 2003

    • Marshall Allen: as, fl, EVI, voc * Art Jenkins: voc, perc * Charles Davis: ts * Knoel Scott: as, fl, voc * Yahya Abdul Majid: ts * Reynold Scott: bars * Fred Adams: tr, voc * Michael Ray: tr, voc * Tyrone Hil:l tb, voc * Dave Davis: tb * Dave Hotep: guit * Bill Davis: b * Elson Nascimento: perc * Luqman Al:i dr

TRUDY MORSE: poetry of Sun Ra

  • 2003 05 31 lecture Galleria PGI Poschiavo

THE SUN RA ARKESTRA directed by Marshall Allen

  • 2003 05 31 workshop Scuola professionale Poschiavo, Poschiavo, Switzerland – 14 h

    • “Space is the Place”

THE SUN RA ARKESTRA directed by Marshall Allen

  • 2003 05 31 concert Cinema Rio, Poschiavo, Switzerland – (new moon)

    • “Space is the Place”

    • Marshall Allen: as, fl, EVI, voc * Art Jenkins: voc, perc * Charles Davis: ts * Knoel Scott: as, fl, voc * Yahya Abdul Majid: ts * Reynold Scott: bars * Fred Adams: tr, voc * Michael Ray: tr, voc * Tyrone Hil:l tb, voc * Dave Davis: tb * Dave Hotep: guit * Bill Davis: b * Elson Nascimento: perc * Luqman Al:i dr

THE SUN RA ARKESTRA directed by Marshall Allen

  • 2003 06 01 concert Cinema Rio, Poschiavo, Switzerland

    • “The Music of Maestro Marshall Allen”

    • Marshall Allen: as, fl, EVI, voc * Art Jenkins: voc, perc * Charles Davis: ts * Knoel Scott: as, fl, voc * Yahya Abdul Majid: ts * Reynold Scott: bars * Fred Adams: tr, voc * Michael Ray: tr, voc * Tyrone Hil:l tb, voc * Dave Davis: tb * Dave Hotep: guit * Bill Davis: b * Elson Nascimento: perc * Luqman Al:i dr



THE SUN RA ARKESTRA under the direction of Marshall Allen



THE SUN RA ARKESTRA under the direction of Marshall Allen
was the featured artist at the ZXZW festival

THE SUN RA ARKESTRA under the direction of Marshall Allen
  • 2008/09/15 concert "ZXZW Festival", 'Paradox', Tilburg, The Netherlands
    • "Tribute to the Great Swing Bands"
    • Marshall Allen: as, EVI, cl, fl, voc, director ; Yah Yah Abdul-Majid: ts, voc, perc ; Charles Davis: ts, perc, voc ; Knoel Scott: as, voc, perc ; Danny "Ray" Thompson: bars, fl, voc, perc ; Raynold Scott: bars, fl, voc, perc ; Fred Adams: tp, voc, perc ; Cecil Brooks: tp, voc, perc ; Dave Davis: tb, Fh, voc, perc ; Farid Barron: piano, keyb ; Dave Hotep: guitar ; Joonie Booth: b ; Elson Nascimento: surdo grande, perc ; Wayne Anthony Smith: jr. dr
    • 1st set
      • Announcement > Untitled improvisation * Discipline 27-II (Ra) > I´ll Wait For You (Ra) * Intro YaYa > Drop Me Off in Harlem (Ellington) * Happy as the Day Is Long (Arlen-Koehler) * Prelude to a Kiss (Ellington) * Unidentified blues * Big John´s Special (H.Henderson) * Hocus Pocus (Hudson) * Cocktails for Two (Johnston-Coslow) * Way Down `Younder in New Orleans (Creamer-Layton) * Unidentified > personal announcement Fred Adams & Danny Ray Thompson
    • 2nd set
      • Satin Doll (Ellington-Strayhorn) * A Longer View (Lunceford) * Limehouse Blues (Braham-Furber) * East Saint Louis Toodle-O (Miley-Ellington) * Blowing ????? * Sophisticated Lady (Ellingon) * Unidentified title * Fate in a Pleasant Mood (Ra) > Space Is the Place (Ra) > I´ll Wait For You (Ra) > We Travel the Spaceways (Ra) > personal announcement
THE SUN RA ARKESTRA under the direction of Marshall Allen
  • 2008/09/16 concert "ZXZW Festival", 'Paradox', Tilburg, The Netherlands
    • "Sun Ra´s Favorites"
    • Marshall Allen: as, EVI, cl, fl, voc, director ; Yah Yah Abdul-Majid: ts, voc, perc ; Charles Davis: ts, perc, voc ; Knoel Scott: as, voc, perc ; Danny "Ray" Thompson: bars, fl, voc, perc ; Raynold Scott: bars, fl, voc, perc ; Fred Adams: tp, voc, perc ; Cecil Brooks: tp, voc, perc ; Dave Davis: tb, Fh, voc, perc ; Farid Barron: piano, keyb ; Dave Hotep: guitar ; Joonie Booth: b ; Elson Nascimento: surdo grande, perc ; Wayne Anthony Smith: jr. dr
    • 1st set
      • Announcement > Untitled improvisation * Discipline 27 > I´ll Wait For You (Ra) * Space Idyll (Ra) * Big John´s Special (H.Henderson) * Images (Ra) * When You Wish Upon a Star (Washington-Harline) * Blue Set (Ra) * Saturn (Ra) * Love in Outer Space (Ra) * Sunology/The Lion of the Heaven (Ra) * East of the Sun (Bowman) * If We Came from Nowhere Here (Ra) > personal announcement
    • 2nd set
      • Astro Black (Ra) * Discipline 27 (Ra) > Untitled improvisation * Angel and Demons at Play (Ra) * Dreams Come True (Ra-Mayo) * Friendly Galaxy (Ra) * Enlightenment (Dotson-Ra) > Strange Mathematics,  Rhytmic Equations (Ra) * Lights on a Satellite (Ra) * Velvet (Ra) * Fate in a Pleasant Mood (Ra) > Space Is the Place (Ra) > We Travel the Spaceways (Ra) * YaYa reading Sun Ra poem



THE SUN RA ARKESTRA under the direction of Marshall Allen

  • 2008/09/17 concert "ZXZW Festival", 'Paradox', Tilburg, The Netherlands
    • "Space Is the Place"
    • Marshall Allen: as, EVI, cl, fl, voc, director ; Yah Yah Abdul-Majid: ts, voc, perc ; Charles Davis: ts, perc, voc ; Knoel Scott: as, voc, perc ; Danny "Ray" Thompson: bars, fl, voc, perc ; Raynold Scott: bars, fl, voc, perc ; Fred Adams: tp, voc, perc ; Cecil Brooks: tp, voc, perc ; Dave Davis: tb, Fh, voc, perc ; Farid Barron: piano, keyb ; Dave Hotep: guitar ; Joonie Booth: b ; Elson Nascimento: surdo grande, perc ; Wayne Anthony Smith: jr. dr
    • 1st set
      • Planet Earth (Ra) * Joy Delight (Ra) * Discipline 27 (Ra) > Untitled improvisation > If We Came from Nowhere Here (Ra) * The Shadow World (Ra) * Unidentified title * Space Idyll (Ra) * Unidentified title * YaYa reading Sun Ra poem * Door of the Cosmos (Ra) > personal announcement Danny Ray Thompson
    • 2nd set
      • Untitled improvisation * Interplanetary Music (Ra) * Carefree (Ra) * Ra # 2 (Ra-Allen) * Images (Ra) * Rocket Number Nine (Ra) * Space Is the Place (Ra) * Interstellar Low Ways (Ra) * Second Stop Is Jupiter (Ra) > Saturn Rings (Ra) * Fate in a Pleasant Mood (Ra) > If We Came from Nowhere Here (Ra) > I´ll Wait For You (Ra) > Space Is the Place (Ra) > We Travel the Spaceways (Ra)
THE SUN RA ARKESTRA under the direction of Marshall Allen
  • 2008/09/18 workshop "ZXZW Festival", 'Paradox', Tilburg, The Netherlands
    • Big John * Ra #2 * Inteplanetary Music
  • 2008/09/18 concert "ZXZW Festival", 'Paradox', Tilburg, The Netherlands
    • "The Music of Marshall Allen"
    • Marshall Allen: as, EVI, cl, fl, voc, director ; Yah Yah Abdul-Majid: ts, voc, perc ; Charles Davis: ts, perc, voc ; Knoel Scott: as, voc, perc ; Danny "Ray" Thompson: bars, fl, voc, perc ; Raynold Scott: bars, fl, voc, perc ; Fred Adams: tp, voc, perc ; Cecil Brooks: tp, voc, perc ; Dave Davis: tb, Fh, voc, perc ; Farid Barron: piano, keyb ; Dave Hotep: guitar ; Joonie Booth: b ; Elson Nascimento: surdo grande, perc ; Wayne Anthony Smith: jr. dr
    • 1st set
      • Interplanetary Music (Ra) * Millenium of the Rising Star (Allen) * Cosmic Hop (Allen) * Beta Music [Will Create A Better World] (Allen) * Unidentified title ??? * Space Lullaby (Allen) * In-B-Tween/Mr.Mystery (Allen-Jenkins) * They´re Peepin´ (Ra-Allen-Jacson jr)
    • 2nd set
      • Face the Music (Ra) * Swirlin (Allen) * Vibrations of the Day (Allen) * That's the Way I Feel Today (Ra) * You Find Me (Allen) * Unidentified title * Skippin´ Stones (Allen) * Deputy Hotel (Allen) * Fate in a Pleasant Mood (Ra) > We´ll Wait For You (Ra) > We Travel the Spaceways (Ra) > personal announcement


  • 2008/09/19 Clazz Orchestra - concert "ZXZW Festival", 'studiozaal', Tilburg, NL  =  a Sun Ra tribute

THE SUN RA ARKESTRA under the direction of Marshall Allen

  • 2008/09/20 concert "ZXZW Festival", 'Paradox', Tilburg, NL

    • broadcast on dutch radio 6, and made available as a stream on the radio 6 website

    • released on "Live In Tilburg" on the In+Out Records label

    • Marshall Allen: as, EVI, cl, fl, voc, director ; Yah Yah Abdul-Majid: ts, voc, perc ; Charles Davis: ts, perc, voc ; Knoel Scott: as, voc, perc ; Danny "Ray" Thompson: bars, fl, voc, perc ; Raynold Scott: bars, fl, voc, perc ; Fred Adams: tp, voc, perc ; Cecil Brooks: tp, voc, perc ; Dave Davis: tb, Fh, voc, perc ; Farid Barron: piano, keyb ; Dave Hotep: guitar ; Joonie Booth: b ; Elson Nascimento: surdo grande, perc ; Wayne Anthony Smith: jr. dr

THE SUN RA ARKESTRA under the direction of Marshall Allen

  • 2008/09/21 concert "ZXZW Festival", 'Open Air Stage', Tilburg, NL  --  14.30 h

    • Marshall Allen: as, EVI, cl, fl, voc, director ; Yah Yah Abdul-Majid: ts, voc, perc ; Charles Davis: ts, perc, voc ; Knoel Scott: as, voc, perc ; Danny "Ray" Thompson: bars, fl, voc, perc ; Raynold Scott: bars, fl, voc, perc ; Fred Adams: tp, voc, perc ; Cecil Brooks: tp, voc, perc ; Dave Davis: tb, Fh, voc, perc ; Farid Barron: piano, keyb ; Dave Hotep: guitar ; Joonie Booth: b ; Elson Nascimento: surdo grande, perc ; Wayne Anthony Smith: jr. dr



2008/10/21 The Sun Ra Arkestra - concert 'Palais Royale Ballroom', Toronto, ON, Canada


"Hymn to the Universe" is a celebration of music and dance with the combined forces of the Sun Ra Arkestre under the direction of Marshall Allen and the dance company Coleman Lemieux & Compagnie.

The Music Gallery and Rough Idea presented "Hymn to the Universe" at the Palais Royale during the 2008 X Avant New Music Festival.

Coleman Lemieux & Compagnie are
Bill Coleman, Laurence Lemieux, Peter Chin, Robin Poitras, Won Myeong Won, Carol Prieur, Junghm Jo, Jennifer Dahl, Robert Regala.
Understudies/additional performers: Nicole Rose Bond/Juliette Coleman

1-Section One: Seeing

Black and Tan Fantasy by Duke Ellington 5:46
Sea of Sounds 7:57
Crystal Spears 4:41
Light From A Hidden Sun 4:07
Yeah Man! by N. Sissie 3:40
The Within of Things by Marshall Allen 5:20

2-Section Two: Omniverse

Body and Soul by Johnny Green
The Conjunction of Science and Religion by Marshall Allen 3:47

3-Section Three: Attunement

Heliocentric 6:17
Cocktails for Two by Sam Coslow and Arthur Johnson 3:42
In-B-Tween & Mr. Mystery by Marshall Allen/Art Jenkins 10:57
We Travel The Spaceways 16:50

The concert got broadcast on Canadian radio.


  • 2008/10/31 The Sun Ra Arkestra - concert 'The University Of Connecticut', Connecticut, usa

The Sun Ra Arkestra at the WHUS show in Connecticut on Halloween - picture by Pete Brunelli

more pictures at



THE SUN RA ARKESTRA under the direction of Marshall Allen



  • 2009/10/17 concert 'Jazzkeller, Burghausen, Germany

    • line-up

      • Marshall Allen: as, EVI, fl, voc, director * Knoel Scott: as, voc, perc * Raynold Scott: bars, fl, voc, perc * Fred Adams: tp, voc, perc * Michael Ray: tp, voc * Dave Davis: tb, voc, perc * Farid Barron: piano * Juini "Arthur" Booth: bass * Dave Hotep: guitar * Elson Nascimento: surdo grande, perc * Wayne Anthony Smith jr.: dr

    • set one

      • Untitled improvisation, Discipline 27 II -> I´ll Wait For You (Ra), Springtime Again (Ra), Joy Delight, Body and Soul (Heyman-Green-Sour-Eyton), Big John´s Special #2 (H.Henderson), Dreams Come True (Ra-Mayo)

    • set two

      • They´ll Come Back (Ra), unidentified title (Ra), Velvet (Ra), When You Wish upon a Star (Washington-Harline), Space Idyll # 1 (Ra), Hocus Pocus (Hudson), Blue Set (Ra), Love in Outer Space (Ra)

    • set three

      • Planet Earth (Ra), In-B-Tween/Mr.Mystery (Allen-Jenkins), Nuclear War (Ra), East of the Sun (Bowman), Carefree (Ra), We Travel the Spaceways (Ra)


The Arkestra in concert at the 'Jazzkeller' in Burghausen, Germany. Picture by Herbert Zaussinger.
The Arkestra in concert at the 'Jazzkeller' in Burghausen, Germany. Picture by Herbert Zaussinger.
The Arkestra in concert at the 'Jazzkeller' in Burghausen, Germany. Picture by Herbert Zaussinger.
The Arkestra in concert at the 'Jazzkeller' in Burghausen, Germany. Picture by Herbert Zaussinger.


  • 2009/10/19 afternoon rehearsal 'Domicile Jazz Club', Pforzheim, Germany
  • line-up

    • Marshall Allen: as, EVI, fl, voc, director * Knoel Scott: as, voc, perc * Raynold Scott: bars, fl, voc, perc * Fred Adams: tp, voc, perc * Michael Ray: tp, voc * Dave Davis: tb, voc, perc * Farid Barron: piano * Juini "Arthur" Booth: bass * Dave Hotep: guitar * Elson Nascimento: surdo grande, perc * Wayne Anthony Smith jr.: dr

  • rehearsal

    • Images (Ra) * Enlightenment (Dotson-Ra) * Love in Outer Space (Ra)


  • 2009/10/19 concert 'Domicile Jazz Club', Pforzheim, Germany

    • line-up

      • Marshall Allen: as, EVI, fl, voc, director * Knoel Scott: as, voc, perc * Raynold Scott: bars, fl, voc, perc * Fred Adams: tp, voc, perc * Michael Ray: tp, voc * Dave Davis: tb, voc, perc * Farid Barron: piano * Juini "Arthur" Booth: bass * Dave Hotep: guitar * Elson Nascimento: surdo grande, perc * Wayne Anthony Smith jr.: dr

    • set one

      • Announcement Axel Klauschke > Planet Earth (Ra), Discipline 27 II -> I´ll Wait For You (Ra), Images (Ra), Dreams Come True (Ra-Mayo), Velvet (Ra), Blue Set (Ra), It Is Forbidden (Ra) > How Long You Been Dead? (Ra), Cocktails for Two (Johnston-Coslow), Carefree (Ra) > Crazy as a Daisy (Ra), Fate in a Pleasant Mood (Ra)

    • set two

      • Interplanetary Music (Ra), Nuclear War (Ra), Take off (Marshall Allen), Other Worlds (Ra) > When You Wish upon a Star (Washington-Harline), Love in Outer Space (Ra), East of the Sun (Bowman), Way Down `Younder in New Orleans (Creamer-Layton), Dancing Shadows (Ra), We Travel the Spaceways (Ra)


The Arkestra in concert at the 'Domicile Jazz Club' in Pforzheim, Germany. Picture by Herbert Zaussinger.
The Arkestra in concert at the 'Domicile Jazz Club' in Pforzheim, Germany. Picture by Herbert Zaussinger.
The Arkestra in concert at the 'Domicile Jazz Club' in Pforzheim, Germany. Picture by Herbert Zaussinger.
The Arkestra in concert at the 'Domicile Jazz Club' in Pforzheim, Germany. Picture by Herbert Zaussinger.


March 21st. New York City, "Springtime again", Sullivan Hall, 214 Sullivan St.

April 8th. Trento, Italy

April 9th. Coreggio, Italy

April 11th. Budapest, Hungary

April 12, 13 & 14 London, U.K., Cafe Otto

April 25th. Sunbury, PA., YMCA Arts Center  

  • 2010 05 22 "Transfigured Night" radio show on WKCR Radio, New York

    • Sun Radio Omniversity Part 1 - Sun Ra Arrival Day Celebration

    • DJ: Charles Blass

    • playlist

      • (Artist -Title -Album -Label)

      • Sun Ra -Sunset on the Nile -NYC Battery Park Sept. 7, 1985

      • Sun Ra -Rocket #9 -Stockholm 10-12-71

      • Sun Ra -Watusi -Helsinki 10-14-71 -Transparency

      • Cosmic Rays -The Second Stop Is Jupiter -The Second Stop Is Jupiter -Norton

      • Sun Ra -Prelude to Stargazers/ The Mayan Temples -Mayan Temples -Black Saint

      • Sun Ra -Interview 3-21-92 w/ Sun Ra by Charles Blass - including excerpts from WKCR solo piano 1977 concert -

      • Sun Ra -Islands in the Sun -Janus -Saturn

      • Sun Ra -The Alter Destiny/ Monorails and Satellites/ The Galaxy Way -Monorails and Satellites -Saturn

      • Nu-Sounds -Spaceship Lullaby -Interplanetary Melodies -Norton

      • Sun Ra -We Roam the Cosmos -What's New -Saturn

      • Sun Ra -Sometimes I'm Happy/ Astro Nation -Dance of the Living Image -Transparency

      • Sun Ra -Code of Interdependence/ Somebody Else's Idea/ The Wind Speaks -My Brother the Wind Vol. II -Saturn

      • Sun Ra Arkestra -They're Peepin -A Song for the Sun -El Ra

      • Nu Sounds -Black Sky and Blue Moon/ Dreams Come True -The Second Stop Is Jupiter -Norton

      • Sun Ra -Dreams Come True -Deep Purple -Saturn

      • Sun Ra -Interplanetary Music -Interstellar Low Ways -Saturn

      • Sun Ra -Neptune -Discipline 27-II -Saturn

      • Sun Ra -Calling Planet Earth -Live at the Gibus -Saturn

      • Sun Ra -Intergalactic Research -Continuation -Saturn

      • Sun Ra -To Nature's God -Live in Egypt -Saturn

      • Sun Ra -There Are Other Worlds (They Have Not Told You Of) -Lanquidity -Philly Jazz

      • Sun Ra -They'll Come Back -Slug's June 7, 1972 -Transparency

      • Sun Ra -Space is the Place -Space is the Place -Blue Thumb


May 23th. Sun Ra's Berth-day Ney York City, (TBA)

May 25th. Philadelphia, PA, Johnny Brenda's

May 27-30 Europe (TBA)

June 17th., Ney York City, NY, Harlem Museum

June 18th. Ghent, NY, The Big Up (TBA)

June 26th. Philadelphia, PA (TBA)

July 2-5 Europe (TBA)

September 12th. Philadelphia, PA, Bang on a Can Festival

2010/10/01 concert "20th Akbank Jazz Festival", 'Cemal Resit Rey Concert Hall', Istanbul, Turkey

2010/10/16 concert "Staten Island Jazz Festival 23", 'Snug Harbor Music Hall', Staten Island, NYC, NY, usa

2010/10/31 concert "Halloween Spectacular", 'Sullivan Hall', Manhattan, New York City, NY, usa

November 30th., Montreal, Canada, Hymn to the Universe

December 1 - 4, Montreal, Canada, Hymn to the Universe

December 7 - 11, Montreal, Canada, Hymn to the Universe




2011/05/16 radio show 'Sun Radio', radio LoRa 97.5FM, Zurich, Switzerland
  1. Along Came Ra / Children of the Sun (Lost Arkestra Series)
  2. Theme of the Stargazers / Enlightment (Cleveland 1975)
  3. Saturn (Jazz in Silhouette: Images and Forecasts of Tomorrow, 1958)
  4. Moon People (Sun Ra Quartet, New Steps, 1978)
  5. I Am Gonna Unmask the Batman (feat. Ebah, Rocket Ship Rock)
  6. Rocket Ship Rock (feat. Yochanon, Rocket Ship Rock)
  7. Teenager’s Letter of Promises (Juanita Rogers, Interplanetary Melodies)
  8. Untitled (Squat Theater, NYC, 17 Jan. 1981)
  9. Planet Earth Day (Pleiades, with Orchestra, France, 1990)
  10. Sophisticated Lady (Cleveland, 1975)
  11. Exactly Like You (Sun Ra Quartet, New Steps, 1978)
  12. Blue Intensity (Nuclear War, 1982)
  13. Intergalactic Research (Rehearsal, 1971)
  14. Sun Ra Interview intro (unidentified) / Orbiting (excerpt, Fillmore West, 14 Nov. 1968)
  15. Sun Ra Interview with Detroit Black Journal, 1981 (Pt.1)
  16. Enlightment / Love in Outer Space / King Porter Stomp (Montreux Jazz Festival, 9 July 1976)
  17. Ankhnaton (Fate in a Pleasant Mood, 1960)
  18. Planet Earth (Sun Ra Visits Planet Earth, 1957)
  19. Ancient Aiethopia (Jazz in Silhouette, 1958)
  20. Sun Ra Interview intro (unidentified) / Worlds Approaching (take 2, NYC July 1966)
  21. Sun Ra Interview with Detroit Black Journal, 1981 (Pt.2)
  22. Velvet (Janus, 1968)
  23. Yesterdays (Reflections in Blue, 1986)
  24. The Eternal Myth Revealed – excerpt 1 (compiled/narrated by Michael Anderson for Transparency)
  25. Smile (feat. June Tyson) (Nuclear War, 1982)
  26. Retrospect (Nuclear War, 1982)
  27. Love On a Far Away Planet (Hours After, 1986)
  28. Friend and Friendship (Sun Ra Quartet, New Steps, 1978)
  29. October (Saturn single, 1958)
  30. Lights On a Satellite (Art Forms of Dimensions Tomorrow, 1962)
  31. Discipline No. 1 (Mayan Temples, 1990)
  32. Space Mates (Fate in a Pleasant Mood, 1960)
  33. Manhattan Undertones (solo synthesizer c.1987, from Sun Ra 1987 WKCR tape)
  34. Sun Ra Interview with Detroit Black Journal, 1981 (Pt.3)
  35. The Eternal Myth Revealed – excerpt 2 (compiled/narrated by Michael Anderson for Transparency)
  36. Black Sky and Blue Moon (Nu Sounds, c.1954, from Sun Ra 1987 WKCR tape)
  37. Holiday for Strings (Nu Sounds, c.1954, from Sun Ra 1987 WKCR tape)
  38. The Eternal Myth Revealed – excerpt 3 (compiled/narrated by Michael Anderson for Transparency)
  39. Solar Drums (Art Forms of Dimensions Tomorrow, 1962)
  40. ‘Dark Forces’ (excerpt, Cairo, 1971) / Sun Ra recitation (unidentified)
  41. I Am Gonna Unmask the Batman (Lacy Gibson) (extended version, Rocket Ship Rock)
  42. Space is the Place (excerpt, Helsinki, 1971)


  • 2011 09 03 concert "Detroit Jazz Festival", Detroit, MI, usa
  • 2012/04/27 concert 'Woodmere Art Museum', Philadelphia, PA, usa
  • 2012/04/29 concert 'The Knickerbocker Cafe', Westerly, RI, usa


references to sun ra by other artists


additional info / random notes

In 1980, the movie "Sun Ra: A Joyful Noise" got released on video.

October 28, 2005, BBC4 television did broadcast "Brother From Another Planet - The Sun Ra Story". A recording of this documentary circulates among fans.

2007 09

Sun Ra Disco 3000 Complete Concert 1978 Milan. Art Yard CD001 

RELEASE DATE 05/09/2007.



In the winter of 1977-8, philosopher, pianist and bandleader Sun Ra was to be found in Italy. He may have made two trips there, or made one extended stay: at this distance from these events it's difficult to be sure. 
(There's usually a mystery where Sun Ra is concerned.) Sun Ra's musical activity that winter is well attested: a CD from a piano concert in Venice in November 1977, two double albums cut in the studio for the Horo label in January 1978. 
The Italian tour also resulted in releases on Sun Ra's own Saturn label, 
Although the records have long been out of print and all but impossible to find.With the re-release of DISCO 3000 and MEDIA DREAMS, two of these elusive Saturn albums and arguably among the most important documents of Sun Ra's long musical career, are now once more available.
They represent a real pinnacle of creativity, even for this prolific period of the late 1970s, when his record output hit a peak: 1977-8 saw some twenty Sun Ra albums, plus two video documents. DISCO 3000 and MEDIA DREAMS are pivotal: a unique chance to hear Sun Ra's music expounded in live performance by a quartet, rather than his full Arkestra.
Sun Ra was joined in Italy by saxophonist John Gilmore, trumpeter Michael Ray and drummer Luqman Ali. Sun Ra himself played piano and electronic keyboards, including a Crumar Mainman.†

January 1978 was a fruitful month for Sun Ra. As well as days spent in the recording studios in Rome, Ra, played several gigs in Italy before flyimg back to the US. 
The magic music from one night in the Teatro Ciak, on 23/01/1978 in Milan, is preserved on Disco 3000.†

Chris Trent 

2007 11 27










2007 12

limited to 300
numbered box sets

December 26, 1980 - January 1, 1981
28 high quality CD-Rs with three-colour printing on each disc in custom-made cases with poster-size insert with track listings. Good quality desk recordings.
Total time: over 26 hours


limited to 500 numbered box sets

Discs 1-4: March 13, 1978
Discs 5-7: September 22, 1978
Discs 8-10: November 4, 1978

Superb sound quality on all three concerts
--The Arkestra always played EXTREMELY well at this
Total time: Eight hours, seven minutes and ten seconds
Collectors do NOT have these recordings!!!
The cover images are a surprise this time (but are
Marshall Allen directly receives compensation for this
Ten high-quality CD-Rs dubbed on Pioneer hard drive
500 numbered box sets begin shipping in early January
--Low-numbered copies assigned in order of paypal
transfer received,
beginning with copy number 019

24 dollars per ten-disc box set,
--plus 5 dollars priority mail within the US (29
----or, plus 9 dollars priority mail to Canada (33
------or, plus 11 dollars priority mail to Europe (35

Please transfer to paypal address:

This is the second of two homemade Sun Ra box sets on
Transparency. Factory-replicated discs resume after
this - several more with Sun Ra and slowly expanding
to release other artists as well.

Much gratitude and wishing an excellent year to one
and all,


CD (Item 470724) Transparency, 1978 -- Condition: New Copy

Three slices of work from the Sun Ra Arkestra -- all recorded at the Horseshoe Tavern in Toronto in 1978, and presented here as a massive 10 CD package! The format is great -- as the set offers up the full concert performance from each night, not just a handful of songs -- and each date in the package is represented with 3CDs of music, so that together the whole thing spans almost 8 hours in length! Performances are from March 13, September 27, and November 4, 1978 -- and the set also features a bonus CD that includes a 1968 interview on WBAI. Package is similar to the Detroit Jazz Center one from transparency -- in that the discs are CDRs, packaged in a larger plastic box with artwork. There's unfortunately no song titles or personnel -- but the recording quality is great!  

2008 05 15



This is the companion to Disco 3000, made on the same classic Italian quartet tour with John Gilmore, Michael Ray (trumpet) and the minimal but perfect Luqman Ali (drums). Ra himself plays piano and electronic keyboards, including the mysterious Crumar Mainman, which Ra describes as 'like a piano, organ, clavichord, cello, violin and brass instruments' and which also, importantly, has a facility for pre-programmed bass-lines and electronic percussion, which Ra uses constantly and to great effect in this small ensemble setting and seldom, if ever, elsewhere. The best of this collection (most of CD1) is luminous: very electronic, often rhythmical and melodic, always economical and making every sound count. These tracks are like no other jazz ensemble and, although recognisable as Ra - who else could think of, and then get away with, this - unlike any other Ra ensemble either. Ra makes the machines do amazing, visionary things while the band exercises restraint, remaining always in focus. In between, there are piano, saxophone, trumpet and drum vignettes, fresh and perfectly judged; this real was a fine band. This places the original vinyl release (and related releases, Sound Mirror and Disco 300) back into the context of the concerts, from which they were drawn. An important addition to the Sun Ra canon, since it is a rare document of an unusual Ra project that produced three classic late '70s LPs. Beautifully packaged and well annotated.

2008 05 23


Salah Ragab formed the first jazz big band in Egypt { The Cairo Jazz Band } in 1968, he was also the leader of the Military Music Departments in Heliopolis, some of the best musicians in Egypt of that time were members of the band such as { Zaki Osman, Trumpet } - { Saied Salama, Tenor Sax } - { Khamis El -Kholy, Piano } - { Ala Mostafa, Piano}. On this recording The Band consists of five Saxophones, four Trumpets, four Trombones, Piano, Bass, Drums and Percussion and various other oriental instruments. The opening concert of The Cairo Jazz Band was in Ewart Memorial Hall at The American University 23/02/1969, There were many other concerts in various prestigious places such as the Old Opera House, The University of Alexandria and appearances on Egyptian T,V Jazz Club Weekly. Salah Ragab accompanied the great band leader and composer Sun Ra on a Tour in Egypt, Greece, France and Spain in 1984. He also studied jazz theories and improvisation with the Jazz musician and composer from Kansas City -USA, Osman Kareem, with whom he formed the first Jazz Quintet in Cairo in 1963 recording with the Radio Service of Cairo. He gave a series of educational lectures about Jazz History at the German Culture 'Goethe Institute', plus writing the only jazz book in Arabic 'Jazz Music The Roots and Future'.

These recordings present Salah Ragab and The Cairo Jazz Band's definitive work, recorded in Heliopolis Egypt between 1968 and 1973. Western Jazz musicians have been fascinated with the world of Islam for many years, for religious - spiritual, musical and sociological reasons. It was therefore inevitable that musicians of the Arabian North African area would play a part in the interaction of these two Musical Cultures. The compositions correspond to the cross over of musical styles at the time of the recording, 6000 miles away across the Mediterranean and Atlantic in New York with releases on Moodsville by Yusef Lateef and RCA by Ahmud Abdul-Malik.


  1. Ramadan in Space Time

  2. Dawn

  3. Neveen

  4. Oriental Mood

  5. Kleopatra

  6. Mervat

  7. Egypt Strut

  8. A Tribute To Sun Ra

  9. Latino in Cairo

  10. Black Butterfly

  11. The Crossing { Oubour }

  12. Calling You

  13. The Kings Valley - Upper Egypt

  14. A Farewell Theme

All rights reserved Art Yard ltd, copyright and publishing Art Yard Records, Art Yard Music Publishing.

A 4/4 rhythm. Composed and arranged by Salah Ragab and Eduard Vizarari. All Muslims of the world meet spiritually in the holy month of Ramadan to fast, the composer's aim is explaining that Islamic people celebrate creative progress in the arts. A very old traditional and small drum called { BAZA } starts the theme of the track.

A 6/8 rhythm. Relates to a Hymn inspired from two main holy Moslim Feasts { El-Adha and El-Fitr } Bairam and lesser Bairam - expressing a well-known prayer song at the dawn of each feast.

A 4/4 rhythm. A very popular name among the Egyptian young generation. This tune is dedicated to the composer's second daughter, who contributed to the track at the age of six with the bass line.

A pure Oriental tune based on 6/8 rhythm, the solo is mainly played by the Nay {Bamboo Flute] and is based on the Hogaz Arabic Scale, which is named { Malam } well known in West and North Africa. Featuring together with other Oriental percussion instruments such as El Rek { Tamborino } and { Darbuka } - Oriental Bongos , piano, and double bass to help create the link between the musical tradition of European and Oriental music.

A 4/4 rhythm One of the most mysterious and magic personalities in the history of ancient Egypt is Kleopatra. The tune expresses some of the beauty found in the pharonic times and mixes the past with the present.

A 3/4 and 7/8 rhythm adapted to a simple theme dedicated to one of the composer's daughters.

Ensemble from The Cairo Jazz Band. Zaky Osman, Mohammad Abdu & Khalifa Elsamman ; Trumpets. Saied El Aydy ; Alto Sax. Mahmoud Ayoub ; Trombone. Fathy Abdel Salam ; Tenor .Sax. Abdel Hakim El Zamel ; Bass Sax. Mohammad El- Tobgy ; Electric Guitar. Alaa Mostafa ; Piano . Esmat Abbas ; Bass . Salah Ragab ; Drums . Soloists: Featuring, Mozmar Trio: Aly Abdel Mohsen , Aly Hassan and Hany Awad. ( A Mozmar is a double reed woodwind Instrument invented in Upper Egypt )* Originally released on the Sono Cairo record label as a 45 rpm single.

 I had the idea to play a tribute to the man in our style, it's a pastiche of Kingdom of Not, I asked the band and they all agreed on the idea, and this is the way it came to the air.

 In the 50s I had a friend in Cairo his name ( Reckardo Kready ) he was a fantastic Latin music pianist also was a friend with Zaki Osman, both were the favourit musicians to the late King Farouk and he used to go to the night club they play there. One night the King went to Cosmo politian night club . They were not there as there contract was finised, he said 'where they are" the owner replied" they left the place". The King ordered " Bring them now at once", the King's guard brought them and they came schaking from fear and when they knew the reason they were very happy with the big reward the King gave them. Reckardo left to live in Spain in 1972 he came to meet me while I was recording with the big band in the studio , after we finished he asked me "Let's make a Jam Session", and that is the way Latino in Cairo was born.

 The Black Butterflies used to show for one week in spring time, they were beautiful butterflies some with many colors. I was watching them flying in the garden in a swinging way which attracted me like in 6..8 music rhythm style, so I got the idea to compose a tune for this amazing elegant creatures.

{ Obour } This marks the events of the Egyptian Army crossing the Suize Canal and was composed on the 6th of October 1973 when Salah Ragab heard the news he was thrilled about what had happened.

Composed for someone, with romance in mind.

The inspiration came for this piece when at the age of forty Salah Ragab visited the amazing Valley of The Kings for the first time in his life, it gave him the idea for a dramatic expression of thousands of years ago and an extended voicing with the Cairo Jazz Band and choir.

At the funeral of Nasser , i was responsible for the military brass bands playing the funeral marches . That was unbelievable day - it shows how much the Egyptian people loved that man - no doubt he had a great love in the hearts & minds of his people , even in the whole Arab countries as the leader of liberation . I saw very old men, women, young girls & boys even children all crying severely - some were torning them clothes as expression of the great loss .Some people jumped in to the Nile trying to commit suicide .All of the sudden , the huge crowd were singing a spontaneous lyrics - i had been touched strongly by the tune - that was an improvised kind of real BLUES line - it was of course a very bluesy mood everybody was in . So , i put the theme in a jazz form of 16 bars in a 4/4 African rhythm . I played Conga drums beside leading the band . All the soloists played groovy solos as the occasion thrilled them to their souls !!!!!!.


The following words are inspiration from the time i played with the Arkestra ..

Notes about free jazz music :

Every time i play a solo , i am free to play what i want to play , that is freedom right there .

Music hasn't changed that much, because people still like good music . Music is not NOISE ! . Everybody is trying to copy , not to be original and go ahead .

The freedom musicians have a large following, some of them have little concept of music or they wouldn't be following them . In some cases, people like Sun Ra , give them the whole constellation. They are playing that sort of music correctly , Sun Ra is a Top Notch musician . It is appreciated when it comes from a guy who has studied because he is not going to stray too far - he will go way out , but he won't go so far out that it becomes nothing .Sun Ra has been doing it for years back in Chicago, playing beautiful . He decided to play his cosmic music . He get his music from the cosmos .That is his feeling . That band sounds and groom beautiful . I think freedom music should be limited to those that can play it . It is nothing to open up and play freedom . When i played with Sun Ra , i just run through every thing that my hands will let me do , most anything i want to do . I don't feel limited . Some drummers when get into playing so-called freedom , they get hung up because they haven't learned the foundation of the instrument first and can do nothing but make NOISE ! . I don't think that freedom means just making noise . Noise is something that no one wants to hear .

The cry of jazz featured Ra's music , and immediately come to mind as a GOD - seeker .To play strong forever would be the cry and the worshipful purpose of life .He have made the most moving orchestral statements with the new music . Sun Ra is spiritually Oriented . He understands the future as an ever widening comprehension of what space is , Even to the " Physical" travel between the planets as it happen in the long human chain of progress . Sun Ra's Arkestra sings in one of his songs " We travel the space ways from planet to planet " , it is science - fact that Sun Ra is interested in , not science fiction . It is evolution itself , and it's fruits . Sun Ra is a new content for jazz , for black music, again the spiritual defining itself . Love in outer space , outer nothingness , the heliocentric world , when angels speak of love , outer worlds , the infinity of the universe , of heavenly things , etc, and the mortal seeking , the human knowing spiritual and willing the evolution which is the wisdom religion . The content of the new music is toward change it wants to change forms from physical , mental to spiritual , to a spiritual future .

Salah Ragab 2006



Cairo, December 1966. The Randy Weston Sextet with Ray Copeland, Clifford Jordan, Bill Wood, Ed Blackwell and Chief Bey is playing at the Ewart Memorial Hall of the American University. After an exciting "History of Jazz" concert ending in a burning version of Weston's "African Cookbook" three gentlemen who have never seen each other before are sharing a table during a reception afterwards. One of them Salah Ragab, an impassioned jazz drummer and Major in the Egyptian army was, only a short time later, to become the commander in chief of the entire Egyptian military music department, with about 3,000 professional musicians from Upper and Lower Egypt. The second is Eduard "Edu" Vizvari, a professional musician from Bratislava who worked for three years as a bass player with Gustav Brom's well-known Czech Jazz orchestra. The Third is yours truly, after only a few days in my new job with the German cultural institute in Cairo, musician, composer, author, and teacher. If I remember correctly, it was Salah Ragab who said at some point that evening that he wanted to set up a band in Cairo. The three of us were all fired up that evening ready to launch the first real Egyptian Jazz band. The idea had ignited and was strong enough to outlast the so-called Six Day War and it's aftermath.

At the beginning of 1968 the idea had come to fruition and, thanks to the appointment of Salah Ragab as chief of the "Military Music Departments", The Cairo Jazz Band was formed, In the music department of the army there was every musical instrument you could think of at our disposal and Salah was able to chose the best out of thousands of professional musicians. There was one hitch to the whole thing. The musicians were able to read fluently but, as was fitting for a normal military musician, could hardly play anything but marches and national anthems. Many of them had hardly heard of Jazz and I remember holding what amounted to crash courses in Jazz history at Salah's request at the beginning. While Salah was taking care of the musicians and the instruments, Edu and I were occupied with the rehearsals and arrangements as he had a lot of experience being a music professor, I got hold of 'scores' jazz music charts via Germany from Albert Mangelsdorff, Wolfgang Dauner, Peter Herbolzheimer, Bernd Rabe, Joki Freund and others. Edu and I were probably the only Europeans to have free access to an Egyptian barrack in those times marked for the war. This is where Salah had reserved an entire building for the band and for jazz. On the door a brass sign proudly announced "Jazz House" The 25 or so chosen musicians had no other obligation from morning to evening than to dedicate themselves to Jazz. By the time I left Egypt in 1972, none of the musicians wanted anything more to do with marches and national anthems. I remember one particular rehearsal in one of the studios of Radio Cairo when, all of a sudden, a young man was standing in the open door, nodding his head and tapping his feet to the music. This young man was King Hussein who happened to be in one of the neighbouring studios and heard us play. None of us knew at the time he was a great Jazz fan. .. Hartmut Geerken, Archives, Waitawhile.

(c) 2006 - 2008 Art Yard Ltd. All Rights Reseved

2008 05

ZXZW is an extensive festival for independent culture. With a solid musical base, the festival also brings visual arts, dance, theatre and movies. Over 200 cutting edge artist present themselves in an intimate context to an international audience. Black metal next to free jazz. Street art next to academic dance.

ZXZW takes place from the 14th untill 21st of September 2008 in the city of Tilburg in the Netherlands. From a squat to the mayors room. From music venue to museum. The big music-happening is on September 20-21.

For all confirmed acts, check our

Monday 15th SUN RA ARKESTRA concert (013)

Tuesday 16th SUN RA ARKESTRA concert (013)

Wednesday 17th SUN RA ARKESTRA concert (013)

Thursday 18th SUN RA ARKESTRA concert (013)

2008 07 08

July 08, 2008

Sun Ra On Jupiter Art Yard CD 004

"On Jupiter" is near ideal as an introduction to the musical worlds of Sun Ra. It has a magical mix of colours from Sun Ra's varied palette. Beneath its compelling surface lie many layers of musical detail, and numerous hints as to where Sun Ra was coming from and where he was heading. It combines real depth with beauty and hits you the first time you hear it. "On Jupiter" represents Sun Ra's closest encounter with the world of disco. In the late 1970s he made other albums which also gesture in this direction - "Lanquidity" has a jazz-rock feel while remaining firmly part of the Ra omniverse, this is true too of "Disco 3000" despite its title,"On Jupiter" really has only one track which fits the 'disco' tag - "UFO" - but this piece is such a strong statement that it becomes the centre of gravity of the album.This has meant that the other tracks here have been somewhat overlooked.

1. On Jupiter 
2. UFO 
3. Seductive Fantasy

"Seductive Fantasy" is a fine performance, with a rare chance to hear James Jacson's bassoon in both its opening and closing stages. "Seductive Fantasy" has an ensemble theme stated twice during the performance, featuring John Gilmore, who also offers a very fine tenor solo. Before this there is a fine understated solo by a baritone saxophonist, as well as contributions from Marshall Allen on oboe, electric guitars and bass. There is a cameo for Eloe Omoe's bass clarinet, and towards the end of the piece unidentified arco string players make an appearance. There is much excellent Sun Ra piano to be heard throughout the whole of "Seductive Fantasy".The title track, "On Jupiter", features Marshall Allen's oboe and Sun Ra's piano, along with guitars and bass and multi-layered percussion. This is the first appearance on record of this piece, afterwards to remain a frequently performed item in the Arkestra's book. "UFO" bursts into life with the full Arkestra in disco mode, and contains solos from John Gilmore, Taylor Richardson and Michael Ray. "UFO" is one of those pieces which Sun Ra seems to have added to the band's book only for a short time, after which he left it alone. This is its second known appearance, the only others being from a few concerts, all within a few months of each other in mid 1979. This studio recording was made around May 1979, according to drummer Samarai Celestial, who identifies it as predating his tenure with the Arkestra - he plays on the other two pieces on the album, recorded in October that year. Sun Ra would reportedly rehearse his band to the point of exhaustion, but in the studio his was usually a one-take approach, close to a concert performance. This did not necessarily mean that every album appeared in the form it was recorded. "On Jupiter", like "Lanquidity" (but unlike "Disco 3000", essentially a live recording) owes a lot of its final sound to post-production. The album was mixed by Michael Ray, who layered in prerecorded material with that produced in the studio - Sun Ra sent Ray back to the Arkestra base during the mixing session, and Ray returned with "a handful of tapes". Close listening would suggest that some of the guitar and percussion and possibly some vocals were added in this way. † Chris Trent.

Front Cover Photograph (c) Baron Wolman, Sun Ra 14th December 1968 Berkeley California. Artwork by Art Yard.

Sun Ra Sleeping Beauty Art Yard CD003

By the late 1970s the Saturn record label had become a musical newspaper, keeping the world abreast of the latest developments in the Sun Ra story, for those people lucky or persistent enough to find the few outlets where the albums were appearing. Sun Ra was releasing more records on his own label than ever before - at least six Saturn LPs document his activities in 1979 alone. This however, is the first reissue of any 1979 Saturn album, and will be widely welcomed - "Sleeping Beauty" instantly became one of Sun Ra's best loved records, and remains so to this day. At this period, compared to previous years, Saturn records tended to document more of Sun Ra's current work rather than older tapes. This was certainly true of one particular group of four albums released simultaneously into Saturn Records' distribution channels within a year of being recorded: "God Is More Than Love Can Ever Be", "Omniverse" and "On Jupiter", and "Sleeping Beauty". These all represented facets of Ra's work during 1979, and between them include everything from piano trio compositions to conducted improvisations to disco music.†

1. Springtime Again 
2. Door Of The Cosmos 
3. Sleeping Beauty

"Sleeping Beauty" features the funkier end of the Sun Ra spectrum. It is a studio recording featuring at least twenty-eight musicians, an enlarged version of the Arkestra which had just crossed the Atlantic to play the 1979 Moers festival. The line up includes both acoustic and electric bass players, and electric guitarists, and the reed and brass sections are both augmented beyond the core members of the Arkestra. The recording session which produced "Sleeping Beauty" also gave us "Strange Celestial Road", released on the Rounder label. The two albums have a markedly different feel, in spite of the common date - according to vibraphone player Damon Choice, talking to discographer Robert Campbell, the differences perhaps partly stem from later post production, and the addition of vocals, All three tracks on "Sleeping Beauty" have tenor solos by John Gilmore which can count among his finest work. Other musicians' work is also very worthy of note: Vincent Chancey's french horn in particular. The overall textures of the arrangements and also the sound of this particular Arkestra, are unique, found on no other Sun Ra album: listen to the opening to "Door Of The Cosmos", as vocals and keyboards are joined by guitars and bass, and the horn arrangements cut in around Gilmore's solo. There are many fine such moments throughout the album.†

2008 07 12




Salah Eldin Ahmed Ragab

1935 -2008


Allah Yarhamu, God Rest His Soul.


In Celebration of Salah Ragab's life and Spirit,.. keep playing his wonderful music.

He was my good friend, and will be missed by many, although, his music and spirit will live on for eternity.

Art Yard

2008 08

from the Transparency newsletter  //

new releases:

SUN RA - Live at the Electric Circus (NYC 1968) and Newport Jazz Festival (RI 1969)
(2CD, Transparency 0308)

Chronologically beginning the label's in-depth survey of the lesser-known psychedelic era of Sun Ra (1968-1971), these discs were painstakingly mastered from first and second generation passes of Michael Wilderman's original recordings. The Electric Circus show features an unknown female singer who was with the group prior to June Tyson.
The Arkestra on stage at Newport cover photo is published in
high resolution for the first time.

SUN RA - Untitled Recordings
(CD, Transparency 0309)

A COMPLETELY UNKNOWN Quintet recording with Sun Ra, John Gilmore, Milford Graves, Andrew Cyrille, Don Moye from Prospect Park band shell in Brooklyn, June 1985 -- Plus two intimate recordings from "The House of Ra" in Philadelphia -- a rehearsal from 1978 and a jam from 1973.

Further info: 500 copies of the factory-made version The Complete Detroit Jazz Center Residency (Transparency 0307, 28CD) will also be available the first week of September -- so if you or someone you know needs this album, now is the time to reserve your or their copy. Just 60 dollars plus Priority Mail rates as listed above.

2008 09

2009 01 01 - from the blog

It's hard to get a grip on the Sun Ra discography.
The following list presents the albums that got released on Golden Years Of New Jazz / Leo Records.
I don't have a year of release for most of them, and they're not mentioned in the superb reference guide by Moudry either... (or maybe I just didn't look good enough)
If you happen to have one of these album, and could supply me with the year of issue, I'd appreciate it.

2009 01 24 - reply on the blog by Slovenlyeric

Here is a list of Sun Ra Recordings and where possible I put the recording dates or approximate year of recording some have multiple dates. There is a discography by Robert Campbell on the web just do a search "Sun Ra Discography and it should come up"

2009 01 06 - from the blog


Art Yard has two new Sun Ra releases:

* sun ra and his arkestra: horizon
    (2008, cd, uk, art yard cd008)

* sun ra and his arkestra: nidhamu + dark myth equation visitation
    (2008, cd, uk, art yard cd009)

Both albums take a look at the Arkestra's visit to Cairo in 1971!

More info soon.

2009 01 06 - from the blog

* the sun ra arkestra: springtime in chicago
    (2006, 2cd, uk, leo records gy 26/27)

"Springtime In Chicago" is one of these must-have Sun Ra releases. This two disc album presents the September 1978 concert that Sun Ra and his Arkestra did in Chicago.

It's a classic. 'Astro Black', 'Discipline', 'Yeah! Man', 'Space Is The Place', ... they're all there. And all of my favourite Arkestra members are present as well: John Gilmore, Marshall Allen, Michael Ray, June Tyson, ...

This album is a perfect introduction if you're not familiar with the Arkestra. And if you're a fan, you probably already have this set of discs.


April 24, 2009 - August 2, 2009

Pathways to Unknown Worlds: Sun Ra, El Saturn & Chicago's Afro-Futurist Underground, 1954-1968


2010 03 19 - Sun Ra Arkestra Sunday in NYC & Marshall Allen Tonight in NYC

The Sun Ra Arkestra under the direction of Marshall Allen will launch their 2010 World Tour, which includes three European tours and a Canadian tour, with a performance on Sunday, March 21, 2010 at Sullivan Hall, 214 Sullivan St., New York, NY themed "Springtime again".  There will be no better way to shake off the intense winter this year than with the enlightenment that the Arkestra can arouse.
The last two Arkestra appearances at Sullivan Hall were at or very
close to a sell out, so it is recommended to make your plans in advance for this show.  Tickets are $15, Show 8:00 p.m., Doors 7:00
p.m.  For further information, please visit:

For more information on the Sun Ra Arkestra under the direction of Marshall Allen, please visit:

Also, Marshall Allen will be performing at the Cornelia Street Cafe, tonight, March 19 at a launch event for a new label ScienSonic being released to the planet by Scott Robinson.  Marshall is featured in the premiere ScienSonic CD release titled "Live at Space Farms" and will perform with Scott Robinson and other musicians at the concert tonight as part of the launch celebration.  More information on this event follows:

Scott Robinson celebrates 200 recordings, 25 years in New York and 50 years on Earth with the launching of ScienSonic Laboratories LLC, his new outlet for creative and far-reaching projects. ScienSonic Laboratories will have its first two exciting releases in hand and available on March 19 & 20. Live at Space Farms featuring Marshall Allen is a lavish 2-CD set in a special wallet, with Enhanced CD capability including text, video and photo gallery, recorded live with the amazing bell tower in a cow pasture at Space Farms. Nucleus is the long-awaited duo project with Julian Thayer, recorded entirely at Scott's ScienSonic Laboratory facility in NJ. This duo gave an unforgettable performance at Cornelia Street Cafe several years ago:
"Jules and Scott gave me a night of music I'll never forget. It was
abstract, but at the same time felt utterly composed... who needs a composer with two masterful and connected individuals such as this?"
-- Grammy-winning composer Maria Schneider

A ScienSonic evening of new music with Scott Robinson
Fri. March 19, 2010, 9 & 10:30 PM
Cornelia street Cafe
29 Cornelia St., NYC
(reservations recommended!)

All musicians who have so far recorded for ScienSonic Laboratories will be present for this very special evening of "Experiential Music for Adventurous Listeners":

SATURN NEWSGROUP - On 8/24/2011 6:14 PM, Jim Newman wrote:

As the producer of the film Space is the Place, I'd like to clear the air regarding certain assumptions and misconceptions. There is no "Sun Ra edit" of the film. The film was originally edited under the supervision of Barbara Pokras at her LA studio, and the longer version released on DVD by Plexifilm is that version. They (Plexi) decided to refer to it as the "director's cut" as a marketing decision. The director John Coney had nothing to do with it, although both he and I endorsed that decision after it was made.  Plexifilm currently holds no distribution rights to the film. It is being prepared for release by another company, based in San Francisco. That will most probably be the same version as edited by Pokras and released by Plexi.

The shorter VHS version (with scenes cut with the help of Mark Gorney) was released by Bruce Ritter of Rhapsody Films. Bruce decided (apparently for financial reasons) to stopped reporting sales after a few years into his contract. I had to hire lawyers to force him to release essential materials. I have no idea what he owed us, since he didn't continue to report sales.

The VHS version was edited in part to respond to Sun Ra's continuing to express his hope that the film contain more beauty. Specific scenes (i.e. those that were cut) never were a part of any of our discussions with Sun Ra. There was also a feeling that a shorter version would conform better to potential TV distribution deals. None ever materialized. I sat in on a number of viewing sessions with Ra, all of which included the scenes that were cut from the VHS version. He and his entourage laughed throughout and seemed to be enjoying themselves. At one point I shipped several boxes of outtakes, work print material that was shot during the production. This was done to allow him to have some hands on experience with the materials and to see if he could put together something that would better express his idea of "beauty." Nothing ever came of this effort - at least nothing that I ever saw.

That's pretty much the story as I lived through it during the 70s and early 80s.

Jim Newman, Producer

SATURN NEWSGROUP - On 8/24/2011, Tobias adds

Thanks Jim for your verification here of what John Szwed documents in his book Space Is The Place, pp 331-333. For those interested, Ra appeared to waver concerning his opinion of the film. According to Szwed, Ra "seemed to enjoy the humor in sone of the sex scenes at first" (332), even though he later asked for them to be removed in 1973. Yet, when granted the oppportunity by Jim, Ra did not produce his own cut. Much later, as Szwed writes, Ra seemed to want them back in:

"And by 1988 he [Ra] bitterly talked about putting even the objectionable scenes back in ("I want to put earth things back in there so I deceive people a bit. I want them to think that I'm a phony.")" (333). 

So regardless of whether one likes the blaxploitation scenes or not, they do serve a purpose in regards to Ra's vision of the film. I don't see them as extraneous to Ra's message; they are scenes that depict everything Ra is not. They show the evil he is fighting against. This can even be seen as a double-parody: it is blaxploitation itself Ra is fighting, precisely by countering blaxploitation with Afrofuturism in a film that is both yet neither.

What I remain curious about, however, is that the DVD did not include the restored version of what Szwed describes as "a scene in which Sun Ra saves some white people" (332).
I am curious if this scene ever existed.
Frankly I am glad the nearly-complete 90 minute version exists on DVD. When
Szwed wrote his book, the film is described as more or less completely lost.
I'd love to see the cutting-room tapes and whatever remains of the outtakes.
Restoring this for archival and historical purposes would be worthy.



performing the music of Sun Ra


  • numoonfest #6


performing the music of sun ra


related discography

  pete la roca: turkish women at the bath
    (1967, lp, usa, douglas records) - feat. john gilmore 

pete_la_roca_turkishwomen.jpg (26809 bytes)

  ronny boykins: the will come, is now
    (1975, lp, usa, esp-disk) - re-released on cd on esp-disk in 2009

boykins_lp.jpg (25823 bytes)

  phil alvin: un sung stories
    (1986, lp, usa, slash recordings) - feat. sun ra & his arkestra

phil_alvin_unsung.jpg (37731 bytes)

  roger miller: oh
    (1988, lp, usa, forced exposure) - incl. 'space is the place' (sun ra)

roger_miller_oh.jpg (15448 bytes)

  brian ritchie: sun ra: man from outer space
    (1989, cd3”, usa, sst records)

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  the residents: daydream b-liver
    (1991, cd, usa, uweb 005) -
incl. 'space is the place' (sun ra) and 'king kong' (frank zappa)

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  your neighborhood saxophone quartet: plutonian nights - the music of sun ra
    (1991, cd, usa, coppens) - all compositions by sun ra

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  ugly papas: papa rules, ok?
    (1992, cd, bel, indisc) - incl. 'the satellites are spinning' (sun ra)

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  david greenberger: the duplex planet hour
    (1993, cd, usa, esd) - feat. terry adams, tyrone hill

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  dump: superpowerless
    (1993, cd, nl, brinkman records brcd 013) - incl. 'outer spaceways' (sun ra)

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  u.n.k.l.e.: the time has come - a tribute to sun ra
    (1994, cdep, uk, mo wax)

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  the oakland elementary school arkestra: big music, little musicians
    (1994, cd, usa, modern harmonic) - incl. 'planet earth' (sun ra)
  various artists: wavelength infinity - a sun ra tribute
    (1995, 2cd, usa, rastascan) = a sun ra tribute album

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myth-science: love in outer space
    (1995, cd, usa, knitting factory works kfw 183) - all compositions by sun ra

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  gary lucas: evangeline
    (1996, cd, usa, zensor zs 152) - incl. ‘ah feel like as syd’ (g.lucas) a reference to a beefheart song, and 'interstellar low ways' (sun ra)

  the oakland elementary school arkestra: the thornhilll sound
    (1997, k7, usa, private release) - including various sun ra compositions, feat. marshall allen
  vandermark / drake / mcbride: spaceways incorporated - thirteen cosmic standards by sun ra & funkadelic
    (2000, cd, usa, atavistic alp120cd) - incl. various sun ra compositions

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ken field's revolutionary snake ensemble: year of the snake
    (2003, cd, usa, innova recordings innova 599) - incl. 'a call for all demons' (sun ra)

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toolshed: love in outer space
    (2003, 7", ??, twisted nerve) - incl. 'love in outer space' (sun ra)

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  various artists: sun ra dedication - the myth lives on
    (2003, 2lp, nl, kindred spirits) - all compositions by sun ra

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  ig culture: space is the place
    (2003, 12", nl, kindred spirits) - incl. two remixes of 'space is the place' (sun ra)

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  nrbq: interstellar
    (2003, 10", usa, sundazed)

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  zu & spaceways incorporated: radiale
    (2004, cd, usa, atavistic) - incl. sun ra compositions

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  terry adams & marshall allen: ten by two
    (2005, cd, usa, edisun) - incl. interstellar low ways  (sun ra)

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  franco saint de bakker: live at the ancienne belgique
    (2004, cd, bel, heavenhotel hh 0501) - incl. 'powerhouse' (raymond scott), 'angels and demons at play' (sun ra)

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  chadbourne: the hills have jazz
    (2005, cd, usa, boxholder records  bxh 046) - incl. 'space jazz reverie' (sun ra)

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  salah ragab and the cairo jazz band: a tribute to sun ra / latino in cairo
    (2007, 7", uk, art yard 45001ep) - tribute to sun ra  //  re-released with picture sleeve in 2014

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  francisco mora: outerzone
    (2007, cd, usa, outerzone) - feat.marshall allen

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  forgotten fish memory orchestra: if i had a hi-fi
    (2007, cd, nl, noh-bo records) - incl. 'kingdom of not' (sun ra)

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  knoel scott: live in alaska
    (2007, cd, usa, bmp records) 

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  mike reed's people, places & things: proliferation
    (2008, cd, usa, 482 music 482-1060) - incl. 'planet earth' and 'saturn' (sun ra)

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  the respect sextet: sirius respect - the respect sextet play the music of sun ra & stockhausen
    (2009, cd, usa, mode avant 06) - incl. various sun ra compositions

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  sunn o))): monoliths & dimensions
    (2009, lp, uk, southern lord) - feat.julian priester

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  planet d nonet: ballads, blues & beyond
    (2010, cd, usa, eastlawn records) - incl. 'saturn' (sun ra)
  mike reed's people, places & things: stories and negotiations
    (2010, cd, usa, 482 music 482-1070) - feat. julian priester // incl. 'el is a sound of joy' (sun ra)

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  planet d nonet: we travel the spaceways - the music of sun ra
    (2010, 2cd, usa, eastlawn records) - all compositions by sun ra

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  various artists: fabric 57 (mixed by agoria)
    (2011, cd, uk, fabric 113) - includes a remix of sun ra's 'somebody else's idea'

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  mike huckaby: the mike huckaby reel-to-reel edits volume 1 - sun ra
    (2011, 12", uk, art yard) - sun ra remixed

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  various artists: interplanetary remixes - wfmu reinterprets the music of sun ra
    (2011, cd, usa, wfmu) - sun ra remixed by wfmu dj's

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  mike huckaby: the mike huckaby reel-to-reel edits volume 2 - sun ra
    (2011, 12", uk, art yard) - sun ra remixed

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  various artists: the international waitawhile sun ra conventions
    (2012, 5cd, ger, mimas atlas #12) - sun ra tributes

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  brian harnetty: the sociophonic key
    (2012, 7", usa, scioto records sr-004) - sun ra collage

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  heliocentric counterblast: a tribute to sun ra
    (2012, cd, ger, enja records / codaex) - feat. nikolaus neuser and kathrin lemke

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  zombie zombie: rocket number 9
    (2012, 12", france, versatile records ver079) - 'rocket number 9' (sun ra)

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  living by lanterns: new myth / old science
    (2012, cd, usa, cuneiform records rune 345) =  jason adasiewicz & mike reed  //  compositions based on unpublished compositions and improvisations by sun ra

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  dans dans: dans dans
    (2012, lp + cdr, be, private release) - incl. 'el is a sound', 'lanquidity' (sun ra)

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  patti smith: banga
    (2012, cd, usa, columbia) - incl. 'tarkovsky (the second stop is jupiter)' (patti smith / sun ra)

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  joe: fiedler: big sackbut
    (2012, cd, usa, yellow sound label) - incl. 'a call for all demons' (sun ra), 'blabber and smoke' (don van vliet)

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  thomas de pourquery & supersonic: play sun ra
    (2013, cd, france, quark records) - all compositions by sun ra

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  brainiac five: space is the place
    (2013, 10"ep, uk, shagrat records)

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  lady gaga: artpop
    (2013, cd, usa, interscope) - samples zombie zombie's 'rocket number 9' (sun ra)

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  dans dans: I/II
    (2013, 2lp + cd, bel, unday records unday018lp)
- incl. 'ancient aietopia' (sun ra)

  the sun ra ensemble: klee's machine
    (2013, cd, usa, vineyard records) - sun ra tribute, feat. marshall allen and luqman ali

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  salah ragab and the cairo jazz band: a tribute to sun ra / latino in cairo
    (2014, 7", uk, art yard 45001ep) - tribute to sun ra  //  re-release of the 2007 single

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  dans dans: live at roma
    (2014, k7, bel, unday records unday034cas) - incl. 'ancient aietopia' (sun ra)

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  musikfabrik: edition musikfabrik 08 - graffiti
    (2014, cd, ger, wergo 68612) - incl. 'outer nothingness', pleiades'  (sun ra)
editionmusikfabrik08.jpg (22454 bytes)
  heliocentric counterblast: planetary tunes
    (2014, cd, ger, enja records) - incl. various sun ra compositions
  sciensonic laboratories: heliocentric worlds
    (announced, cd, usa, ??) - feat. marshall allen and danny thompson  (scheduled for november 2015)
  the residents: daydream b-liver
    (2016, cd, austria, klanggalerie gg222) - re-issue of the 1991 album with different artwork / incl. 'space is the place' (sun ra) and 'king kong' (frank zappa)

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  sun ra / merzbow: strange city
    (2016, cd, uk, cold spring)
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  sun ra / merzbow: strange city
    (2016, cd, uk, cold spring)
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  nrbq: high noon
    (2016, 5cd, usa, omnivore) - incl. sun ra compositions
  doc chad contemporary rock band: old dog
    (2016, cdr, usa, private release / house of chadula) - incl. 'satellites are spinning' (sun ra)

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  eugene chadbourne: the divine
    (2016, cdr, usa, private release / house of chadula) - incl. 'lick my decals off'  (don van vliet), satellites are spinning  (sun ra)

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  knoel scott: bebop and beyond
    (2017, cd, usa expubidence publishing)

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  sciensonic laboratories: heliocentric worlds
    (2017, cd, usa, sciensonic ss10) = sun ra tribute / feat. marshall allen and danny thompson

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  ugly papas: atomium pluto
    (2017, cd, bel, mayway records) - incl. 'the satellites are spinning' (sun ra)

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  plan b: from outer space
    (2018, lp, usa, roaratorio) - includes sun ra tribute
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  the oakland elementary school arkestra: the saga of padani
    (2018, cd, usa, modern harmonic) - including various sun ra compositions, feat. marshall allen  //  compilation of a 1994 album and a 1997 cassette release




-- additional data: Danny Mathys



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soundtracks various artists